Zarya MVP Alien Skin Refund Update

Maybe try to understand what you’re reading next time.

I’ll narrow it a bit more, it may help. According to you it’s better to have an innocent man pay 30 years for murder than no one going to prison for a murder.

I can offer my sympathy to you, but it still doesnt justify accusing a different man for what he might/might not do.

And no, i cant give you an answer. I dont have a solution to a world class problem.


I would say neither of it is better. You should not mark any of those scenarios as “better” - either that man gets his life screwed by prison or that woman gets traumatised for life (and trust me it affects your every - day life, specialy if you have a partner). There is no “this is better than that”. Both things are different - both are horible to expirience. Not to mention, that every person gets affected by things differently.

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Um, yes? One is someone not paying for something bad. An individual.

The other is the state, literally society, isolating you.

There’s one that’s worse than the other, from an ethical standpoint and from a humans right pov.

In order to keep this conversation civil, I won´t go further…have your opinion, but it´s messed up.

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That’s true. The nature of the crime can determine what type of evidence it needs to be proven. But even still, my point is, for any given type of crime, the available evidence will still vary by each individual case.

Unfortunately it’s just a thing now a days where people like to jump onto the bandwagon of the person that comes out first and makes a statement. I was accused and arrested for rape towards a woman I had never even met. I was held in a cell for 2 days whilst they took my fingerprints, took samples of my finger nails, questioned me etc. I then faced months of ridicdule and harassment from people in my town and online.

Thankfully the woman came forward and said it was a lie and the court date was cancelled but it didn’t stop me getting an usual arrest on my own record which has to be checked whenever I get a job. It also didn’t stop people harrassing me online and in my town.

And nothing happened to the person that accused me at all which is even worse.

I’m not a fan of Sinatraa but I do get invested in stuff like this because of personal experiences. Both himself and his ex seem to be or were heavily manipulative towards each other so I’d say both of them were wrong in some form.

As far as I know, the investigation that Riot ran came back with inconclusive evidence so they passed it over to the police. Until Sinatra gets cleared or charged I don’t think it should really be mentioned anymore.

Imagine saying that fair trial and evidence based justice is a messed up take.

You don’t fix injustice with injustice.

Something called ethics.

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I never said that. I said, that your opinion of thinking, that one scenario is better than the other is messed up.

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Apparently I should spell it out for you since youre clearly missing the point.

Its not about “oh someone just doesnt go to jail”
Do you think that person stops at assaulting one person? No that person is out there hurting and traumatizing people. It is absolutely disgusting to think that this is just an “oh well they dont go to jail thing”

I literally never said that I dont think its wrong for someone falsely accused to go to jail, but even to that point people accused of rarely even get prosecuted. They are very often ignored by police.

The issue I have with your statement is that you are painting it like a false accusation is worse than what a victim of actual assault goes through. The fact you cant see why thats messed up shows how you’re not worth going any further into conversation with.
You are severely downplaying how traumatic assault is.

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Personally I got a refund when it was offered because I wasn’t entirely happy with the skin. Allegations meant almost nothing to me as I really don’t follow OWL players or what they do on or off the field. That said I also felt I couldn’t use the skin any more.

There were some pretty harsh and toxic people out there that attacked any one using the skin. Mass reporting, abusive chat etc against people for “supporting” the guy. Despite the fact most people who play OW have no idea who the owl players are.

You keep whiffing.

Justice isn’t about the trauma (and you’re actually agreeing with me, if he keeps doing it there’s a strong case against him), it’s about recognizing and rehabilitating people who do that sort of stuff. Putting an innocent person in prison goes against article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Not putting someone in prison for a crime committed doesn’t go against the human rights of the victim, in fact it means that article 11 prevails (meaning evidence was not strong enough) due to being a human right.

So yeah, I’d say aligning with human rights is actually the better option.

^ human rights are messed up, apparently.

You just don´t get it…you think that victim´s humans right was not violated in very wrong way?
I said I am not going further, but you keep giving me words I never said!
You compared “sexual assault” and “innocent go to prison” and choose what you think is better - which is messed up as you can´t compare and decide such things!
Human rights are violated in both ways…

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She provided concrete proof and evidence with texts, audio, etc., etc., and he basically provided “she remembers it differently”. It’s not he said, she said.


No, I said you can’t put someone in jail without solid evidence, which is what you’ve been pushing for in this thread: a lax, one-sided interpretation of events over the presumption of innocence.

I kinda love it because I was actually abused when I was 5year old by a neighbor and even then I’d never budge on presumption of innocence, even if people didn’t believe me. That was 30 years ago btw.

For real?

You literaly said this.

No, I am not pushing anything, just stop puting words I never said into my moth…just stop!
I am really tired of this…

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You literally opened up with believing a one-sided story that hasn’t gone through due process. idk what you’re talking about

Then you went on the tirade:

Meaning you believe the ends justify the means by giving further context

Where you explicitly say that you don’t think it’s fair that they need evidence to get justice, meaning you’re overriding presumption of innocence and fair trials.

I’m done with this vicious loop. cya.

Lol…wtf, this is not even me you quoted

Also my “trade” as you called it (and you are beyound rude now) was just a genuine question of someone who went through this and had no way to prove it and get justice…

And when I said

I literaly meant, that it´s so damm hard to prove it, that victim literaly have almost no chance to get justice
Which means: There is a hole in a system
I didn´t mean to say by that “men should be judged without evidence”

I can agree, that everyone deserve a fair trial and I can also agree, that there is no fairness of what is happening to the victims, that have no way to prove it… :woman_facepalming:


LOL my bad. This is actually my bad. I thought it was the same person.

You have my sincere apologies

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There isn’t a conclusion on the matter yet. I can’t find anything regarding the legal process, so i’m guessing it’s an ongoing investigation.