SC2 is analogous to so many real-life problems. If you want to understand real-life, you need to study SC2. IF you look at how economics play out in the late game of SC2, minerals and gas become worth less and less to the point they are almost worthless. What becomes valuable are things that can affect tens of thousands of resources, such as map control. So late game economies always scale towards map control. Eventually the world economy will be overrun with every product imaginable, every person will be so rich he can buy anything he wants. It’s identical.
You can also make comparisons between how armies engage in free market transactions. If you want something that someone else has, and you go and take it, there is a price to pay that far exceeds the value of the object. So you have to negotiate what you are willing to give up in exchange for the thing you want. It’s the same when medivacs are harassing the zerg. He wants to get some value. He wants to deny creep. He wants to kill queens. The zerg wants to push his creep out and secure his bases. So the zerg is willing to give up zerglings in exchange for control of the map allowing his bases to go up and his creep to spread. It’s literally identical. You can treat free market transactions as a form of combat. You negotiate what you are willing to give up every time you choose to fight or to not fight. Fights happen when both players agree it’s a fair trade but it never is so whoever is slightly better at guessing their advantage will get the advantage in the trade.
You can draw comparisons between the systems of SC2 and how they are so ludicrously complex that they are effectively a blackbox system. You can never understand how the entire system and all its internals work, but you can feed inputs into the system and generate correlations between those inputs and the outputs. That’s exactly how complex societal mechanisms like the FBI works. Nobody knows how the FBI, in its entirety, works. Nobody knows how the stock market works. Nobody knows how the economy works. These are all examples of blackboxes just like SC2.
This is actually hilariously wrong, because using your own sources, the average APM for bronze league zergs is 92. Presumably there are more than 30 or even 50 zerg players in bronze league even just on NA. More to the point, again using your own source for the data, zerg average APM is almost 30 higher than terran or protoss… but theyre still in bronze.
Not anymore quite frankly. He has gone as far as lashing out at other people who aren’t even deeply invested into the game just because they have called out the errors in his “work.” Then he hits himself in the head hard enough to forget entire discussions and then goes back to square one with posts like these. He has absolutely no idea what he is talking about, and anyone that follows him is either in it for the drama, the mutual hatred for Protoss, or they are too dense to see the flaws behind the statistics.
There’s a channel that’s been established for the last 4 years of Protoss bouncing between 50% and 55%. If things were fair, that channel would be between 47.5% and 52%.
I dont get these guys. Its simple fact that protoss has been favored in the match up for the last few years. Is it impossible to win against protoss? No, but you are at a slight to medium disadvantage which is more and more important the higher in league you are. For master and gm players, it feels a bit unfair. How can they not even acknowledge this. I’m not saying its impossible to win like cheesetown, batman, batz and other nutcases. Protoss is slightly op and its not really up to discussion.
The issue is that while it’s only slightly OP, the race is by far the easiest, which is why they absolutely murder on the ladder. They should try to raise the skill ceiling of the race, but it’s kind of dead now.
Then you don’t understand the math. If the skill representation is equal, then it’s split something ridiculous like 19:1 in Protoss’ favor. The path to victory for the Protoss is always wide and short. The path to victory for the zerg is long, narrow and winding.
With the APM/MMR correlation detailed in this thread, we can calculate the true skill level of APEs in GM. This equation maps APM to MMR with an R2 value of 0.998:
When a player expands, while attacking, while worker dropping while producing units, and the other player just fights and or makes structures in the same time I’d tip the first player will win.
More action → more possible benefits
I’m not talking about mindless clickling or holding down drone button. I subtract those from the actual meaningful actions. (Or count them as one action)
That’s the “Airplanes can crash therefore crashing is the typical mode in which airplanes behave” argument or the “lava is hot therefore the whole Earth is as hot as lava” or the “Bill gates is a billionaire therefore all people are billionaires”.
APM spam can and does happen, but in 99.999999999% of cases it doesn’t or isn’t impactful (averages out in the sample). For APM spam to matter, it would have to be so common that there would be basically little or no correlation between APM and other factors, which is obviously false since APM correlates with win-rate at 0.65. These people are also thinking about how APM can vary from game to game, while this is talking about each players’ AVERAGE apm across all games they have played, which are two very different concepts.
People crying about APM spam is just another drop in the bucket about how laymen don’t understand statistical concepts in the slightest. The vast majority of logical fallacies are statistical in nature and this one (hasty generalization) is no exception. They take extremely rare hyperbolic examples and extrapolate their understanding of the whole game based on those.
If I get higher apm because I use and hold down the a button, to print 22 marines, that doesn’t mean i’m perfoming 22 actions. I decided to make 22 marines in that second.
These apm get counted in my player average.
Playing with Terran I expect to have a slightly higher apm than with Protoss and a slightly lower than with Zerg.
Zerg uses more printing for unit production and creep tumor placing. Both Terran and Zerg use more printing than Protoss due to warpin being limitied by the number of gateways.
Yep, build 80 lings and it will be like 800apm for 3s= 2400 actions to make only 80 units. Same for tumors,hold down the key,cross the mouse over the screen and you have 800 actions.
In a game where decisions have to be made in 0.1 seconds, bronze league clowns will tell you holding down a button for 22x instead of 1x isn’t 22x the cost.
Which is a higher cost to pay, more difficult, and requires more skill to do. If these mechanics are only an “inflation”, then you won’t object if we add this “inflation” to Terran and Protoss, RIGHT? Of course you will object because the difficulty of Protoss would triple because rapid fire abilities represent difficult mechanics that Protoss don’t have to do.