2019 WCS Global Finals Topic

Nathanias spitting truth

maru mechanics overrated af

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Some of his GSL wins were due to abusing different meta units(Mass AAM Ravens and Proxy Cyclones).

Both strategies I despise.

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Yeah so far all these games have been great. Feeling blessed.

Yeah so far all these games have been great. Feeling blessed.

Want to know why it’s good today?.

No swarm hosts.

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mArU bEsT mEcHaNiCs In ThE wOrLd

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No surprises that INnoVation’s practice partner won Kappa

Just a suspicion, but since this was going to be the only TvT he had to play the entire tournament I wouldn’t be overly surprised if Maru hadn’t been practicing the matchup much at all. Might have been looking past the weakest player in the group and it bit him in the rear.

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maru, the supposed 4th race, shouldnt have to practice much to beat a 19 year old journeyman player

maru cannot abuse terran racial advantages which is why he fears tvt so much

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Not usually super hyped for PvZ but Serral and Stats are both my favourite players from their respective races, can’t wait!

Are you ready for SH and Infestors?

I am ready to watch two of my favourite players and not complain about balance yes

Where did I say either unit was OP? :thinking:

TvT is the one matchup where if a terran falls behind he is definitely dead. That’s because tanks control the ground, liberators control the tanks, and vikings control the liberators. If you fall behind, you lose the air war and nothing else matters.

Compared to TvP the terran backs up into his simcity and mails out a drop knowing the protoss wants to push with the lead he has. The terran holds the attack thanks to a ludicrous defenders advantage while the drop obliterates the protoss eco and puts the terran ahead. Terran has to fall REALLY far behind in order to actually be behind in TvZ and TvP.

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You didn’t, just going off the general forum sentiments

Why did you mention those two units? Why not “are you ready for ling baneling”?

Because of how group A went.

Lambo said SH Nydus is predominantly a Korean style, so we may see something else from Serral

Plus Stats usually has a cool build or two

Following that logic, you also could have said “are you ready for immortal archon?” But you did choose infestor swarmhost. Why?

yea terran massive margin for error, ability to come back from massive deficits, and just overall ability do so much with so little is absurd.

GSL Zerg and Protoss players own half the map and are ahead in basically every factor of the game - economy, map control, tech, supply, bank, etc - and then one so called “bad engagement” and Terran gains the advantage despite getting outplayed for the first 20 minutes. Absurd.

“hE aTtAcKeD iNtO a PlAnEtArY fOrTrEsS tHoUgH” - Terran worshippers

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