Hanzo - for multiple reasons, most have been widely talked about on this forum.
Widowmaker - for generic reasons, a like most on this forum.
Pharah - I don’t hate her, I hate the mechanic tied to her… flying.
Hanzo - for multiple reasons, most have been widely talked about on this forum.
Widowmaker - for generic reasons, a like most on this forum.
Pharah - I don’t hate her, I hate the mechanic tied to her… flying.
Doom, Doom, and Doom.
I dislike Hanzo 2.0, Widow, FFA Moira and lately Reaper.
Doomfist, he takes (took) idk havnt played in a decent while, minimal skill with such a high reward, and was an utter god if the player was good with him just an overall crap design for a character (all cc)
mercy, she is brainded to play, annoying to verse since she passive heals for a lot, and if i am playing a tank like hamster, its hard to kill her since you have to have insane headshot tracking skills for your whole clip, also, did I mention she is brainded to play and no skill
genji, by far dps is the biggest rank booster, any bad player can pick up dps and just get a better rank since that is the best carrying role, genji is primarily used for this
Widow, Pharah and Ashe in that order. All of them are such a pain to deal with.
Doomfist and Hanzo are a close 4th, honestly.
Doom fist
Doom fist
Doom fist
Tank: Winston - everyone who locks in tank play winston because he’s a tank and he can’t get blamed for everything because he is the “strongest” tank.
Dps: Sombra - everyone sucks at playing her. LOL!
Healer: Ana - pretty much the same as DPS except everyone sucks at shooting both the nade and her ult on the right person.
Sorry to everyone else who didn’t make the list
My hated character is because I play in an uncoordinated games like mystery heroes, therefore the character I hate are:
I don’t have too much issues about dying to a good Hanzo and WM. Most of the time, I only die to them once or twice.
Mei: multi-freezing was a terrible idea. Infinite CC spammer and one of the main reasons nobody want to tank. Very near to reaper.
Sombra: This abomination need to be in F tier forever, otherwise I better uninstall the game. She is the epitome of bad design and I can’t believe devs haven’t reworked her yet.
Briggite: She is right now much better than before. But Old Briggite was the worst decision devs make in Ow. She is the main reason a lot of players quit the game, and the main reason Goats born. She was created to kill dive, but she just kill every comp and almost kill the game (and Owl).
Mei, Briggette, and Zarya, all in one package.
The three of them together make a comp so difficult to break because they’re all tanky and peel for each other. Throw in a Rein for more defense and tankiness, Baptiste for heals and immortality, and an Ashe for ranged dps and Bob, and you get possibly the strongest comp of death that ever balled.
Hanzo, Widow and Orisa.
The first have no counters besides themselves and Orisa just forces boring metas (I absolutely despise halt).
Pharah- she’s such a fun-killer for Torb, Junk, and Brig, who I enjoy playing most. Now I gotta swap to counter I’m traumatized by the sound of her rockets too
Zarya- only one other person said Zarya it seems… well I just don’t enjoy playing against her whole barrier thing, but I respect it and don’t think it’s broken or anything. She’s still a fun-killer with her tools though. Plus I play solo, and randoms always charge her beam up by shooting her shields grrr
Tracer- A distant third. A good Tracer is SO annoying for reasons ppl listed already.
Bastion and Doom are mines.
Doomfist, Doomfist and uhhh Doomfist.
I feel like EVERY Doomfist is just some steroid-Chad-m*%^#f%$#^ punching unsuspecting people in the face, tea-bagging them, and saying “no chance” or “K-O” over and over because they have no sense of aim in a FPS -_-
I can’t help but imagine some snotty kid laughing as they burn ants with a magnifying glass.
Sorry… I know it’s nothing personal but for whatever reason, I get (obviously) triggered by Doomfists. My bad though, I’m sure you all are lovely people
 ̄﹏ ̄
1 - Spamzo : random headshot in close or long range, it always feels unfair.
2 - Reaper : DPS in easy mode.
3 - Mei : she got a kit made for disrupting your team, so yeah, it’s always unpleasant to fight her.