Your opinion about Doomfist

Tell me, what’s your opinion of him. Do you hate him, like him, need a rework, nerf him to the ground or he’s too weak. I accept anything.

Remove his latest shield buff and fix his remaining bugs. I appreciate seeing one fixed every few patches but he still has some left. Maybe increase rocket punch CD by 1 second.

EDIT: 3600 Doom

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Needs tuning down to his CC.

I don’t think he needs the range on his Seismic Slam nerfed if they’re going to nerf the soft-CC that it does.

But I still hate him. Just don’t think any hero deserves to be garbo.


A hero with high mobility, instant death abilities and combos combined with self sustain, CC and an ulti which is a get out free card. I feel like his whole kit is a mistake and shouldnt have made it into the game in his current state


I find it exceptionally easy to near-instantly kill people when playing as him, and the massive amounts of CC are horrendous to play with from the opposing side.

His PTR changes feel okay, though.


Don’t see why people hate him so much.


I like him as is. Yeah.


God I hate Doomfist he’s such a stupid hero design


All the nerfs so far are more than warranted, but he isn’t that easy to play. The problem is his “ceiling” is only mildly high but his potential is far higher. He shouldn’t be nerfed too hard, but he should need more effort than he does now. Total Mayhem is a really bad example for balance, I know, but he’s picked almost every time for good reason: constant instant kill punches that you can’t do anything about.

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I wish he could be nerfed into the ground because I hate to play with and against him, but currently I want him buffed so hard that goats dies.

Its kinda conflicting. Like how brig is a necessary evil. I hope they buff all the anti goats heroes

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  1. Rocket Punch can be use as an instant kill and a mobility tool.
  2. Most of his moves has cc in them.
  3. His ult can be use as an escape or kill non mobile targets, example being Zen and Ana.

I think his entire design serves only to frustrate players and make the game less enjoyable. I think a rework would be ideal, but nerfing does the job too I guess.



He has counters like Roadhog, McCree, Zarya can save punch targets, etc

Like I said, I don’t get the issue


His ult needs a major rework.
It’s boring and boring to be killed by with no counter play and some characters having no way to avoid it.


As a support main, Doomfist is…alright.

Like, I know a lot of people HATE DF with a burning passion, but…I don’t find him THAT horrible. Annoying yes, but not overly frustrating or “delete him from the game”.

Main reason why is because Doomfist relys HEAVILY on his abilities, both when engaging and escaping…kinda like Tracer, but not as mobile. Plus he needs to get in close to really do damage…and needs to hit you. You do have a short time to get away from his punch, but it can either go your way or his way.
If he misses, he’s quite vulnerable and you can mow him down.
If he hits, better pray a wall wasn’t close behind you.

But even before that, he needs to charge up his punch to kill you. Stop him before that, whether it be killing, hacking, or sleep darting him and Boom…a dead DF.

Now I will admit his ult is a pain to deal with because I main Ana and you all know that’s not gonna end well for me. But with these recent changes…it’ll be more bearable.

Point is, like Tracer, he’s REALLY dangerous, but you can end him quickly since he NEEDS to be close to hurt you, he’s REALLY loud so it cannot be hard to miss him, and he REALLY…doesn’t have many ways to escape hairy situations because he’s not as fast or small as Tracer is so he’s easier to hit.
And there are many ways to stop him from killing you in most heroes abilities. Whether it be abilities that stop him in his tracks immediately(Mecree’s Flashbang/Brigitte’s Shield Bash/Ana’s Sleep Darts) or just evasive maneuvers(Moira’s Shadow Step/Tracer’s Blink or Recall/Lucio’s Wall Ride or Speed Boost). Or you know…hack him and watch him flail around like a fish as you quickly finish him off because again…he relies HEAVILY on his abilities. Without them…he’s not to doing very well.

I know it’s easier said than done, but as there are many ways for him to kill you, you have as many ways to kill him first.

…you know…to be honest, I feel like people either really hate Moira, Doomfist, or Brigitte. Like, if you don’t dislike 2 of them, you dislike or hate at least 1 of them.
For me, Moira and Doomfist can be annoying, but I can deal with them. Brigitte on the other hand…:cold_sweat:


I just hate his ult, but that’s okay now. They might have overnerfed him on the PTR.

He’s fun to play and to play against. Never had a problem with him. He’s a challenge along with brig, therefore I like challenges.

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From a tank pov he gains way too much shield way too fast and does way too much damage. From a support pov he has too many easy and consistent ways to secure kills on single cooldowns. From a DPS pov, eh, hes alright i guess.

Really cool character. Whether I’m destroying him, destroying as him or being destroyed by him, its a lotta fun.

Love em, only one to get me off hanzo. Played him the moment he hit ptr and post hitbox nerf.

Struggled to do well w him when it was a tracer genji widow meta every game but i kept with him. Eventually ppl started noticing and saying “good doom” in chat post game.

Smacked agilities tracer into the wall after he tried spawn camping me 1st point numbani. Went out side door Rp-up-ss to cliff mega. blew his blinks getting to me and smacked him as rp reset just in time.

Then brig comes out and actual thought dies n u got all these nobby dooms making montages that all look the same. N dooms that started to exploit the skybox to bypass actually having to flank properly.

Picked up orisa next cuz i was feelin the african theme. Love her now. Still swapped back to him from time to time but a lot less often as time went by. Eventually stopped playing him when hammy came out.

Still love em even though I understand y ppl dislike him. For zen/ana It feels like he comes out of nowhere because he kinda does. And u cant be as paranoid and constantly checking the rear for doom as your team is usually in front of u. On top of the root feeling equivillant to death. But still a lot of the changes on the ptr still feel pretty one sided.

Oh well, at least hammy is still pretty fun