Zenyatta nerfs when?

Surely after gutting dps because of their ability to kill quickly youre going to nerf discord and zenyattas damage output right?

Compensating with healing buffs would be fine, but you cant nerf widow and hanzo like that and then keep zenyatta at the state he is. Its asinine.


Zen has already been nerfed. That’s enough. He is very strong on the damage side and that’s balanced by a weak healing output.

Hanzo oneshots people from nowhere and his arrow has a hitbox of a tree. Zen volley is more difficult to land in a head and has zero mobility compared to him.


smallest projectile in the game btw

Zen volley is not as hard, it has several projectiles and no fall off, its as spammable, if not more than hanzo

Zenyatta has no mobility like hanzo has no healing output. Also “weak healing output” his ultimate has the most hps in the game. Zenyattas impact is still far higher in the game than it should be

Zen has to play closer to the enemy to get value now. Just kill him.


Literally not true and people better stop saying this unironically.


I’m pretty sure the devs themselves confirmed either that or that it was the 2nd smallest projectile (I think Mercy & D.Va’s pistol bolts are the other candidate for smallest/2nd smallest.)

That said… The smallest projectile hitbox is still quite a bit more generous than a hitscan’s “hitbox”

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No. No. No. Mercy’s pistol is basically truck-sized.

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Is there a patch i missed? TTK for DPS is still crazy high?

The nerf didnt really do abything to addresss hos problems


It’s factually true. Hanzo has a projectile size of 0.2m making it tied for the smallest in the game.

Mercy and Dva have very large projectiles. Both of them are 2.5x larger than hanzo’s.

Factually untrue. I actually tested things myself in-game. I know you did not.

I don’t need to. I can just look at the wiki and all the countless tests done by other people. You did your test wrong.

Ana’s unscoped shot is smaller. Sorry. :woman_shrugging: wikis can be wrong lol. devs can be wrong.

Hanzo is fine, and Widow needs more nerfs.

Zen isn’t broken in the same way Widow is, and he just needs a rework.

Zen just needs the range nerf reverted and discord does 20% on tanks instead of 25%.

Discord needs to be a CD ability more importantly or at lrwadt resource based

what hanzo “nerfs” :skull: I agree with you but hanzo still needs more work to him

I want a bit more than that.

15% on Tanks, 30% on everyone else, infinite range, and 15 second cd when cleansed or the target dies. It stays on for 10 seconds when los is broken.

I really like the design of focus firing someone to death with Support utility, but it just can’t be the Tank in 5v5.

This is completely false. The normal arrow hit boxes are tied with the smallest projectile hit boxes in the game.

What is off for most people is the size of their own character’s hit boxes, a combination of favor the shooter, and latency compensation on the server.

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…They literally buffed DPS what do you mean lol


So if anyone still cares I found the dev quote regarding Hanzo’s arrows:

Sorry I misremembered it a tad. >.<