Your overwatch takes that aged like milk?


She’s been picked on every map by both teams so far on the post-nerf patch.

The only exception has been 1 map from London where they did pick Rein and they got destroyed.

This can certainly count as your bad take :joy:.

The hell you would have unleashed upon this world if they listened to you…

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If your meaning of dead is the servers being shut down then no.

OW in its current state is a dead game and I don’t see a shiny patch increasing player interaction for more than a couple of months.

The current Overwatch 2 tanks, which most seem to love to the point queue times are up, is what asked for years ago. I have been banging this drum of low defense, high self sustain with independent tanks for so long, my only remaining spite is that it took Blizz so long to act.

Some asked for them. But there’s still a chunk of players crying because their precious double shields are being taken away.

“no way there’s another sunset map in OW2, so many people disliked Gibraltar just because of it. they’ll use the new feature to remove Gibraltar’s sunset and call it a day”


I’d like to nominate the doomers from this thread back in January: Are people this deaf? OW2 is clearly coming in 2022


There are some heroes that ping is practically a free ability. Zen being a major one.

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I didn’t think they’d do 122 because in the new york footage you could see Winston, Reinhardht and a dead Roadhog.

Now we’ve got Junkerqueen mirror and I guess people just have to accept mirroring solo tank now.

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We ask those people, politely yet firmly, to leave.

Who is defending double shield? I think, at best, people see it as a necessary evil, not something they actually enjoy or want.


When brig first released i thought she was underpowered af and thought her inspire should provide a speed boost… good times


When sig was 1st teased i called double shield. Only i thought the com o would be rein sig…i mean i was t wrong but…

  • Jon Spector moving from OWL into commercial operations for OW overall would leave both OW and OWL in a better place than it was before
  • Player shenanigans would end with OWL due to blizzard oversight
  • Kanezaka was terrible
  • OW2 would be an improvement

OW2 would have lots of new heroes and would be an overall improvement to OW1.

I’m actually so not hyped for OW2 I’m actually a bit dreading the day OW2 lands with all the poor changes they have done.

I thought Lucio will be bad in OW2. Atleast my prediction Brig being good is still true


I mean you said it. Any doomsayer takes technically dont age. Thats the whole point of that type of claim : “Something bad will happen in the future, IDK when exactly it will be, but it will !”

I can tell you, with 100% chances of being right, that those claiming OW2 is dead on arrival, fail on release etc, will move their goalpost so some undetermined future, to not admit they were wrong.

We’ll see it on Oct4 :sunglasses:


That Overwatch was going to get better with time. PepeLaugh

I thought 225 HP Brig might work out as a decent compromise between top ranks and lower ranks but, well, it did not. RIP. :headstone:

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Stevoo, arguably as big of an authority on Sym as one can get, thinks of her late B2 version as “amazingly good”. So there’s that.

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The one that immediately comes to mind is saying that brigs rework was a sign that they were not going to implement RQ….cause you know….they were trying to actually address GOATS

Nope!!! they were hell bent on going forward with it anyway and ruining the game

But generally speaking im right on most things :innocent: