Achievement to unlock co-op difficulty

I know right… I 100% always go to the expansion in both parts and parcel and scythe of amon, fast expanding is very important!

Some sort of placement matches and “mmr” system for co-op would be awesome.
thx for the idea!

(i.e. as simple as

  • “win” = factor of 2 and “loss” = factor of say 0.5 or 0.1
  • 2nd factor for difficulty
  • 3rd factor for map (some maps are more difficult - you could base that on how many players won/lost on this map on average)

So overall you need to have a minimum amount of “co-op mmr” to play a map on a certain difficulty.

Or just base it on the amount of game points you get on average (ressources mined, units killed, units produced). Maybe that would be the easiest way.
Maybe always the average of the last 10 games or so.

Bliz do know about this situation and they just don’t want to solve it. Once they promised to add leagues into co-op so pros would only play with pros. But they gladly forgotten this promise. If noobs will loose the option to be carried they will not buy that much stuff and Bliz will probably loose money (at least they think so). So technically we WORK for free on them, carrying leeches.

But if we just want to dream here are several solutions:

  • Leagues. You CAN launch brutal but you will get there with equal player only.
  • Player can’t launch hard till he wins normal, and same with brutal. He is immediately promoted down if he looses 2 games.
  • Pro and leech still can get in 1 game but if one player made less than 60% he gets only half the points and you get his part. If noob made less than 30% he gets nothing and you get 200% for carriage.
  • Noob who is always carried gets anti-achievement “Who lives on the bottom” which gives minus 1000 points. Pro who carried much leeches gets achievement “Solo player”.
  • Or even all of this at once.

Of course this is just a dream, they will never do this.

For now we have only 1 solution. See the noob starting a game with you - quit right away and PM him to play on easy only. If everybody did the same, there would be no parasites already.

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The ones complaining about how hard it is to carry “noobs” need to realise that they themselves are not as good as they think they are if can’t basically solo the mission without breaking a sweat on brutal. As long as your ally is at least trying, you basically should breeze through any map. So think about that for a moment before you try to act an elitist tryhard.

And don’t try to instruct your ally on what to do and how to play the game. That comes off as extremely patronising and rude. Let them play the game the way they think is right, and who knows, maybe 1 out of 10 times they’re right and actually know what they’re doing regardless of how “good you are at SC2”. The OP might be used to Versus, but if they hope to enjoy Co-op, then they simply need to acknowledge that this is an entirely different game mode and come into it with the right attitude. That’s common sense.

Personally, I’m against leagues and any sort of MMR requirement in Co-op. It goes against the fun and casual nature of the game mode and that kind of toxicity is better left in Versus. I don’t even know where some of you find your allies, I’ve never had any real issues with my Co-Op partners (unless of course they’re one of those tryhard elitists I’ve spoken about who try to dictate how I should play the game), they’re usually competent and contribute in some way or another and we start and end our games with pleasant words.


With some COs, I got bored on Hard, but did lose on Brutal at times. Me… “having fun” is losing on Brutal rather than just relatively coasting through hard. I’ve learned as much, if not more, from losing to Brutal games.

How about this: you get the same amount of experience points, no matter what difficulty you select. That way people wouldn’t be drawn towards higher difficulties just to get carried.

Or: experience points are drawn from the same pool. The better you preform (% of kills, % of damage done to objectives, % of time spent near Ji’nara or Locks alone, etc.), the higher amount of experience you get. That would make carrying someone at least pay off.

And probably introduce far worse behaviour whereby you actively try to prevent your ally from contributing to net the bigger XP pool.

I think all of this is unnecessary in co-op. Over all the probably 1000’s of games I have played now, I think I can still count on 2 hands the number of truly toxic players.
Probably 1 hand for the most egregious.

Even with my weakest commander, ill give it a shot to try for the win even with a total newbie. If anything, its a challenge. I dont care if we loose…precisely because there is no MMR or ranking or ladder I need to maintain.


Honestly it’s pretty rare that I get an ally that has absolutely no idea what they’re doing on Americas server.

I’m talking like allies who open with like 20 Pylons, put 10+ workers on a Gas Geyser, 4 forge, or never take their expo.

Even the allies who open with multiple Cannons in their mineral line or never use their hero abilities/calldowns can probably handle non-mutation Brutal if matched with a similarly skilled player. This is assuming they’ve made some progress leveling their commander.

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I played several games and if i said i played one game which was evenly matched i would lie , levels sadly matter very little. Some players go clean rocks with dehaka at the beginning , even if they are mastery 700 + or build less than 10 units at 15 min mark , or will rather clean enemy base somewhere at the opposite site , while not pushing or doing the main objective. I must say im happy i maxed with coop , would probably quit the game if i had to play with these allies.

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How annoying is that. Instead of leveling to 5-6 level they swinging at the rocks.

Thats the Mystery of COOP - high Mastery doesn’t mean better skills/gameplay. In fact i’m seeing the reverse :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s probably people that farmed void trasher non-stop for a while to get max ascension. I’m always suspicious of people with max ascension but then again ascension has been out long enough that a lot of people that play normally are getting max already so it’s becoming less clear.

Suspiciously, literally every single person to ever complain about bad allies has a “you defend I attack story”. You know that someone saying that is my fastest signal I’m going to have to carry?


Levels in coop never correlated with skill. Even someone who can barely beat Casual, but puts in the time will get to lv1000 Ascension eventually. It’s not like they’re some ELO rating system.

Ditto with Sc1. You do the command on someone’s profile. Them having something like a 1000-5-1 record doesn’t mean they’ve won that many matches against people. The could’ve just been “comp stomping” all that time.

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  1. I like the idea of bonus xp for good macro.
    Maybe something like earned minerals and damage on objective / gathered parts. This way people will actually try to macro which should be the goal for CO-OP imho. If you macro well in CO-OP, you can do well on the 1v1 ladder.

  2. As one or two people already said:
    If you have any kind of goal that MIGHT imply not working as a team will make a lot of players destroy their team mates base to get 2x xp.


I like this idea. Maybe something in there for minerals spent as well? After all, minerals/gas are no good if they aren’t being used.
I can already see a few ways this can backfire, but still.


This would be horrific, 2 games is WAY too little to get demoted. Sometimes you might just have a bad day, god forbid if you’re attempting one of the harder mutators.


We play co-op for fun, not the fun from carrying noobs who do not even try to learn the game but who still get the free XP/bonus.

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Experience for resources collected and spent?
“You just unleashed a nightmare on all of us Raynor. Heaven help you now”

(Bring me my MULE remote)


I’d be fine with that. Haven’t seen a single player choosing Raynor and building a ton of extra OCs & production. (but a ton of people not even upgrading the CC).

I’m fine with people rushing units as long as it works - even with bad macro but I would still open 2-3 CC asap any time.

Kerrigan is similar:
If you’ve got great creep spread and use a ton of free nydus worms, your team mate will be able to play way better. (while spending your ressources of course)