Zenyatta's discord target overlay looks like harmony overlay

When Zenyatta looks towards an enemy player, he should see a red Discord overlay to indicate the target can be given the Orb of Discord. Part way through some games, this switches to a blue overlay and as a result it is very confusing as to who to Disorb (and even who the bad guys are). I recorded it here:

The bug starts and stops throughout the game. Some games it does not happen at all. I thought it was related to Kiriko on the other team but I’ve seen the bug happen with no Kiriko in the game.


Been getting this on ps5 as well. Kinda assumed it was a platform specific thing tbh. Makes the character damn near unplayable

I am also having this issue and having a really really hard time when the enemy’s are my teams color. I play on PC, and just like op it seems to occur throughout a game but if I change to another hero and back I get red outlines again

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I have this issue regularly on Xbox X in competitive and unranked. Please fix ASAP


Same issue (Xbox)
characters required

Update from myself; this is still an issue, however if you swap off and back on in the spawn room it will correct itself. Also, the correction is temporary, you may need to do it more than once per game! Still broken please fix!

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Yep. Getting the same bug. Frustrating as.

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Went to practice range. This was on my ps5. Haven’t tried on pc yet.

If I used my ult and did not heal any of the robots, the box turned blue.

If I used my ult and healed a robot, the box stayed (or turned back to) red.

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I want to bump this because this bug is still here and it’s extremely annoying, especially in team fights and the only thing I can see is blue squares, so I don’t even know if I’m discording or putting a harmony orb on the right target, it just becomes a mess


This bug still exists on PS5. Usually, the switch from red to blue occurs after my first respawn. It will sometimes fix itself, but rarely. Changing heroes does not normally fix it.

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It’s amazing to me that this bug still exists. Zen is unplayable half the time. I play on two different PC installs, same problem. I don’t think it’s platform specific in any way.

Please fix this. As a Zen main it’s driving me crazy.


I can’t play Zen like this. Until they fix him, I’m off.

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Here is a video of the Zenyatta discord/harmony BUG. this has existed for weeks at least. please fix this!!

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same bug happening frequently on pc too!
just happened now
makes zen unplayable, please address the bug soon <3
supports need more love (and less snipers/flankers ;D)

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02.05.2023 problem is actual… how to normal play?

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This bug is still in the game even with season 3. Please address and fix it.


still in the game, Zenyatta is almost unplayable, please fix this finally

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Same for me. Please dont let us like that

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how is this still in the game. it’s been months.