Your thoughts on mercy?

You might as well have posted “I want people to reply to my thread, and I wish it to contain lots of drama”.

Trolls be trolling…

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Buff her heals to 55, beam doesn’t break during Valk activation, reduce movement reduction during ressurect to 50%, attach a heal/dmg boost meter to her ressurect so she EARNS it and works for it instead of being stuck on waiting a 30-second CD. Increase Valk’s healing to 65 and reduce its duration to 12 seconds.

Mass Rez could’ve been addressed without a rework. LoS checks, cast time, invincibility revert were all options Blizzard could’ve worked with, but they preferred to listen to the DPS complaints and then made the most unbalanced kit this game has ever seen.


I love mercy though, and I main tanks


Shes just fine with the slight Valk buff. I dont mind superjump either.

My only problem with it was it had no LoS requirement. Every support encourages unacceptable playstyles like DPS Moira and Reddit Lúcio. Hide and Rez was a bad excuse to rework her.

She’s perfectly fine and in a good spot!

I made a pretty lengthy post a while back stating all my opinions on Mercy and proposed changes. Nothing has changed drastically regarding Mercy’s kit since then and everything I said still stands.

Heres a link to it so you can take a look:

How did you come to that conclusion?

Because she’s balanced and in a good spot?



What would you say if I told you that there are reasons to change something even if it is “balanced”?

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Good with Ana, Moira, Bap.

Useless on her own and with an off-healer

I think Mercy is balanced and wouldn’t want changes on her.


Not much as I know mercy is in a good spot and she doesn’t need those “changes”.



The fact that Mercy is the only healer in the game who can’t temporarily boost her healing output in a significant, reliable way isn’t a problem?

The fact that Resurrect is arguably still more powerful than Valkyrie isn’t a problem?

The fact that Resurrect’s down sides heavily clash with Mercy’s other strengths of mobility and reliability isn’t a problem?

The fact that Valkyrie takes Mercy’s reasonably easy kit and makes it even easier isn’t a problem?

The fact that the most interesting and exciting way to use Valkyrie is to either dive someone with her blaster or bait out enemy abilities and ultimates (therefore acting like either a DPS or Tank instead of a healer) isn’t a problem?


She’s pretty okay-ish.

I just thought an amusing buff to her would be letting her Rez have the Quick Reload effect from other games.

  • Always make the quick rez bar show up in a random location (so no muscle memory).
  • Same cast time if a player opts not to risk it, or a little longer if they fail it.

However, I don’t know what that would actually do to the character in the meta for higher levels where they most likely have the developed reaction time to land the quick rez.

I wouldn’t say these are crucial enough to be an issue for mercy. the only QOL changes that I would want for her is, her beam not being broken when she ults, damage boost gives ult charge etc. (maybe 55hps)


No seriously what?

How can you look at a decent sized list of design flaws Mercy has and be like… “meh, it’s fine”? Like seriously how?

Seriously you are coming off as the “This is fine” dog to me right now.

As someone else said she’s okayish, feels overshadowed by the other main supports. While I don’t necessarily think she needs anything, I wouldn’t be against a slight heal buff.

Because she is fine. there is nothing else to comment on.


Thats what the ult for

Cant argue with that. Thats why i liked Mass Rez better.

No its not. There are heroes which are supposed to be easy. There are others supposed to be hard.

Its not. You can use the ult other ways and creatively. If it would be only for the healing, the character would be as boring as an 1v1 Orisa duel.


But she isn’t.

Literally all 5 of those things I mentioned are design problems her current kit has. A kit that has numerous design flaws isn’t “fine”… it’s flawed. And should probably get fixed.