You've Screwed Up Balance for Years, So Here

I really like what you’re trying to do here and if he doesn’t get a rework after all, that’s what should really happen to Bastion.

But I also believe most drastic measures need to be taken. His Sentry mode needs to be nerfed and his Recon mode has to be buffed for compensation, so that the player’s focus shifts from, umm… “Sitting down” and enabling awful comps such as Bunker to moving and shooting with a brand new, more powerful than ever Recon mode (but please, please don’t make it overpowered)…

The torbjorn nerf was the last nail in the coffin for me. I’m completely convinced the balance team has no damn idea what they’re doing

After seeing the proposed tank changes that would literally break the game, I don’t think there’s any point in reading any more of this.

Orisa’s halt is already really strong, it needs a nerf if anything. It should under no circumstances be buffed.
Roadhog’s feeding potential is one of the things that makes up for him one-shotting people.


But why…? Do all that?

It also makes Bob more than just Torb’s old ultimate rehashed.

I personally lost hope after mercy remained beyond broken for over 5 months.

And blizzard somehow managed to disappoint me even more with brig. And it got worse with immortality field. The CC buffs and armor nerfs instead of an actual VERY NEEDED brig rework was just the final step of disappointment. And at this point, I’m not even expecting anything positive anymore.

Dear blizzard, balance the game ho I want or I will declare it dead on your meaningless forums- Bluelightnin, 2019

So we just wanna make every hero OP and reduce their skill to the ground? Naisu!!

Try again, this time with substantive, accurate reflections.