Your worst habits

  • wanna increase communication, but “hi guys” and “good job” are the only things i say on the mic every time :frowning:
  • Staying on the point with DVa till i die, instead of regroup
  • everything OP said

If you want to improve your communication, just say to your team which enemy is low/one.
Helps a lot.

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Overhealing someone when I need healing playing Mercy

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I’ve been slowly getting rid of this habit (started around season 3 and has taken this long to mostly get rid of it) but I used to melee constantly during every second of downtime. Just finished healing up a teammate? WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK. Doesn’t matter if I’m out of position or in danger of being heard, it was a thing I just had to do otherwise I started getting really nervous and jittery. The thing that helped me stop was understanding when to use melee as Moira to combo burst damage, so using melee for a purpose.

Whenever I’m playing healer, I have the habit of trying to heal someone whenever they’re low. I’m still working on this and get caught out many times doing this, but it can lead to bad situations like: denying our second healer ult charge, putting myself in danger or out of position, feeding the enemy ultimates by healing teammates that are guaranteed to die, etc.

I hold Zarya ult too long and too often use her bubbles to farm charge even if I’m high energy (often teammates die becaus of this when I could’ve had bubble for them). I also reload too often as Zarya and Orisa.

I have very good Ana positioning but for some reason during the middle of fights, auto pilot kicks in and I jump off high ground. Still working on this but I don’t play Ana often…

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another one: rezzing teammates in the most stupid situations - like when i already know we both won´t survive while i hit that button, but i fugging hit that button anyway, just don´t press it, noo? it´s not like some invisible power is forcing me to press it - i mean, just don´t
don´t push the button!