Zen next, or are we just gonna ignome that

If it was stale for the zen players, they would have switched. If you can kill brig somehow but can’t kill a zen, that’s on you. Zen is just more fun to play that Baguette, and he’s the exact opposite of her in every way. It doesn’t mean he has to get nerfed just because people play him more than that broken hero.

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He does, for the health of the game. Also, fortunately for Zen, his fun aspect isn’t what needs nerfing. His personal damage and ult are fine. It’s Discord that is out of line.

If you’re concerned about the “health of the game” then you should be asking for Brig nerfs because she literally makes the game depressing to play for a lot of people because of her insanely powerful kit. But you somehow ignore that and just look at pickrate…what?

See, now that’s not even possible because she isn’t pick enough to impact “a lot of people” relative to other heroes.

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This is verifiable by OWL. His overall playtime was 2nd only to D.Va, with his overall winrate at just below 50% after nearly 400 hours (49.45%, 8th overall, though technically 7th because 1st according to Winstonslab is Sym who didn’t get a single kill or death this season).

However, if you look at his winrate when only one team is playing him, he rises to 56.82% winrate from 46 hours, 3rd overall (again really #2, as Sym sits at the top).

That’s high winrate and high pickrate.

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Omg you are obsessed with “pickrate” and can’t even reason without using that term. Are you a statistician? What about the fact that zen has been in the game much longer than Brig so there are a lot of people that main zen and enjoy playing him by now unlike brig. Did that thought cross your mind? Or do you think that pickrate is the absolute measure of balance and that all heroes should have the exact same %pick rate as the next or they should get nerfed otherwise? This is the most unreasonable thing I’ve ever read in my life. So we should all just log on and make sure we play all 27 heroes equally or else one of them might get nerfed soon because it’s got more pick rate than others? Lol.

Pick rate has nothing to do with balance.
Brig is not balanced. She should have gotten a much bigger nerf. Zen is absolutely fine.

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In my opinion, the shield bash nerf should have come with a inspire or repair pack buff to make her more of a healer.

As for Zenyatta, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Nope. You use other things in combination. However, when something is literally 3 or 4 the pick rate of something else that uses the same slot on a team, there is definitely something therae to look at.

And pick rate is absolutely entangled with balance. People will not pick what is guaranteed to lose them a game every time.

You can’t leave Zen without any nerfs than just nerfing Mercy for being top picks. A Zen nerf is needed so other supports can be viable.

They also wont pick something that’s not fun for them to play even though it’s more likely to win. Zen players could play mercy instead for a more guaranteed win, but they dont. Because zen is a lot more fun to play. Fun fact: this is a game and people play games for fun. Maybe other supports (obviously not Brig) should get buffed instead of zen getting nerfed, and they did.

What about Ana? Everyone knows that she’s not the greatest, and the forums can’t stop begging for her to be buffed, but a LOT of people still choose to play her. Because she’s fun.

This is important. It’s been so nice watching Doomfist’s pickrate grow since they started looking at him. I remember when he was below 0.5% pickrate. This year it’s gradually grown as more and more bugs got fixed. At the start of Season 10, just before the meta switched, he was up to 1.5%. As people adapted to the meta, it grew again, and now in GM he’s at a similar pickrate to Brig.

Speaking of Brig, her pickrate fell when people realised double sniper was stronger than Brig/Hanzo. And as her pickrate fell, Tracer and Genji’s pickrate rose, which in turn stabilised Brig’s pickrate around that 3% mark.

Other supports become more viable once they get buffed from the atrocious state they were left in for ages.

Oh and zen becomes less and less viable the more people are playing ohko meta characters like doomfist and when you see less and less of mercy whom zen synenergises best with.

His pickrate will fall down naturally because he’s a balanced character.

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Zenyatta’s pickrates will fall if Mercy’s does, because the two of them synchronize very well together.

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Keep on saying that he is balanced because no hero is safe these days. He will get an nerf eventually.

I’m willing to wait and see, but I’m skeptical.

He doesn’t overly Synergize with anything in particular, he just good with everything and bad with nothing. He’s been played with Ana, Moira, and Lucio. I don’t think he’s going anywhere until Discord is addressed.

If Triple Tank Dive becomes a thing. Zen will definitely will be needed because of Discord. Zen will eventually get nerfed.

His turret could be a little flower pot.

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You’re contradicting yourself here. And where did you get your stats from?

His hammer could be one of those little rake things or a shovel.

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oh hell yeah! I can’t imagine a better skin…