Zarya needs a nerf

More whining because people think tanks should only be defensive bots

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It’s funny because no one wants to play tanks already. Let’s make the role even more miserable!

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you know tanks are superior right now.

I personally don’t have problems against Zarya at my rank but I understand that she can be a problem for higher ranks players.
I watched the OWL and I realised how stupid she can be :

  • She has the stupidest ult in the game that pretty much requires the other team to have a defensive ult to maybe hope to survive

  • Her bubbles are for some reason absolute. Even Winston’s attack can’t go through it. You wanted to kill that out of position Rein ? Well that’s too bad because he just received a divine shield just like in Hearthstone.

  • She seems to be possibly the main reason why GOATS is so dominant. Why would you use DPS when you have a 400HP tank that can pretty much do their job while protecting her teammates ?

Like I said, I don’t encounter good Zaryas at my rank (and thank God for that) so she seems like a high skill hero but she also looks like hell incarnate to deal with at high ranks.


In a comp no one actually plays below the two highest ranks

Zipperman? More like…

Sticky Fingers.

Lmao gotem.


im copyrighting you.

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It doesn’t matter. People don’t want to play them. I’m literally begging for people to tank in my games. People don’t want to get CC’d all day. They don’t want the responsibility of protecting and leading the team.

She has a low damage setup ultimate, the entirety of its power relies on team coordination or team wipe capable DPS ults. Toning down certain DPS ults is the answer.

Because they are extremely limited in time (2 seconds) and scope (200 damage or a single burst hit).

You know how many people still do that.
I played with someone who thought you had to shoot it. (They were new)
But still there are enough projectiles in this game which feed her charge all the time
Dva, tracer, junk bombs. Things you can’t stop shooting like hanzos ult which is just a charge farm

She is fine where she is now and she was fine where she was before this last nerf. The strength of supports is why she is so good.

If you are going to bring up OWL… She is picked at 68% while DVA is picked at almost 79%.

But yes, nerf zarya


True, but that’s just because Symmetra is garbage. Zarya’s not a better DPS than Hanzo, Soldier, Reaper, etc. You have to go waaaaaay down to Symmetra to find somebody she outclasses.

The solution to this problem is to buff Symmetra, not nerf Zarya.

Zarya deals the 4th highest damage in GM of all heroes.
Apparently all the players in GM are just bad and shoot her bubbles.
You can’t argument against numbers and facts with your Feelings. Zarya needs a big damage nerf. That’s a fact.

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you oversesitmate other players :smiley:

i reguraly get kills with random left clicks.

and twice the hitbox

how about dont compare them?

its about maintaining it and not dying when you are high charge
also owl =/= ladder, where zarya is the least picked tank in gm

shes perfectly balanced as she is

IMO, the problem with tanks and CC is partly due to their high health.

Because tanks are so hard to kill, if you want to stop one from killing you, you pretty much have to rely on CC.

For that reason and their high damage, tanks can’t have the CC resistance they would likely otherwise have.

tell me, what does she have other than her damage

thats not a fact thats an opinion, perhaps you should take your own advice

and sym also has turrets which do 50 dps each as well as 15 extra base dps

yup this right here

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Zarya doesn’t need a nerf. You are feeding her and if you feed her and cannot kill her for doing so. Then she deserves to melt you and your team.

Roadhog is the same way, can do a lot of damage or feeds. People don’t complain about him.

Every hero is suddenly skilless as soon as someone has a reason to knock them down a peg. It happened with DF too. One second a hero is high skill, the next second it’s braindead just so people can assert it has too much power. Meanwhile you still can’t say anything about Tracer without every one of her mains breathing down your neck that they deserve to win every game because their hero takes so much skill even though they’re not even good enough to play her when she’s slightly out of meta. I just can’t take this forum seriously with how much contradiction it has.

Who is Zarya? Is she on the PTR?