Zarya nerf? lol

Here’s the full quoted post


I agree with this. While it’s a buff to her gun, the reason she’s picked right now is her ultimate and how well it pairs with Hanzo.

Once Hanzo is no longer meta, and that is going to happen between his nerfs and other heroe’s buffs. And Hammond potentially ushers in the next age of triple dive tank, especially with Brigitte being nerfed and Ana/Lucio receiving buffs. And the counter meta comp will probably be Orisa / Hog.

Zarya will need another buff because deathball won’t be as viable as bunker or dive.


It’s a net buff, I’ll take more charge, damage and ultimates in exchange for a weaker ultimate, as long as Graviton Surge can capture at least two enemies on average then it’s going to have value for an ultimate follow up.

Between this and the Lucio buffs triple and quad tanking is looking better and better, and trust me the nerfs to Hanzo are doing nothing to his pick/win rates so the combo isn’t going anywhere.

Don’t forget Graviton Surge received a pretty huge buff a few month ago, not allowing escape abilities. Graviton surge is one of the few abilities that has very little counterplay, regardless of the grav-dragon meta I don’t think reducing the radius is such a bad thing. Then again I’m not a Zarya player at all so It’s easy for me to talk, but It’s a fair opinion imo

I don’t know I think Zarya and Hammond will work well together. At least so far in that he gives her a prime target to bubble, one that doesn’t risk dying to easily and has a huge hit box to block more shots with.

Against Hammond though Zarya’s at a pretty big disadvantage. He has far to much HP and mobility for Zarya to ever be able to kill him and he lacks any real high burst dmg to get much charge off him if you bubble some one. Even without a high shield boost I think Hammond will be able to kill Zarya faster than she can kill him, even with high charge.

While that’s the case, Zarya can also get high charges very quickly from Hammond if she bubbles target Hammond aim for. Hammond can get some ridiculous barrier shield, Zarya equally can shred Hammond quite fast.

Zarya has a slight upper hand against hammond, but that’s my opinion though.

Zarya was used in dive comps very early on in the game. She can bubble, but she can’t herself participate in the dive due to her lack of mobility.

With Hammond, Winston, and D.Va. I don’t think she’ll be a dive comp staple in a triple tank dive. I could be wrong, but I just think she’ll get left out. She doesn’t have the mobility or the ability to easily contest the high ground. Her damage is nice. Her ult is nice. She’s really fun. Her bubbles are clutch. But high ground is king on many maps.

She might still see use in Kings Row, maybe Lijiang, maybe a few other maps on occassion… but lots of maps she’ll just be sub optimal for. You’ll probably never see her on Gibralter for example.

Zaraya ult - can combo with multiple ultimates not just Hanzo. Any DPS heavy Ultimate can capitilize on it - like DF \ Reaper \ Hog \ Junkrat \ etc.

Do you guys legit think Zarya’s ult was only good starting with recent Hanzo changes?

That’s laughable.

I’d rather focus on the charge buff…that change is awesome…not mad about grav at all

Never saw this Nerf…dang that kinda sucks a lot.

Im happy they finally adjusted the actual ability instead of just the charge rate or escape mechanics, but at the same time why not experiment with a damage threshold first? If 6 man gravs are the problem, put a 1000 damage cap on characters in the grav. Then sound barrier, trans and valk would almost guarantee most of your teammates live.

No, it’s still more than half as big. Google “circle area calculator”.

Grav is a sphere, not a circle.

Her ult was always one of the strongest in the game, so for me it makes sense to distribute some of that power to her kit instead. I think this will be a good change, and Grav is still going to be able to catch most of the intended players.

Completely agree. THIS^

It’s like approximately a 44% area decrease. That’s still a lot bigger than it sounds when you say 8m to 6m.

gRaV iS a SpHeRe

It’s the exact same percentage decrease.

all of these ults have some form of counterplay or ways to survive with at least a few players (if you have the cooldowns). DF ult altough hard and maybe the next best thing after dragon can still be blocked by shields.

Dragon only has zen ult as a good counter and even that is beaten by a simple damage boost from mercy (or ana).

What are you calculating? Surface area or volume? Surface area is going from 804 to 452. Volume is going from to 2145 to 905.