I would like to know what each individual player thinks of the current state of heroes. Such as who they think are the best, worst or good with a tier list.
This is your own personal tier list detailing what heroes you feel are good or bad from S - F. You do not need to put a hero in every rank. Honestly you can just put one in any tier and call it a day.
Basically keep everything civil:
Since this is a personal tier list I do not want to see infighting with positions. I want everyone's honest opinion to get a better understanding of the heroes and the player.
If you think Sombra is S tier and Ashe is F then that is fine. I will not question it nor dispute. Though I might ask for clarification.
The Tiers:
Here is an explanation of what each tier means:
Best or Busted
Very Strong
The Tier List:
Here is my tier list, keep in mind the B tier takes up two rows.
S tier: Ana, Ashe
A tier: Rein, Sigma, brig, tracer
B tier: mcree (close to a, hard to say bc winrate…), hanzo, doomfist, widow, mercy, moira, echo, wrecking ball, torb, orisa, lucio, zarya, hog
C tier: zen, baptiste, junkrat, soldier, d.va, pharah, mei, winston,
D: sym, sombra
F: reaper(close to D), bastion