Youroverwatch's ow2 video confirmed my worst fears

Literally only offer counterpoint to people wailing about cree and favor the shooter but please go on, show me where I’ve whined about heroes :). I think you’ll find one thread where I disagree with riptire falloff and that’s it really.

I mean, I could literally just tell you that you have such an unpopular opinion that the devs went and make a version of the game just to spite you.

Offering counterpoints to whiners != whining.

I’m saying you are whining about these forums not liking OW2. IDk wtf you are on about with Cree. Never even asked.

Normally, you could argue that, but the fan response to OW2 has been largely negative. Its virtually only you and those other very specific types of forumers that are happy.

I don’t care how often I am right or wrong, what does seem to be the case is that I’m with the majority this time around.


Dude, I’ve seen literally the worst takes about balance in less than a day based on an infographic of two heroes. To sum it up:

I’ve been happy about 5v5 since I spotted it in the first gameplay video of OW2 pvp. Tank synergy has always been a fault to the game imo. Made stoic metas and limited what you could play.

Let’s wait and see, at least, until people can try the beta.

But if experimentals are anything to go by… people here played like one match of experimental and made a wall of text essay about how wrong it was. I always like seeing people have so much to say on experimental cards, but then the queue time for any role is 8+ minutes, meaning no one’s really playing it.

As usual, secret to having fun in this game is not caring about victory and hiding from enemies.

What did you expect? When you allow DPS to run the show, everything starts and ends with kills.


I really don’t understand what this has to do with anything.

You are acting like the forum is some hivemind when you are unpopular. Normally you just dogpile with those forumers listed above as the majority member.

It seems like you only pair the viability of the forums to whether or not they agree with you. that’s the silly hypocrisy I’m pointing out.

How does it feel to have the unpopular opinion?

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No no, don’t get me wrong. It’s not a hivemind, it’s people taking low hanging fruit. They’ll just like and agree with any baseless argument that confirms what they suspect. They literally have nothing but some scarce videos. Videogames are played, not watched.

Case in point, people agreeing and liking their make-believes about how the netcode works. They have no idea of networking whatsoever and they think there’s a nefarious dark hand that takes your projectiles. That’s usually the popular, dead wrong opinion.

So if they get something that is factually false wrong, how can they be nuanced on other more subjective fields?

PS: example. Thread says: orisa is dead

What is the foundation for thinking it’s worse than current game. Please elaborate. Until people get their hands on the game and feel it for some hours it’s what one would call biased take. I always said I’m carefully optimistic for 5v5 because anything could go wrong… but I for one like the idea of tank synergy gone to give more overall freedom.

People have already made threads like this:

Look at all thoise likes. But when you see gameplay Orisa absolutely thrives on OW2 while on OW1 she was relegated to mostly dumpster fire unless you’re in GM. Orisa has been dead for quite some time for most of the situations.

They wanted this kit to go to a new hero when OW2 rework is giving her the strengths over the weaknesses she had on OW1 which made her very stationary.

But there’s ALWAYS something to complain about here.

I mean, what exactly qualifies as a baseless argument to you? I think a lot of your takes are baseless? Are we then at an impasse?

Again, how reasonable the forums are is in flux with what you the user agree with or not.

Basics of netcode? Sure, there are facts to be said.

But almost everything else is conjecture.

He says Lucio is Meh, Bap gets ult charge so slowly he doesn’t have ult until after the fight, and Mercy is so hunted she’s only useful with Pharah and Echo.

He’s a support main, earning a living playing a video game, trying to stay in the good graces of Blizzard, making the best of it. Listen to what he says, not his enthusiasm.

Here’s what he says:

" supports got the short end of the stick with the DPS enabled so much."


Crying over an alpha release , lmao

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Blizzard aren’t company, that makes 180 turns, when it comes to their product. So we can expect only worse things later on.

Yay, even more Pharmercy with smurfing Pharah players. Not exactly my idea of fun game, but if that’s what it takes to survive…


I think this is something a lot of people are forgetting: it’s KarQ’s job.

He has no option but to see the bright side. Because if he doesn’t he’s back to square one as a streamer. He would need to find a new game (and therefore a new viewership) all over again, that would be financial suicide.

Can’t blame him for polishing that turd.

I am an absolute ‘black hat thinker’ (thanks depression :upside_down_face: ) and whilst I can see a lot of good in OW2. What concerns me the most is that the role I play exclusively is being led like lambs to the slaughter.

You can take duels, that’s not a problem. What is an issue is you have to put in three times the effort to get only half of the impact a dps would have in your shoes.

Sure you can run away and reposition. But your healing passive is out of combat only whilst dps passive is all the time. Supports are currently designed to be easy to run down and kill regardless of positioning.

So you can’t outgun them, and you can’t outrun them, we get less ult charge than them… Kinda seems like Blizz haven’t worked on the support role at all yet.

Which is worrying considering they’ve had years to do so at this point. This isn’t a case of being worried over an ‘early release alpha from some indie dev that has only been working on it for six months.’ They have been keeping mum about OW2 for OVER TWO YEARS. Constantly hinting they have a lot of stuff to show us, that they’ve been working hard to balance every role so they feel impacful and fun to play…

And then it gets to the beta and this is what they have to show for it? It’s not underwhelming, its downright concerning.

I really hope blizz starts to learn faster than this, because a lot of things need changing before release.


So, just pick DPS? Let someone else be a sucker.

I am almost 100% confident, that tank/support roles are viewed merely as dumping grounds for excess DPS players, that aren’t very confident in their ability.


Whilst I agree with the sentiment, DPS has never really been a role that has madly appealed to me.

I came to Overwatch from WoW, and was a support player there too (disc priest 4 lyfe, wooo!) So I’ve never been a fan of the murderizing role, it’s just not in my blood I guess.


Somehow I prefer to minimise killing, not maximise it. Even while my first ever FPS game was Doom 3.

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My first FPS was actually a shareware (oh god I’m so old) version of the original doom. But in pvp games I just really like enabling my team more than being out for blood.

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I am more in stealth, sabotage and subversion, but supporting is also included.

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You coming back to your team covered in blood: ‘fixed it for you’
Your rein: O_o

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It’s basically how it goes for TF2 Spy.

Regular kills just boring for me, they need a twist to them. Be it backstab, automatic turret, or just some trap on the map you activate to crush enemy with moving ceiling. Simple “you aim at each other and keep shooting, until one of you falls dead” isn’t very interesting.


There is value and profit to be found in co-ordinating, comboing, and communicating with your teammates in Overwatch 2. It isn’t pointless or punitive. I think teams that DO play as a team will see great success…


But, I also think that the new design allows for people to ‘do something’ on their own and not have almost ALLLLL of their efforts negated or deleted by their team messing up.

Tanks can BRAWL. DPS can pop-off. And as long as Supports aren’t DoA, they will be critical in shaping the outcomes of fights.

Most of all, we’ve just got to try it. And we’ve got to try it in our respective ranks. Watching OWL Kids decimate the Blizzard Receptionist doesn’t do anyone any good. :slight_smile:

I see those opinions as incredibly likely to be biased for a multitude of reasons.

These are people who have been given special privileges by Blizzard, and people whose primary monetary gains are based around OW2.

They need you to be hyped.