Your top 3 hated heroes of all time?

On my team, Sombra, Bastion, Zenyatta.

Against my team, no one really.

  1. Roadhog - A tank, who instead of slowing the game down like he needs to, makes the game a clown fiesta. Literally 0 counter play because he does so much damage with his gun to barriers that he shreds them and then hook is a death sentence.

  2. Wrecking Ball - A tank, similar to Roadhog, who has no protective abilities for teammates to slow the game down. I canā€™t stress how important it is for every tank to slow the game down at least a little bit like Zarya because otherwise it would be COD. Wrecking Ball also has tons of CC.

  3. Doomfist - Too much burst damage; needs toned down so he canā€™t instantly slam + shoot + uppercut to insta-kill supports. Frequency of abilities increased, but damage & CC reduced is a good route to take I would say.

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-Mccree no skill Cheese kills with flash>FtH. Too many people play him in deathmatch for that reason and it ruins the mode. His left click is so fast now that if youā€™re not at full health itā€™s almost impossible to react in time before he kills you.

  • Doom ā€œI only use my punch for mobilityā€ fist. Get absolutely fuc@#$ with that statement. Every single doom in every single rank in every single God damn game uses that punch for kills, and Iā€™m sick of them using that argument as a shield against the ability being nerfed further. It needs to lose SOMETHING. Low/ uncharged punch should do fu#$ all damage? It shouldnā€™t be able to stun as WELL as be a easy, forgiving one shot? His techs out of it for both mobility and gaining height are ridiculous, and people complain about mercyā€™s superjump? Pick any one for a nerf PLEASE. It hits around corners, it kills you against a single stair instead of a full wall. Worst of all is that he just punches straight through roadhogs whole hog like its not even there. His shield nerf was nothing, he is no easier to burst down that he was before.
    Tracer - Her recent buff dramatically lowered her skill floor. Sheā€™s always been ridiculously hard to pin down. In the new PTR patch she is going to be eating tanks for breakfast. Next to no shields and she can engage WELL outside of their optimum attack range.
  1. Symmetra. Just the worst hero in term of gameplay, backstory, behavior.

2.Mei. Annoying af, and 90% of her kit is no skill (only the wall is)

  1. Sombra. Haha Im behind you even if you have a good aim I can still TP at 2hp so you cannot kill me.Most coward hero

I play mei and I can agree with most of what you said there, but her right clicks take a crazy amount of skill to reliably land, especially at a distance (without having frozen them). Nothing gets me more erect than out sniping a widow with her.


Doomfist and Mei.
Scattuh Hanzo was infuriating too though.

  1. Doomfist

  2. Spamzo

  3. A tie between Genji and Road

I agree with you and I take back what I said 75% of her kit is no skill*

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Reaper, Mei and Widow.

I pretty much dislike ccā€¦so any character with cc

Usually depends if I am playing against smurfs or not.


Tracer replaces Hanzo if itā€™s a smurf.

  1. Doomfist. Not much to add as a support main.
  2. Old moth Mercy. Absolutely boring to play and a must pick if you wanted to win. So glad its gone.

I dont feel strongly about anything else.

Playing against Widowmaker is not boring in the least. You die out of nothing, it is at least surprising.

For me:

  • Mei - Braindead weapon, easy peasy freeze. Hate how retarded the freeze is and the lack of even MOVE (worst than Sombraā€™s Hack for which you can move) to do something to flee and the satan face.
  • Bastion - Braindead turret that requires the whole team to play around it and the whole enemy team to play around it as well because the need first to take bastion out of the fight to then have the change of doing something. #reworkBastion
  • Briggite pre-changes/Moira - They both deserve this place in my list. Man I hated Briggite when she was released. No skill at all, almost OTK ability, ā€œsupport-tankā€ that would never die AND the braindead whip left-click-forever. Moira is basically because of her right-click. Until they nerfed a bit the damage couple weeks ago she was ridiculous. I complained about her from the beginning. She was boring and OP. But people didnā€™t notice her because of the meta - which does not mean she was OP. Now with the damage nerf it is a bit better, but is still braindead right-click. She should be required to aim more, like Symm or Zarya.


(20 char)

1 - Orisa. I just despise this hero. So much that I hate getting Hog players on my team because in the event we lose fights I might have to fill as this sad excuse of a hero. Uninteractive, perma shield stupid horse. Even before 2-2-2 this hero would be most sleep inducing hero to play but most of all play against. You get your favorite Rein+Zarya map and your lovely support players refuse to go Lucio so you lose to low effort sh*t comp that requires no effort on their part.

2 - Doomfist. How is this an interactive hero? He kills with 2-3 of his abilities instead of a primary fire. Most deaths feel cheap and unearned. The fact that all his abilities are CC/forced movements is so moronic. I donā€™t how this hero design/kit made it pass the drafting stage.

3 - Mei/Brig. If Mei gets reverted to her pre GOATs state Iā€™m fine and Brig is no 3

Sombra is my all time justā€¦ ugh. I hate playing against her and I hate what the devs have done to her for sombra enthusiasts. Sheā€™s just impossible to balance, and a pretty poor hero design. Shutting down an entire kit is something too powerful and annoying to have in the game.

I also hate Junkrat for personal reasons. As a brig one trick heā€™s literally the only hero that can make me even consider switching. Good junks arenā€™t as many as before with projectile nerf but the ones who have figured it out, whew. Canā€™t stand them.

Genji, Doomfist, and that Widow/Hanzo smurf who keep dominating in plat matches.

While Tracer and Genji are annoying to play against, theyā€™re never ā€œhatedā€ from my side. Just very annoying. Same with Hanzo, quite annoying to play against since 70% of his play-style is spamming arrows, and the remaining 30% is dropping down and press his "I win"button.

No, I reserve the hate specifically for one hero; Doomfist. I donā€™t care how ā€œbalancedā€ people consider him, heā€™s still the most frustrating hero to play against. Any fight with a Doomfist on the opposing team, is guaranteed to be a low quality match.


As a support:
1.) Reaper - Will go after me first.
2.) Reaper - Canā€™t out heal his damage to tanks.
3.) Reaper - Take pot shots, wraith away. Comes back and die, die, die.

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in no particular order.

my third i canā€™t decide on, it was either old sym shield generator or hanzo with scatter