You're here to compete. Voice Comms should be compulsory

If i am not mistaken even some def people can talk. Even if not, if you force everyone to be present in voice chat nothing is going to change for them so i dont understand why to bring them up anyway as argument.

Would you rather I bring up the people who always mock my voice anytime I speak?

Would you rather I just say “OP is taking comp far more seriously than it’s intended to be”?

However I decided to argue it from a disabilities standpoint as it’s the most effective at getting the point across. Not everyone is able or willing to use voice chat to its full potential, yet the OP wants to be the voice of God and dictate what should be done in a game they don’t have control over.

Perhaps they would be more suited to playing single player strategy or God-sim games where they have all the control in the world. I hear Doshin the Giant is a good game.

Does that explain the context to which I made my argument?

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Well its not fun, but you can still mute them, I had some toxic responses on US server too, mal ng fun if me because of my accent. These things happens, try to not think about it too much. Mute and ignore.

Well i belive that team mates who dont join voice chat take comp seriously at all. Comp should be taken seriously but it is still a game so i think its right to be somewhere in the middle :slight_smile:

I would like to point out that you playing in US might be affecting your opinion same as mine while play in EU. We who play in EU suffer a lot because there is very little team work in ranks below diamond and communication in many games is virtualy nonexistent. I am talking about plenty of games which are dead silent, not even “hello” at start. People outside of voice is big issue in eu. I dont see that problem when playing on US server at all.

I’m confused…how does the OP’s suggestion in any way affect deaf people…I thought the OP was saying that they wanted voice chat forced at start and make players have to mute people. Isn’t this an irrelevant point for deaf people as they are already playing hearing nothing?


Ahh missed this thanks. Frankly I think Deaf people have the advantage here…not only does chat not do anything for them but they have an excuse if people complain like jerks haha!

But now it is time for the real questions which everyone has on their mind. If someone on your team was playing with Ecuadorian potassium instead of a keyboard and they were steaming it, would you report them?

https : // youtu. be/DhFwAIMkWYc

‘Theoretical negative interactions’? I don’t know on which server you play, but on the EU server there’s someone being toxic in almost every match. Whining, complaining, blaming, insulting, mocking, cursing. Awful, awful people. I’m not going to put myself into a position where I can get verbally harassed by such individuals. Quite the opposite actually, I’m this close to turning off team text chat too (match chat is already off). 90% of the time it’s not used for callouts or strategizing, but just an endless stream of “why do we have a [x]”, “[x] switch ffs”, “stop feeding”, “team u suck”, “its lost gg”, “no heals”, “idiots”, etc etc.

Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree that communication enables teamwork which wins matches in this game (and makes for a more enjoyable time too). And if people in Overwatch were mature and friendly, I’m sure I would have many great games talking with my teammates. The reality is however that this game is sadly filled with little kids (either literally or behaving as such), people that can’t accept their own failings and need to deflect it to others to keep feeling good about themselves, sore losers, people that believe they get to order their teammates around for some reason, people with anger management problems, and quite frankly also a few folks who I think should probably be locked up somewhere. Some weird stuff I heard in VC sometimes… So yeah, until this community grows up (which I expect will never happen) I’m out. Character callouts will have to do.

Voice comms compulsory? Not being a [censored] should be compulsory to play this game.


i get the argument but it’s phrased horribly

Many people who are ranked above Plat have said that VC does not really matter that much below Diamond, and even tho I was never Diamond I tend to agree.

Before OW I played a teambased games, Unreal Tournament and we played pugs and I got used to being in VC there. We used Teamspeak at the the time. Yes, I am old :smiley: and that kind of attitude transferred to OW as well. When I first started playing this game and was in Bronze, 80% of my matches were me the only one talking and calling stuff out, even if there were only 2 other ppl in VC together with me.

Not a lot has changed in Gold tbh. I rarely have a match that has all 6 of them in VC and I play on US servers even tho I am from EU. EU is even worse when it comes to VC in low elos, hence why I stopped playing EU after the first month of me playing this game.

The thing with low elos is, I have won games where no one was in VC, I have won games where everyone was on VC but no one ever talked, including me, and I have lost games where everyone was calling stuff out. It is a dice roll in low elos when it comes to communication.

I have my settings set up so that I join VC immediately, and there are instances where I rly do not want to talk, either being too tired from work or generally not in the mood to talk, but I always listen and follow up on calls. As far as comms go, my recent matches have always been like having to mute someone just at the start of the game, at hero selection screen because they either blast some awful music, or are moutbreathing, chewing and eating or yes farting. That is an instant “one man down in VC”.

I have also had matches where I was the only one calling stuff out then reading in text chat how I am annoying, how I got muted, how I should stop talking, etc. because “it ruins their focus”. Team comms ruin their focus in a team based game. Well, ok.

I am still in VC to this day, every match I play, even if I do not feel like talking, and it barely makes a difference. You telling your Rein how he should not charge 1vs6 while being at 100 HP is most definitely not going to prevent him from doing so if he actually wants to do it.

I am not saying that one should never be in VC. I have lost a lot of games where if that one person was in VC while I called out that someone is behind him maybe we would have won. The only elo where comms are most beneficial is Master’s and above where ppl know and want to play as a team.

Not even going to tell you the amount of times I got flamed for telling ppl to pull back, not use ults, to regroup, to combo ults, to focus a 10 HP enemy who is out of cooldowns, etc.

In general, I do agree that in a teambased game ppl should be in VC. In practice it is much harder to achieve it. And yes, deaf and mute ppl have gotten to high SR’s same as people who have no arms literally and are playing with their feet.

Comms are a plus and beneficial, but most definitely not a deterrent for someone being “stuck” in a particular SR range.

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I’d like that, except for one problem… the people in VC. In Overwatch VC, you’ll run into the following people.

click click clack click clack all game… never says a word

“No mom! I told her I wasn’t going to! NOOOOOO MOM!” dog barking in the background

Heavy breathing all game

crappy rap music over a radio behind them all game at max volume

“Hey have you ever taken a HUGE poop and found out you’re out of toilet paper and instead had to eat it to clean your hands? I did, it was SOOOO good!”

says nothing all game (defeat) “You guys are three explicatives trash”

farting noises all game


plug in the crap tier headphones you got from your $1200 iphone…stop making ridiculous excuses

Once again, not everyone has these things, I personally didn’t get my first cellphone until I was in my mid 20’s.

Agreed, I’m simply saying some people are in this type of situation, and it could be totally out of their control ex: living with parents and/or can’t afford something better.


people simply dont want to buy headsets after buying a tv console pc monitor or whatever

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Always in comms myself, but if people are talking about completely unrelated or inappropriate things, I am going to leave. Also, if the first thing I hear is extremely loud sounds when I join a game (like random screaming or mic feedback), I’m leaving chat.

Also, If I am insulted randomly, I will just leave. constructive criticism is fine, but when people are blatantly insulting for no reason, then I will just leave the chat all together, because the rest of the people who chose to stay in chat with the insulter are likely as bad or worse than the insulter.


as i said, headphones come with your phone. regardless of when you GET your phone, your parents whose basement you dwell in will have headphones.

uh what? thats not true at all… true, most phones come with headphones, but not all of them.

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Not to mention the headphones that come with the new iPhones don’t plug into computers. They all have the lightning plugs instead.

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i do believe they are bluetooth enabled? correct me if im wrong as i dont buy those phones…but bluetooth adapter if your comp doesnt have one built in is like $10