Your Overwatch: "Illari, Worst Support in the Game"

Again, let’s say this.

Illari is the worst support, but not a weak character overall… her support counterparts are just busted beyond all means.

I agree but that doesn’t really matter…

Illari is competing for a slot on the team against those other stronger supports. Illari is also competing against slots on the enemy team filled by those other stronger supports. So until Blizzard balances the support role properly, which they won’t, Illari is a throw pick.

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Yes. But I don’t want them buffing her. Just adds to the problem.

Don’t forget “the ow2 battle pass is the best in gaming”. I had to unsub after that nonsense

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kind of curious about that so i browsed the top 500 ladders for all regions and she is more rare than other supports

funny tho that in europe the no.1 support player has most played as illari… :man_shrugging:

i havnt played her since the launch days where she was VERY strong so i dont have a clue. maybe i should give her a go again. i can see the argument that she is the same as moira but you have to aim with this hero so thats a disadvantage lol

maybe in later seasons they will buff her, or she may be the forgotten hero with the next mars space ranger support on the horizon

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It would definitely add to the problem if they creeped Illari beyond the power level of other supports. But simply elevating her to a mid-tier support level just makes her a practical option without powercreeping the role.


Nah, speak for yourself. Her pylon is the most interesting part of her kit for me.


It is arguably the only reason to play her, in fact.


It’s powercreep no matter how you buff her. Because she doesn’t need buffs, the other supports need nerfs. Buffing her would be textbook powercreep.

i can see them maybe giving her utility with pylon … watch. a cleanse effect or something

every healer that is real good has some sort of utility. ana nade, bap immortality field, kiriko suzu. illari is just heal and damage, she was strong at launch because of her damage and ult which they nerfed pretty substationally later. i think the gun was a tighter hitreg? dont know if they nerfed the damage but if all she had going for her was damage and ult which got nerfed then yea she became a worse moira

so they will maybe give her utility with pylon…WHICH may become too strong as well lol… with so many support heroes and more on the horizon its funny who they will buff/nerf overbuff/overnerf etc. i hate to be the balance dev

Hard disagree. Illari’s current status has the unique problem of giving her too much downtime where she can essentially do nothing. Her healing is tied to two resources that can be destroyed or exhausted, and her damage is inherently inconsistent.

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And then what… and then you buff her to be as broken as the rest of the supports and we’re back to square one. A role full of busted heroes that just run the game. Not to mention her kit is inherently held back by the fact that an automated healing turret that requires borderline feeding to be destroyed if it’s in their backline is a fundamentally flawed ability.

You can make her primary heals recharge faster but heal less sure, but that turret will ALWAYS hold her back. Or, knowing who runs this game, they won’t let it hold her back but keep it and let her be broken with it.

Lol no shes not play her in a poke comp and shes gold plus shes basically 2 supports in 1 with pylon, mercy zen weaver moira and lucio are way worse if you hadn’t have a perfect comp to play around them while illari can just be played in any poke comp and work perfectly fine

its not that illari, or brig, or mercy, or moira, or lucio are all bad… its just that bap and ana are better/more consistent. its incredible how a look into the state of every support always wraps back just needing some bap/ana nerfs

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Nah, dude. You can’t just be scared to fix fundamental problems with a hero just because you’re scared of “creep”. Keeping characters in fundamentally flawed states cannot be excused by the fear of creep or else you might as well not fix anything ever.

No, that’s not what power creep is. Power creep is when a team’s or RPG character’s capacity to output a particular stat (specifically referred to as damage creep, healing creep, etc.), or their overall total power level, is increased beyond what was previously possible, sometimes making previous options now feel obsolete.

Moira was an example of power creep at the time of her release, because certain Moira comps were capable of outputting more damage and more healing than any team comp was capable of previously.

Buffing an underperforming hero or mechanic to the average power level of items competing for the same slot is never power creep.

So again I ask… you do what?

Buff her to be as broken as her competition so we stay in the endless cycle of support heroes dominating the game for free, with overly bloated and broken kits?

If it ain’t powercreep, it’s idiotic balancing to buff the “underperforming hero” instead of nerfing the rest of the broken ones first.

Honestly, right now is not the season for Illari. Zen/Ana/Kiri are the main support due to Mauga and dive, so the utility is needed more this season.

Unless you see the enemy playing a lot of Pharmercy, the supports are mainly going to play those three I mention, with the other support being either Baptise or Brig. Moria, Mercy, and Reddit Lucio has always have their own dedicated one-trick/main following who will always play their hero first unless pressure to swap as to not lose.

False dichotomy with zero nuance, as per usual on these forums.

I’m literally asking you a question. Instead of answering that question, you’re complaining about false dichotomy.

So I’ll ask again, and maybe this time you’ll get it right.

What do you do? You don’t want people to be scared of creep and keeping heroes in fundamentally flawed states, so what do you do with Illari?

That also wasn’t false dichotomy, idk if you know what that means or what. But that wasn’t it.