Zarya, sombra and genji nerfs were too much

Sojurn ult can literally wipe a whole team from across the map by hitting body shots with nano and people wanna complain about naked blade.

Just goes to show the elo they’re in tbh


but yeah nerf genji and let a one shot do it’s thing. Fair fair.

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currently, how long does her damage boost last and is it just for HER or do everyone get the boost to a hacked target like a discord.

I thought it was 9 seconds for extra damage but 1 second for the hack

Zarya just walks into people and does damage. There’s never a good time to shoot her and when there is she has one of the smaller tank hitboxes. Definitely needs a nerfbat.

As a support main Sombra has reached DPS Doomfist levels of annoying so whatever happens happens. I don’t care. Zero remorse. Moira is pretty much a necessity and I hate playing Moira.

Genji is so-so. He’s irritating if he’s good but most aren’t and certainly won’t be after the nerfs.

Honestly I see more S76/Sojourn/Zarya than anything in my games. They’re like, the thing people swap to when they’re losing bad.

I still feel generalists like S76 are too good at everything, especially compared to “niche” characters like Mei and Symmetra that just don’t work against some comps. I would like to see some changes to them and see them in more games.

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lol no you will see them drop to d tier very fast with the current nerf

They happen on the 15th.

I doubt it. You will have a lot of people complaining they are F tier, but they always do when Genji isn’t in the top 3 DPS picks.

The nerfs to Zarya aren’t enough actually.

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Doubt it, genji might not even drop back down to middle of the pack.

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We’ll see about sombra, genji it may not be enough. And zarya will definitely need more one day.

the main problem is dropping his damage to 27 drops his damage thresholds so bad he will have to shoot the again which will get him killed. personally, kiriko is crazy she two taps to the head while Genji 6 taps. crazy how much DPS I can push out with her being a single shot instead of 3 is crazy

well deflect it i did it for the first time today and got a team kill for it was so cool

No thanks. Zarya and Genji are due for nerfs.

the problem is its killing his damage thresh hold back in the day of ow1 his damage was 28 and that was buffed to brake through the damage thresh holds now they are reverting it and that was when genji was at his worst ever like he was f tier trash

His blade specifically isn’t the issue though but the way it interacts with the DPS passive.
With it + blade active he literally moves faster than a Mercy in Valk (9.3m per second) and even the best players would have trouble tracking that.

I play support and have little issue with Genji because I can just go Moira. There are support strong against him as is. Lower the ladder people probably less capable of dealing with him.

But when he pops his ult naked or even at times with a nano my support Q is just about enough to negate it as long as I get a good position and work on putting pressure on the genji before the combo.

Soldier 76 is a bit crazy with how fast his healing generates his ult. Which isn’t much a problem tbh, most people dont know how to properly use his ult and will pop it up close despite the fact if you can land your crits you better off not using it. Better off as like a “sniper” tool while you are far away. But definitely with this genji nerf you will be seeing a lot more Soldier 76 and Sojourn. I dunno why she isn’t get a nerf to her pulse gun, that shiz is waay too reliable and good.

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ya, that’s what he wants to change. so it cant be boosted pulse giving use the 2 tap of reaper please

Literally this. They always complain whenever he isn’t absolute top 3, then proceed to call him a trash pick and comparing him to heroes that have ACTUALLY been bad since the OW1 launch in 2016.


agreed but personally, Moira should have gotten the reword I’m so sick of Moiras not healing ever like I was tanking and the just keep trying to kill things and not heal

Outside of now Genji hasn’t even been top 5 in any rank where people are actually good at the game since june of 2020, in which he was only buffed because he had a 0.8% pickrate for over a year. Plat and below being shredded by him doesn’t equal “top 3” dps, he was outclassed by all hitscan, hanzo, and tracer for like 4 years with a few exceptions


Overbuff shows the last state of overwatch, and he is literally in top 3 then, we came into OW2 with him in top 3.

This shows EXACTLY what I am talking about. He was top 3 for the last year of OW1. All the while the Genji main wanting buffs.

They are so used to him being in an OP state, to the point where even when he is top 3, they complain that he is weak.

God only knows what will happen when they actually balance him.

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