Advice for playing Alarak?

I’m assuming you mixed those two up…

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Alarak is one of the toughest commanders to play IMO. Not that he’s weak–he’s quite strong if you play him right–but one mistake and you’re screwed. Tips for Alarak:

  1. Always always always have supplicants with the army. Alarak is powerful, but he lives on the front line. If you run out of supplicants and Alarak is still getting hammered, he’ll chow down on wrathwalkers, fully-buffed ascendants, whatever. Don’t let it get to that point.

  2. Bring a war prism with your army. You can use it to warp in supplicants to the front line (see point #1), and you can also overcharge it in a pinch.

  3. The Death Fleet’s purpose is not combat power; it’s mobility. Alarak’s army is fearsome but super slow. The Death Fleet’s teleport is your only way to get him across the map in a hurry, so save it for when you need to be in two places at once.

  4. Learn the many uses of Destruction Wave:

  • AoE damage for clearing weak enemies like marines and lings.
  • To buy time against an oncoming wave (while you rush out units, get Overcharge off cooldown, etc.), push the wave straight backward.
  • Against tough enemies like hybrids, push them sideways, so they stay the same distance from your deathball. They can’t fight while flying through the air, and your guys keep shooting them.
  • Against medium-weight enemies, throw them straight into your deathball, where they will die before recovering.
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One quick question.

If i have 40 supplicants with my Alarak, is there any wave that can kill my alarak before he kills the wave?

I would think…

  1. Sky Terran
  2. Shadow Terran (Maybe… Cyclones packs a punch)
  3. Mech Terran (Odin)
  4. Sky Protoss (Tempest)
  5. Arbiter Protoss
  6. Reaver Protoss
  7. Sky Zerg (Broodlord)

But realistically speaking, I would say no waves can because Alarak can just turn on Empower me and it will easily end.

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That’s like asking if you had Kerrigan, realistically would you die to anything.

The answer is always no if you controlled the hero unit well. In this case, with or without 40 supplicant. If you have crappy gameplay, even 80 supplicant won’t save you.

hmm, may be will recommend that.

No. Stalkers are clumpy and are dying alot. Ascendants just stay here and throw orbs. Or you can easily shoot orb on the move by repeating move command while rapidfiring orbs. Stalkers can’t attack on the move and need constant babysitting with stutter-step + microing blink for less result than ascendants.

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I like how OP is trying to level Alarak but everyone is talking about max mastery Alarak build orders and army compositions


This isn’t really true. You can do various builds with Alarak pre-15 that also work post 15. I would know, given that I main the Commander and have already finished the full prestige grind for him and wrote a guide on it.

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For me, I find I simply cannot micro ascendants and they die way too quickly (need a separate control group and those suckers move very slowly, slowing down the whole army. The orb attack is triggered at where you cast the ability, similar to destruction wave, not fun for me). I used to mix a bunch of Wrathwalkers, vanguards into supplicant army. Nowadays, I just brute force and mass stalkers every game. Yes, it needs micro and babysitting for best effort, but at least I can practice blink micro and slayers are arguably the best stalkers among all Protoss stalkers. All the excessive gas then dump into havoc as each havoc can target different enemies, increasing the damage output of those locked ones.

For P3, I just anchor my eco to build mothership asap while continue building supplicants and some havoc out of gateway. Warp gate is not needed for P3 imo. Just rally units to somewhere and you are ok. They can even act as token defenses and slow down enemy waves while I send my main army to help.

One more point for mass stalker build. I just build my bases all over the map (Malwarfare). I can warp in, overcharge and add more gateways as time goes on.

Well, if your mothership dies shortly after spawning for whatever reason, you will need to wait another 360s to build a new one.
Maybe I am wrong here.

I often find I need 13-15, sometimes even more gateways to quickly rebuild a dead army of slayers. Tanks, liberators, baneling with disabling cloud, storms etc. Those stuff just smash mass slayer like no tomorrow. 10 gateway is bare minimum.

