Zenyatta discord orb UI indicator is STILL the wrong colour

This bug is still in the game, I’ve yet to see a developer acknowledge or respond to this bug. If there has been some acknowledgment, and I’ve missed it, please share.

Very short summary for those unaware: the discord orb UI indicator should be red (by default), or whatever you have your enemy colours set to in the game settings. Currently, the discord orb shows up as friendly (blue) on your UI, making it very easy to confuse with the harmony orb you have placed on a team mate.

This needs to be fixed. Combat legibility is already awful in Overwatch with how many colours, effects and particles going off in big team fights. Blizzard please fix this.

Here are 2 other posts (there are many other posts, but I can only link 2) describing the same issue. Please continue to ask Blizzard to fix this until it’s resolved.

  1. Zenyatta's Discord Orb symbol showing up as blue

  2. Zebyatta discord orb is blue


bumping thread

color options as a whole have been extremely glitchy/inconsistent when set to anything but default, the same issues persist from ow1. colors need a lot of love/more/maybe a complete overhaul

Thank you :pray:

I really hope this gets some traction asap.

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I find this sooo annoying. I thought i was the only one but its driving me crazy. My brain sees the blue and clicks shift instead of e, so im literally not discording until i realize Im clicking the wrong thing. Sooo annoying when you have years of muscle memory.

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Yeah, still here in season 2

Yup, came back to bump the post. Still not fixed. I’m baffled.

for me the targeting is blue too making it doubly confusing when everyone looks like i can send a harmony orb too them. making it hard to play zen ngl

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zenyatta orb of discord blue making confused to play

Please fix this!! It affects the gameplay so much, and it’s been such a long time now.

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I’m having the same problem, it started out with blue targeting squares around enemies and the orb indicator was the correct colour, now the indicator icon is blue too. I pretty much ruins Zen for me.


Bumping my own post because this bug is still in the game. It needs to be fixed.

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Bumping this thread since the issue is still not fixed with the recent patches

Can this please be fixed? Zenyatta becomes unplayable with this bug!

bug still there (pc)
please fix it!

this happened to me today in comp. I was so confused lol

Still happening in January 2023, really confusing and annoying.


Season 3 has begun, this bug is still in the game.

EDIT: and no, the new accessibility colour options added in season 3 do not fix the issue, the root cause is still there.

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they are not interested in fixing it, I suppose

It may not fix the bug but you can change the color of the enemies so you don’t get confused, unless it is set to the current color of the enemies.

Still happening as of March 2023.

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