Zenyatta nerfs when?

You mean like the effect being doubled on everyone else? The point is to make it more effective to use it on other roles, but still effective on Tanks.

who are you calling a glass cannon? cause widow is more like a glass tazer.

Zenyatta can heal and amplify damage. He has way more utility than “glass cannon” and hes a 200 hp hero with regening health and a passive that heals him, and the ability to boop people away.

the comparison is heavily skewed in favor of zenyatta. youre downplaying his kit.

yup, i do boop you guys quite a lot.

No… I said what I meant, giving discord a burst heal on elim means it will be more useful if used on squishies because they die quicker, increasing discord to 30 is something they all ready tried it was broken af so they reduced it to 25.

The problem with discord is that every single person on your team gets a damage boost on a single target, so it doesn’t matter how much the percentage is, as long as it effects everyone and has no cooldown it will still be considered opressive.

They tried that on an April fools patch it was pretty good and could absolutely be something they could add to the live game (after some number rebalancing ofc)

Obviously a one shot hitscan at any range would be broken though (I actually think ana should get damage falloff when scoped as well,)

The problem with Discord in OW2 has always been the Tank role being too impactful to die that fast. Discord orb is fine, it just needs to be less effective against Tanks.

The damage boost for everyone is fine as long as it can’t delete the only solo role.