Zenyattas new (help me) voicelines are an insult


Its plain and simple.
Zenyatta automatically asking for help is… dare I say insulting to us Zenyatta mains.

Its kill or be killed. If we can’t defend ourselfes we might as well play something else.

Us asking for help for an enemy is just… wrong.
I think its, once again, a perfect moment for this meme:

This is meant to be a kinda joke/funny thread, but in all seriousness, I AM kind of insulted by this. Else I wouldn’t have done this thread, eh?


Yehee boiii.

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I wish it was toggle-able

It is kind of annoying for me because in Mercy’s case, her voicelines provide useful information. It is abnormal for Mercy (a good Mercy anyway) to take damage outside of a a team fight but heroes like Ana, Moira, Lucio and Zen are designed around doing damage in addition to healing their team, which usually involves taking damage as well.

When I’m playing tank hearing Mercy’s voicelines usually means that there is a flanker behind us and I need to peel. Hearing Zen’s Voicelines could mean that there’s a flanker behind us, or they could mean that he just took a few potshots while slinging his orbs around and I have no way of differentiating between the two situations, which makes it distracting.

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I couldn’t have put it better in words.