Zarya needs a nerf



They are the best players and also those players have problems against zarya

you guya dont undertand what is balanced or not.

Heres a quick one: Reinhardt swing does a flat 75 famage along with Brig doing something like 35 each swing. They cant stop once they start swinging. Since GOAtS is primarily rushing in as a group and mindlessly AoE healing through Brigs melee and Reins burst, Zarya essentially gets free charge because of that melee.

Zarya also counters D.VA, since beam weapons nullify DM. All of Zaryas tank counters (Roadhog) have been significantly nerfed, or are nullified by GOATs meta (Winston).

Zarya is fine. Shes doing what she has always done, but better because Brig is essentially free charge for Zaryas bubbles.

Zarya is also played with winston and dva.

Maybe right now she have ñess pickrate because on twtich the gm are playing a lot of almost only dps

Those players are up against the best of the best in the world. They are not just fighting a good Zarya but also 5 other players that are the best in their role. Those people know how to protect and cover the Zarya weaknesses in ways that just is not possible outside of a well oiled and practiced 6-stack team.

Of course the OWL team will have issues fighting the other team. It isn’t the Zarya but the team as a whole.

She’s the worst tank in the game right now with the worst win rate.
Check out the stats, she’s dropped insanely.
Kinda shows she’s garbage outside of goats, she needs no nerfs.

Every time you don’t shoot her bubbles, she gets a damage nerf! The power was inside you all along!

Im not gonna argue that Zarya is really strong but you don’t need to nerf her. theres already a solution in the game that I know everyone loves. sombra

400 HP, Bubbles and one of the best ults in the game.

If you want damage dealer to deal the highest damage and not being outdamaged by a tank it’s really obvious.

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Zarya is only good with a Rein, Dva takes her spot in all other compositions, hell it’s often even better to run Dva with Rein instead of Zarya. The only time Zarya looks amazing is TOGETHER with Dva in GOATS, where admittedly she is the main DPS. Also sometimes you drop Dva for a Sombra, but GOATS really is the only comp Zarya is great at and Rein/Zarya the only one where she is good at the moment.