Ascendants are more difficult to control thanks to how their orb fires. I find it annoying to use even with rapid-fire. Less fun to use than HT. Maybe thats just me. Slayers are difficult to control, but at least those are just stalkers with damage prevention skill, so any protoss player can pick it up just fine.

Without combat shield.

I gave you advice, your thing to take it or not. And you agreed that stalkers are hard to control. No point in discussing this further. When you use rapid fire for 1-5 sec and everything just dies it’s far easier than constant microing stalkers, which you agree. Question was not about annoying but about simplicity and effectiveness. Ascendants are simplier, and more effective vs enemy waves and singular enemies. Stalkers are more complex but handle fast maps better and handle enemy bases better. Robo is kinda slow to kill enemies but good vs structures which helps vs building objectives. The most simple to use here is ascendant. It don’t mean you are obligated to use it.

With P3 is it good to get 1-2 sets of safety supplicants before the mothership?

My mothership build accompanies with lots of supplicants and havocs as alarak still needs ground support and detection. My early mineral allows me to build 4-6 supplicants that can help distract early waves. Later on, supplicants can prevent destroyers getting sacrificed, also a nice mineral dump.

What I’m asking if one should make supplications before the mothership, or go fast double gas, late gateway, save 400 / 400, then mothership, then units?

I’ve been getting gateway, sometimes expo or cybernetic core, and 1-2 sets of supplications for Alarak safety before the mothership. Instead of just full on rushing it out. It’s still rushed but not rushed as fast I could do it.

Yes, that’s what I do. I don’t all in mothership. Cyber core and supplicants still part of my early build. I just bank 400 gas for mothership.

Spam Alarak’s skills, charge and wave. Use whatever build you feel that is best for enemy comp. Have prism follow your army around to warp in reinforcements and overcharge. Nothing much to say than that.

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Yes, without combat shield. If you’re using DW for the damage, it is almost certainly early game, so Amon’s marines won’t be upgraded.

Absolutely. It’s always fine, but if you’re confident with your Alarak only gameplay, then you don’t 100% need it.

Early on, yes. They do. But as they build up, they get bigger and are extremely hard to kill unless you get EMPed.

This is actually a very bad thing to do. You only need 2 to 6 Havocs at most, since it’s only a 30% damage boost that they provide (unlike H&H’s Ravens which provide flat damage bonuses.) Force Fields are also super bad right now.

Warp-in speed > Gateway production speed. It’s just faster and smarter to make use of the Warp Gates.

Just make a War Prism. It’s literally that easy. Mobile Overcharge and power fields.

This is correct. If your Mothership dies immediately after spawning, you have to wait the full duration of the cooldown (which starts immediately upon the Mothership being summoned.)

It is just you. They’re meant to be kiting units. You throw some orbs, walk away. Throw some orbs, walk away. Simple.

Sorry for multiple posts. Blizzard forum on Safari does NOT support combining multiple quotes into one giant post.
Ok so I did the whole combine thing manually. Jesus.

I used to do so, and find warp prism got easily shot down by a lot of stuff, and I then need to build another one from scratch. Plus it costs supply.

Fair enough.

Not when warp gate hotkey is bugged. Yes I know it’s faster and I can build units anywhere with a power field. It’s just too much work for me right now to separately throw warp gate into a control group and control that way at the moment like Neeb.

Well, havocs can easily got aoe-ed by a lot of stuff. So I need a lot of replacements after big fight etc. Sometimes force fields can also be fun.

Looking at your posts, your entire problem is that you’re too lazy to properly play Alarak. Alarak isn’t a mindless a-move GG deathball like most other Commanders. He’s a high APM, high risk - high reward Commander that rewards players for playing well. I have no issues putting my Warp Gates on their own hotkey until the bug gets fixed, given that I already hotkey my army, spellcasters, War Prism, Forges, Robotics Facilities, Nexi, etc. In any given game, 7 of my 10 hotkey groups are in use.