Your Overwatch perfectly embodies the elitist content creator

remember when you all were on the forums demanding samito be banned for doing exactly what this guy is doing?

when i come into a conversation and call you a hypocrite dont ask why.

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No? They were calling Samito for inciting people to go after people on these forums, not for a passing remark.

samito did no such thing.

they claimed that he was wrong for doing it at all calling out another player because he has a following.

the forums has a following and you are witch hunting YO when you do this.

he didnt “incite” anything.

just like if everyone on this post went and trash talked freedo it doesnt mean the OP incited anything.

like i said, you all are hypocrites.


There is no bias.

You’re speaking in terms of mathematics where the “average” player is pretty much right in the middle of the SR scale.

I’m speaking in terms of skill. So while Platinum is right in the middle of the ranks (with Bronze, Silver & Gold below, and Diamond, Masters & GM above) the disparity in skill between ranks is far larger the higher you go.

The game knowledge & difference in mechanical skill from Bronze->Gold is not all that much. The game knowledge & difference in mechanical skill from Diamond->GM/Top 500 is massive.

It’s not awfully inaccurate to say being in High Gold/Low Plat means you’re average, but I would put the bar a bit higher. If the “average player” barely understands the game & how it’s played properly that’s a pretty low bar. Which from what I hear is definitely the case in those ranks

I’m even more confused now. Does SR not stand for skill rating? I thought I was talking in terms of skill already?

I agree but I don’t think it’s anywhere near the magnitude that you’re implying. Basically neither of us know but I’m willing to admit that.

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YourOverwatch. OverwatchCavalry. Stylosa.

They all follow the same dumb formula of making the players look stupid for the sake of Blizzard’s defence, even when Blizzard are wrong.

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I mean the samito freedo cliq is loudmouthing their way through creators discord too, seems saner voices like chro’s being drained out by the noise.


a lot of streamers call even masters trash, i dont see why this is any different.

im elitist as well, and im a silver player.
i dont care what gm players say about me, they dont know what i have to deal with in qp.

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I’m pretty sure SR does stand for skill rating

If you prefer that I put it in mathematical terms to have it make sense, think of it like this.

The SR/rank scale is linear from 1-5000, however the mechanical skill & game knowledge within that range is not linear, it’s exponential.

In Bronze->Gold if you were to plot it on a graph, the line would trail upwards but not by very much. Starting in Plat you’d start to see the graph trailing a bit more upwards, and in Diamond you’d really start to see a steeper incline. By the time you’re in Masters & getting close to GM the scale would be at a very steep incline, and GM/Top 500/OWL would be the pinnacle going straight up

This is why I don’t think it’s accurate to say Plat is “average”, because if you were to plot Plat players skill level on a graph among the other ranks they wouldn’t be in the middle, they’d be on the lower end of the spectrum, with mid-high Diamond being around the middle ground.

Hopefully that makes sense.

Having played in multiple SR’s all the way from Plat->GM I can say with firsthand knowledge that the difference in game knowledge & mechanical skill is truly massive.

Right now because I just play for fun & don’t care about my rank anymore I’m in high Plat as DPS (among other reasons :laughing:) . The mistakes I see people making are nearly incomprehensible when I’ve just come from a Masters Tank/Support game, and that’s just Masters, nevermind GM/Top 500

There are countless players in Plat who still don’t understand the concept of trickling or ult economy. They don’t know how or when to take fights, when to push forward, when to retreat, which target to focus, when to ult & how many are needed to win the fight, and plenty other aspects of game knowledge without being told in real time. And even when they are told, they don’t always listen.

Contrast that to Masters/GM where you really don’t need to constantly communicate all of that little stuff because for the most part it’s already understood & ingrained in each player. Sure, callouts are still super helpful & can help when you need to finish off a low HP target, but you don’t need to call out the tiny things that are second nature to most players in those higher ranks.

That’s why myself & others have said the SR scale isn’t a very good metric (and why I hope it’s reworked for OW2) and created new scales to get our point across.

so true lmao, they call samito a witch hunter but they doing the exact same thing to your overwatch for an opinion he has. the forums are another breed

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Yeah you’re treating skill like money.

Like in a group of 10 people, 9 people have 1 dollar each and 1 person has $100 then the average amount of money they have is $10.9

But you can’t quantify skill like you can quantify money. All you can do is rank in order.

That’s why that you’re doing is as mathematically innumerate as saying 1+1=5

What are you going to do, add up all the “skill” and then divide it by the number of players? That’s impossible. All you can do is use the median.

And it’s pure elitism to say one rank has so much more skill that even a rough quantification. It’s nothing but whiney self-entitled elitists hysterically over-reacting to tiny differences in performance.


I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if what I’m saying is too difficult to understand there’s not many more ways I can put it

It’s not about being too difficult. It’s about you not substantiating anything you’re saying. We already have a skill rating. We know where people fall in it. You’re claiming the SR system doesn’t accurately track a players skill? I ask you how and you bring up a bunch of vague things that can’t really be measured like ult economy, trickling, etc. Even though you’d think these skills are already reflected in SR?

I get what you’re saying, but it still doesn’t change the fact that Gold/Plat are still playing Overwatch, even if it isn’t “real” Overwatch. It’s a semi-arbitrary parameter on which your “average” is based.

Yes. SR is very simply measured by winning or losing games, not actual performance. This is how players get boosted & derankers smurf in low SR games. I’m sure you’ve heard of both of these things happening considering your presence on the forums

Do you know the meaning of vague? I gave very specific things and you just repeated a few back to me. I gave specific examples of game knowledge that “average” players should know, at least to a degree, but in Plat I see a lack of that. There is a certain baseline of game knowledge that I would say an average player has that most Plat players seem not to.

We just have different definitions of average, I suppose. I think you’re taking it too literally in the math sense, while I’m quantifying skill & game knowledge when defining average.

EDIT : I didn’t even watch the video until now, and just realized he used the same analogy I did with an exponential curve @13:09 Though I disagree with him that DPS & tank skill is mostly linear, I think there is a sharp curve starting in Diamond/Masters as well because game knowledge takes time to attain while mechanical skill can be transferred from other games

After watching that video, it was actually very educational. I can only guess that you were for some reason offended by his comment that he said average players are Diamond/Master

Why are you guys being so entitled with Your Overwatch ?
I find this channel really helpful and it helped me a lot when I was diamond to get to Master.

Why not just relax and actually listen and watch some of their videos guide that are not that bad and actually relatable to most of the Overwatch average+ players that are in plat/diamond.

There is nothing elitist about knowing at what rank the game actually become interesting. Of course you can always enjoy the game at lower levels but if you are like me someone that always want to get better then it is a good channel.

Who care at what % of ranks people are. Just try to get better, and if you can’t then it’s okay. No need to criticize the people that are above or bellow you.
I start from the principe that any human can learn from their mistake, so if you are good enough you just gonna climb. There is only room for improvement !

However I’m not a big fan of Samito to be honest. The video his made on one trick for example i don’t like.

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Agreed :slight_smile: I just play for fun at this point

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didn’t know that the channel making tutorial vids for objectively bad players was elitist lmao

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