Here is a crazy idea, (feel free to troll/shill for blizz, etc)

Simply Zero out all the numbers. Have EVERY single account start as a new account with NO history.

… and to top that off, set everyone’s rank in the dead center of all ranks. (Plat?)… Let players either rank up or down from there.

Smurf accounts and their carries would automatically start high, and potentially be of less use. Everyone else, after the “dust settles” will eventually rank up or down to their respective tier.

… and just for kicks, have an option where competitive players can pay a one time fee ($50?) to create a full time premium account where you can choose to ONLY play with other premium account holders.

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Generally a full reset is bad idea… but this would be awful.

Half, if not more, of the player base would just rage quit when they constantly lose from plat to silver/bronze.

No, leave ranks as is, just get rid of MMR and use SR for everything. Tired of getting calibrated down every time I climb because MMR says so.



(I’ll take 20 characters for 200, Alex)

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That would be unnecessary.

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Sounds too much of a hassle. They just need to copy Apex Legends’ old ranking system and start everyone in bronze. They won’t have to reset MMR’s or anything. This way each season, everyone just gets brought down 1 tier from their last seasons placement. The idea is to reduce Cheaters and Smurfs. But if you haven’t played for a season or 2. You will keep decaying until you eventually reach Bronze 5. Mainly discouraging all players from making multiple accounts. If everyone had to start in Bronze 5, the climb to GM and Champion will be even further. A better solution than letting Smurfs end in Masters after 10 placements. Plus cheaters could be caught by Bronze 1 or Silver. Before making it into high GM lobbies. How this haven’t been implemented years ago, has always been mind boggling.

The apex ranked system is many times worse than OW

Isn’t that how the smurf accounts work? They simply let the account decay, while they play one of their many other accounts, and then when they need to boost someone, or stream their amazing game play of “Bronze to GM” they have an account that is ready and waiting for them… ?

Wouldn’t it be more advantageous if they removed the decay? or had a maximum possible decay, of say one rank? If the highest attained rank ever for that account is GM, max decay would take them to Masters? Allowing them to decay back to bronze seems to be what they really want to begin with. Where as the only way for them to actually drop lower than Masters would be to actually play and lose rank. This would be exactly what they do not want to do…
… yeah, they would have to get another phone number, and a new account EVERY single time they want to play the Smurf.

… Just to stir the pot: I would consider it worth it, if Blizzard created a Premium account option, where for a fee, players could be request to ONLY be matched with and against other premium accounts. One could even go as far as saying if you want to play competitive, you could require the premium account. …
… again, just stirring the pot.

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No. To smurf you need to actively derank and take actions to stay low. Or buy an already low ranked account.

Decay is subtle, won’t drop you more than a division or 2, if anything.

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Apex reworked their comp and its fantastic. They dont match based on mmr, only rank, so ranks feel normal. Its a breeze until you hit your actual skill. At the end it gives an insanely detailed breakdown for every single point you gained or loss. How and why. Overwatch tells you nothing.

All other fps do full complete resets each season and even t500 players all start at rookie/bronze depending on the game and reclimb. Some only drop to mid ranks.

Overwatch is the only one that doesnt and the one with the worst matchmaker ive ever played in over 3 decades of playing fps. And ive played some doozies but gosh darn it if overwatch isnt still the most fun of them all. So here I am bangin my head against a wall in ranked lol


It is essentially legalised smurfing. Which OW doesn’t want to do.


You’ve not played many games then. 25+ years of FPS, MMO, and MOBOs… Is OW the best match maker, definitely not. Is it the worst, not even close. It is probably in the ok/inoffensive bracket.

Pay Day 3 recently… probably the worst example. FFXIV, pretty terrible, always has been.

The copium is strong

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nah. I just think most of that stuff in OW is mid. Does its job, doesn’t do anything else.

The actual bits of the game I can play are pretty fun usually.

Oh no I don’t disagree with you. Anything could help the current situation to deal with Cheaters and Smurfs. But with how much push back the community gives the devs. Adding more of a pay-to-win element may have a negative effect. Rather than just making everyone start in Bronze and getting rid of Placement matches. This system would primarily affect new players, and inactive rank players. So Quick Play stays relatively the same. But rank gets more technical to help combat those exploiting the system. The the match maker could then try and do it’s job properly. Rather than 85% unbalanced matches. This could limit how much the matchmaker has to control. Rather than things it cannot, such as: Leavers, Cheaters, Smurfs, etc. I don’t even think the current Battlepass system was pay to win dependant. Players had 2 weeks to get the new hero before it launched in rank. Instead they choose not to grind and complain when the new hero dominates rank. I didn’t necessarily agree with putting heroes in the battlepass, but I didn’t think it was that bad of an idea. I say to that to say this. If the community was in such an uproar over that change. No telling what they will do for a pay to play premium matchmaking.

Not so much pay to win, but pay to play, with a specific group of players… The hope is that multi-account smurfs/boosters/etc would not want to kick out the bucks for every single account they want to play.

Stirring the pot more? How about ANYone who wants to play ranked has to have a “premium” paid account… with all unranked games remaining as they are, free to play…

… again, thinking out loud, pot stirring.

I’d be open to that or paying per season for a competitive pass I would prefer that over the bp with cosmetics tbh
I thought it was ridiculous when they removed the phone # requirement and imo the game’s health was better when that requirement was in place

OP, it sounds like you’re saying “rerelease OW1”

You’re shaking things up to accomplish the exact same thing.