What are your top 5 games of all times?
The Witcher 3
The Witcher 3
The Witcher 3
The Witcher 3
The Witcher 3
- WoW
- Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005)
- Battle for Middle Earth 2
- Overwatch
- Lost Planet 2
EDIT: This was just knee jerk reaction, it gets harder the more you think about it. (Oblivion, Arkham City, etc.)
You forgot the inevitable Cyberpunk 2077.
- Bayonetta
- Overwatch
- Crash Bandicoot
- Bully
- Saints Row The Third
(Honorable mention: Dance Central 2)
Halo 3
Mario Kart double Dash
super smash Bros ultimate
Deus ex 1
- Pokémon Fire Red
- Crash Bandicoot
- Overwatch
- Aion
- Blade & Soul
1 Overwatch
2 Life is Strange
3 Life is Strange: Before the storm
4 The sims
5 The sims medieval
1:Dying Light
3:League of Legends
5:Need for Speed Most Wanted (from 2005)
So many members of CDPR (Witcher 3 team) have left that I’m afraid it might be trash.
- Ratchet and Clank 3
- Tales of Xillia 2
- Bloodborne
- Persona 5
- Rayman Revolution
- Devil May Cry series
- Overwatch
I don’t have enough time to play much else, so I usually only ever play OW when I have some freedom to do so. I’m waiting for DMC 5.
This game was my childhood. It wasn’t very well balanced, but it was super fun either way.
This is a classic too, I’ve got almost 1000 hours on it.
- Final Fantasy VII
- StarCraft
- Capcom vs. SNK 2
- Golden Eye 007
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Just missing the list.
Overwatch, Street Fighter II, Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Turismo 2, Counter Strike, Super Mario World, Age of Empires II and WarCraft II.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Metal Gear Solid (Psone) , Gears of war 1, Turtles in time (Super NES) , Paladins. I’d like to add to Dragon Age and Battlefield.
Are you implying that Rohirrim are better than Rivendell lancers…
Who would win? 1000 Orcs or a Custom Hero?
Then there are the powers…
- Centipede arcade/Atari
- Super Mario Bros
- Zelda Ocarina of Time
- Tekken Tag and Tekken 7
- The Witcher 3
1 - WoW (till Legion, BfA sucks so far)
2 - Crash Bandicoot (the whole trilogy, or the third one if choosing)
3 - Spyro Year of the Dragon
4 - Dishonored
5 - Need For Speed Most Wanted (the one from the 2000s)
- Portal 2
- Portal 1
- Majors mask
- Mgs 3 snake eater
- Overwatch