Zarya nerf? lol

Even if we’re talking on pure numbers and area, it really ain’t that bad since going 8m-6m is a quarter.

Its not half, half would be 4 meter and everything in between.

Not to mention its an ult, and if it hits, you’re still getting value out of it.

V = (4/3) * pi * r^3
A = pi * r^2

Although area is probably a more appropriate comparison, as volume would only really affect airborne targets like pharah, mercy, doomfist, and genji… and maybe Hammond.

My issue is that he’s talking like its halved, like half halved. 50% minus when its more like a quarter or 25%.

This is also an ult, one of the strongest ult no less.

That’s just not how math works. The grav sphere with a 6 meter radius is less than half the size of a grav sphere with an 8 meter radius. I don’t get why that’s controversial.

Pretty much what needed to happen to her, ult nerfed and charge rate sped up. I was hoping this would happen for a while now.

If you use the equations I provided you will see that (6/8)^2 = 0.5625, and (6/8)^3 = 0.422. The description of “halved” is more appropriate.

If you wish to contest the laws of mathematics, I suggest you take it up with space-time.

Also, a quarter is 25%, no need for redundancy redundancy.

I’m don’t have a degree in math but I’m pretty sure that ain’t the case.

Cause half would be 4 meters.

A loss of 2 meters isn’t the same as 4 meters.

Well, if you ever paid money for a math class, I suggest you seek a refund.

2 meters of space/area/distance is still a quarter out of 8 meters.

Cause if it was half, it would be 4 meters.

Dudes, calm down. What are you saying to one another? Cool it. I don’t want my damn thread locked.

Honestly, this is a harsh nerf for her. This will take away almost 40% of the surface area of grav and in exchange she gets a small decay boost. Maintaining high charge on Zarya is quite easy during engagements so that will have little effect overall. This will likely have a small overall impact on Zarya compared to harshly nerfing her ultimate so that it is much harder to use.

I’m trying to explain how physical space is numerically described.

Apparently I’m failing.

It sounds like it’s an important subject to you. :o

I really don’t understand how 2 out of 8 meters equals to 40 %

But onto the topic itself, since I had used Zarya quite awhile ago and fought a lot of zaryas, I don’t think it will.

Zarya fighting distance often mean she’ll be able to usually grav what she wants to grav barring certain heroes eating or deflecting it. The placement is a lot more stringent now but I think it still does the job since whatever is inside that 6 m will get sucked and pulled.

Getting high charges during fights is easy but ensuring its maintained afterward is the hard part, the changes to it is pretty great tbh.

Indeed, it is.

As my bae would say, “Stupidity is not a right.”

it’s a buff in damage… i feel ok with that…


You can’t get half out of a quarter, even with space. Both numerical and literal.

That’s also really uncalled for, you high horse, manure dispensing bell end.

First things first: they are reducing the radius of Grav by 2 meters. From 8 to 6 meters. That means the diameter is dropping from 16 meters to 12 meters. Because of the way circles work that means she’s losing almost 40% of the surface area Grav used to cover. That is a huge nerf. If Reinhardt’s Hammerdown lost 40% of it’s distance we’d be talking about why they gutted that hero.

I’m a Zarya main player and getting to high charge is quite easy. Most Zarya play has two phases: start with low charge, attempt to use your self bubble and target bubble to get to 80, then withdraw waiting for cooldowns. Once both are ready, re-engage with your 50%-60% charge using your bubbles as necessary to save yourself and allies.

The change they are making to decay rate will have very little impact on that strategy. You might re-engage with 55% instead of 50% during combat. The times between major engagements are so long that a small change like this means she’ll still have close to 0% charge before the next fight.

The net effect is going to be very small for Zarya, while the ult nerf is going to be drastic.

Massive nerf. It’s also really hard to see how much the decay changes affects her charge rate. If she gets her ult about 30% faster, she might be okay. If it’s about the same or relatively close, Zarya got neutered pretty hard.

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You can’t make people care about your big ol brainpan.