Your top 3 hated heroes of all time?

What are you top 3 heroes you hate the most since launch generally?

Iam saying all time because i used to hate Moira but i got used to her and she isnt in my top 3 in general. Better stated - 3 heroes who gave you the most stress and unfun playing against in your ow history?

For me

  1. Pharah, i have “vietnam flashbacks” to pharmercy console regime when i see her, i never ever hated something more in 10 years in games like i hate Pharah, she brings evil within me haha.

  2. Widowmaker, i love playing as her but playing against her is one of the most boring and annoying experiences, all your gunfights are decided by her skill, if she has insane game of hitting headshots, you will just die no matter how much dafran you will wake up in you or pick widow and be better.

  3. Orisa, such a boring, bland shield bot, the game became slower, less skillful, less intense and just worse since she was released.

What are your top 3 heroes you think makes the game worse? Share your subjective opinion!

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Orisa is definitely the worst. I hate shooting at barriers all game. It made me quit. And she just ruined the game for me far before she was considered meta, to be honest.

Genji. Playing around deflect is annoying. I do not like how you can react to abilities and still catch them. He is harder to hit than most other flankers too. Dragonblade feels like it has minimal counterplay when I am on DPS.

Sombra. I do not really need to explain this one.


Thanks for your opinion,

playing a lot of Genji helped me to not hate Genji haha, once you understand him from his POV, he is easy breakfast, atleast last dozens of seasons.

But i understand your view!

I hate Sombra for her passive way more then for hack, i may be one the few, but winning 1v1 gunfight only to be deleted by invisible Sombra one second after feels so horrible.


That is the issue, I do not even hate Genji. I just hate deflect. It makes me feel mentally handicapped. No matter what I do, it always comes back. I delay? He does not care. I instantly fire? Deflected. I try and wait it out, mistimed. I actually wait it out? Cancel.

I would rather face a 24/7 dragonblade Genji than one with deflect. Real talk. It is a personal problem and one that I doubt I will ever overcome. I am destined to be humiliated no matter how I approach the situation.

Which heroes you play the most:)?

McCree and Widow. So as you can see, I get myself killed a lot.

Doom, WIdow, Hanzo. As many others will agree.


Yes i understand, its the weird counter thing,

Mcree should counter Genji but i eat Mcrees with Genji.

Same with Mccree vs Tracer, i never understood how Mccree counters her unless god quick headshot and body shot, she will not go in flashbang range.

I kill Mccrees majority of times as Tracer and also i have big trouble against Tracers as Mccree, so i understand you.

We call Mccree “Pizza hitbox” with friends haha, his hitbox is too big and his roll is so annoying because it works like a teleportation for some reason, if you are in the middle of the roll and someone shoots the empty space you rolled from you will die, same with Genji dash.

Its so stupid that these movement abilities works like teleport instead of actual smooth movement.

Your hitbox is still in the position where you started the ability from when your ability is not finished. So stupid, this annoyed me since launch haha.

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  • doomfist ( terrible to play against)
  • hanzo 2.0 (i was main hanzo, but this new hanzo is so broken. i hate him).
  • reaper ( the new reaper is to low effort / high rewards and you are almost forced to play a cc hero).

a bonus to mei ,orisa, widow , mcree and the massacre ultimate bot genji.

and about my 2 years on ps4… PHARAH!
i was really tired how each match on higher ranks was hardcarry 3/4 part of the map with this stupid low effort combo (pharahmercy).


Hes just no aim no brain rclick spam

1 shots are stupid

See widowmaker


Roadhog- 600hp hero with amazing sustain and has a super easy 1-shot combo just feels terrible to fight against. Even if I land all my shots, he doesn’t care and will proceed to hook me.

Doomfist- Similar reason to Roadhog, he dives in leaving you little time to react, completely decimates you in 1/10th of a second and then rockets away with a billion HP.

Orisa- Shields Shields Shields


I know, right? Genji and Tracer sure act like they counter McCree when they approach the match up, and when I play flankers, you can bet I go straight for the McCree too just because I know how hard it is to deal with. It is just so embarrassing flashing a teammate because you suck at playing around deflect.

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Probably Mei, I don’t think she’s OP but she’s super not fun to fight against as a tank, I’m just constantly froze. I’ve played against plenty of mei’s who will freeze me and keep freezing me even after I’m frozen, so when I’m unfrozen I don’t have much time before I’m froze again.

Hanzo - I just don’t feel like a lot the kills a hanzo gets are the hanzo actually having skill, most of the time when I die to a hanzo its some random arrow shot down the sight line and I happen to be walking in the path.

Lucio - for the simple fact that I’m constantly being booped around and can’t stay on the point for more than 30 seconds in a fight, especially with a hammond spinning in circles. It’s just annoying more than anything.


FFA Moira

Irritating, tiresome, arrogant, usually suck hard.

  1. Moira
  2. Symmetra
  3. Torbjorn
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I don’t hate any hero at worst I find them annoying flies. Mei I play her on occasion yet she still annyoing. Mcree flashbang one shot. Roadhog hooking me from a mile away or the hook hit me even though my teammate was the target.

I don’t hate these heros but there heros i hate going up agenst because they either counter or so op.

  1. Hanzo
  2. Reaper. So overpowered
  3. Has to be miora, she just isnt my type of hero and im i dont like her gameplay design to be so minimalistic and easy.
  1. Widowmaker: Such a polarizing yet boring hero to me. They tend to either carry games or just feed.
  2. Hanzo: Similar to widow but not as bad anymore ( Spamzo can at least get kills or break shields (: )
  3. Tied Doomfist and WB: Both “newer” heroes which some people still haven’t learned to play with/ against.
    HM. Ana: She’s a good hero and all but a good ana on the enemy team who hits antinade often against a team who wont dive her is very frustrating.

Mercy. She’s such a chore to play these days, when compared to other true main healers. Her mobility and her own survival are the only remaining qualities, but not necessarily all that helpful for maintaining her team’s survival.

Doomfist. Feels like a cheap hero to play against.

Hanzo. Machine gun arrows… really?

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Let’s see… i don’t really have any heros i hate playing, i love playing every hero equally, even the more boring ones like Orisa.

But against as a support main–

Hanzo: if they’re good, they’re annoying as sin. If they’re bad, they usually just storm arrow the tanks and then grav-dragon. Then it’s like, well i HAVE to switch to something to counter it or we all get wiped.

Doomfist: anytime he’s on the field i either have to play perfect or switch to Moira/Lucio.
I don’t really have to explain anything extra here.

Widowmaker: “Sniper! Keep your heads down!” oh great, LoS the sniper all match or get dinked. Gotta make sure I’m crouch spamming, gotta make sure I’m in LoS of my tanks/dps to heal them while also avoiding her sights. :disappointed:

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