Abathur's P2 Deep Tunnel?!?

OK, so I unlocked Deep Tunnel for Abathur’s P2, level 9, finally, however, when I used DT, deep tunnel, with my brutalisks and roaches both selected, it only allows the brutalisks to tunnel, not both roaches and brutalisks, even though the roaches can DT. I have to select my roaches manually, and DT them to where I DT’d my brutalisks. Call me crazy, but, you should be able to DT both your brutalisks and roaches, when they both have DT, and selected at the same time. Thoughts?


I believe they don’t Deep Tunnel at the same time because it’s a different Deep Tunnel ability. The effect is the same, but the cooldown is much lower on the Brutalisks.

This behavior is consistent with Zeratul and his Blinks. If you select Zeratul and an army of Dark Templar and use the hotkey for blink, all teleport at the same time.
However, if you select Zeratul + an army of Ambushers, only Zeratul will blink. So his blink is the same as his Templar, but the Ambushers use a different type of teleport.

That said, I would love if it would behave like you suggested.


If they could synchronize the cooldown, that’d be great too. I’d love to have units tunneling everywhere so frequently.

but even the hotkey is different. Idk about other setups, but on grid the hotkey is ‘x’ for the roach/ravager and I believe ‘v’ for brutalisks.

I’m using the “default” hotkeys, and they are both “D” for me.

If it was synchronised, that would be cool, yet, it’s understandable why it’s not. What I don’t get is why they don’t go together, if the roach’s are on cooldown, then they shouldn’t be able to Deep Tunnel with the brutalisks, however, when they’re off cooldown, they should be able to, XD.

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I did all P with Abathur but always as vanilla so didn’t test them. I wasted my time as I prefer p0
BUT maybe it’s bc brutes don’t need vision while the rest do?

Same burrow problem with Dehaka’s Impalers and Creeper/Primal Hosts.
They really should link the burrow/unburrow/deep burrow abilities together for convenience sake.

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well Abathur’s P2 says DT doesn’t require vision…on Swarm Hosts…I’m fairly certain that it includes roach’s and ravagers too

is it that hard to use two hotkeys? I just click mouse 5 to cycle between selected units and hit the two hotkeys in sequence, brutas first to tank hits army second to clean up, they are rarely apart for more than a second or two.

Lol no it’s not hard, but your “mouse 5” lol. That’s just funny. It’s like, “don’t you all have a 5th mouse button assigned to tab??” xD.

well admittedly I’m not particularly up on mouse tech so for all I know they come with more buttons, the one I have is 9 years old.

I’m just figuring this out XD, but the tab cycles between the units, so I guess I need to use the tab button more frequently, lol. I usually would DT the brutalisks, then ctrl-click the roaches, but using the tab button is much faster. Also, call me crazy, but the Roaches seem to DT faster than the brutalisks…and to compensate it, they have a longer cooldown.

Oh, and question, which does everyone prefer, Abathur’s P2, or P3? I’m eventually going to get his P3, so I’m wondering what prestige’s you all prefer on Abathur. Abathur’s Queens collect biomass faster, so it seems, and I was thinking of going mass queens on his P3, what do you think?

P2 by far. You can get more UEs as P3 but at a much slower rate. The game is usually over before you can mass a crazy amount.

P2 is just extra bonus all around.

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My mouse has 2 buttons and a scroll wheel, just the way I like it.

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Yeah, going from 2 mouse buttons to 2 buttons and 1 wheel is a big enough advancement for me.

I think it’s safe to say most people have a very basic and standard mouse for computer use and not gaming use.

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