Zarya, sombra and genji nerfs were too much

What the nerfs should of been



  • bubble duration time from 2.5 to 2.25
  • can no longer bubble yourself instantly after previous bubble breaks/ expires, now has a CD equal to bubbling other people twice



  • hack lockout duration 1.75 to 1.5
  • dmg boost on hack targets from 40% to 30%
  • can no longe thank same target again during hack duration


Shuriken/ fan mode

  • dmg from 29 to 27/26

Shuriken /volley mode

  • keep dmg at 29 or reduce slightly to 28
  • reduce distance between shurikens
    (Make it more similar to zen volley)


  • blade can no longer be dmg boosted by any sources
  • blade dmg from 110 to 120/125 or keep its same dmg but increase swing speed by 10/15% (still equaling same number of swings during ultimate duration)


Orb thingy

  • no longer slows enemy’s (CC is silly on dps especially on characters that can one shot so slowing down targets lead to easy kills)


  • Cooldown from 6 to 7.5 seconds

Rail gun

  • damage from 130 to 120
  • headshot multiplier from 2x to 1.75
    (Now need a full charge to one shot someone across the map which is how it should of been designed in the first place)
  • charge rate increased by 10%
  • sojurn retains charge for 1/2 extra seconds
    (to compensate for nerfs)

Needs buffs

Needs buffs

Needs buffs

Nay, the nerfs were not enough.


In the pro scene I could see dva being good still but the rest will not be soo lucky.

Also in ranked characters like orisa and sigma I feel like will replace zaryas niche

Ah yes
Lets nerf genji… by making his blade even stronger


where are the nerfs? I can’t find them anywhere/

the nerfs aren’t out yet, check out the first pinned thread on the forum

did you read it right? He said there are no source boosts for the blade.

so he deserves his blade to be…stronger?

Isn’t the problem with blade that it can be dmg boosted so he one shots people? That part is the nerf

But I’m fine keeping it the same I just thought that was the real issue

Is it’s subpar by itself but really good when paired with any form of dmg boost

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if it can’t be nanoed, damage boosted, or charged in any way shape or form, if every blade you have is a naked one I think it’s fair

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Sojurn ult can literally wipe a whole team from across the map by hitting body shots with nano and people wanna complain about naked blade.

Just goes to show the elo they’re in tbh


but yeah nerf genji and let a one shot do it’s thing. Fair fair.

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currently, how long does her damage boost last and is it just for HER or do everyone get the boost to a hacked target like a discord.

I thought it was 9 seconds for extra damage but 1 second for the hack

Zarya just walks into people and does damage. There’s never a good time to shoot her and when there is she has one of the smaller tank hitboxes. Definitely needs a nerfbat.

As a support main Sombra has reached DPS Doomfist levels of annoying so whatever happens happens. I don’t care. Zero remorse. Moira is pretty much a necessity and I hate playing Moira.

Genji is so-so. He’s irritating if he’s good but most aren’t and certainly won’t be after the nerfs.

Honestly I see more S76/Sojourn/Zarya than anything in my games. They’re like, the thing people swap to when they’re losing bad.

I still feel generalists like S76 are too good at everything, especially compared to “niche” characters like Mei and Symmetra that just don’t work against some comps. I would like to see some changes to them and see them in more games.

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lol no you will see them drop to d tier very fast with the current nerf

They happen on the 15th.

I doubt it. You will have a lot of people complaining they are F tier, but they always do when Genji isn’t in the top 3 DPS picks.

The nerfs to Zarya aren’t enough actually.

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Doubt it, genji might not even drop back down to middle of the pack.

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We’ll see about sombra, genji it may not be enough. And zarya will definitely need more one day.

the main problem is dropping his damage to 27 drops his damage thresholds so bad he will have to shoot the again which will get him killed. personally, kiriko is crazy she two taps to the head while Genji 6 taps. crazy how much DPS I can push out with her being a single shot instead of 3 is crazy