Your matchmaking is 100% trash

Let’s pretend for a second, unrealistically, teams were perfectly even. Maybe even bots. 6 bots on enemy team, 5 bots on your team.

Now let’s say you play something like… Widow.

Your team pushes into their team. You get 2 picks right off the bat. Now it’s 6v4. Mathematically speaking you should be able to go grab something to drink and afk while your team wins 5v4, 100% of the time.

But for some weird reason your entire team dies. Like wait, what? What happened? No ults were used cause the game just started. How did they all die?

Hrm OK let’s swap to reaper.

Flank the enemy team. Kill torbs turret. Kill torb. Kill Ana. Kill Mercy too!

WOW! 3 kills and a turret down!

Your team is now 6v3… EASY WIN RIGHT?!

NO! Your entire team DIES AGAIN!

Wait a minute! What JUST HAPPENED?!

If my teammates are all equally as skilled as the enemy team shouldn’t these scenarios be 100% win rates? These bots are either broken or don’t belong on my team.

But you know what… let’s try AGAIN!

Reap into the back line. Pop off the Hanzo. Now 2 players are chasing me so I rush off the point away from my team dragging them off the objective.

This means my team is now 5v3… 1 player is dead, 2 are chasing me.

I look back and… MY WHOLE TEAM IS DEAD AGAIN!!!


How is this even possble?!

My team takes a loss, I lose 25 rating…

Are ya fing kidding me? You really think I’m the reason my team lost?

If these players were even remotely close to the same skill level as me and the other players on the enemy team all of these scenarios should have been super easy victories. But they weren’t.

The only logical conclusion is that your matchmaking is 100% garbage.


I’ve had games where they mixed GM(top 500) with Diamonds…

Now in this scenario you might be the GM and killed two of their diamond players. Leaving your diamond players against their GM.

Nethertheless you’d be right in your assumption that not all players are of the same skill.

Ever thought maybe they’ve been losing so many players due to their terrible matchmaking that they can no longer afford to put teams with similar SR together without forcing extremely long queue times? lol -this is more a reflection on Blizzards lack of effort to fix the core mechanic of their game… the matchmaking


2.08 elims per life reaper
1.48 elims per life widow
1.44 elims per life soldier

I believe your story 100% must be elo hell amirite /s


You do understand that playing 1v6 will yield lesser stats right?

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My friend, please tell me honestly if you believe this or if this is some kind of ironic humor I do not understand. I respect your decision, I am honestly wondering.


His points are valid, what do you mean?
Did he touch a nerve because your K/D is also subpar?

Also Enki, how is he playing 1v6?
Are we assuming he engages every fight while his team is respawning/falling back?
Actually that’s probably what happens to him whenever he “gets 3 picks”
then cries about where is his team.


Oh Snap! Called out.

I agree the match making is trash(especially under diamond but above it’s fubar’d too) but I think that’s for different reasons than you probably think

If you get 2 picks on a push before a fight that is pretty big but you need to consider a lot of different factors. Factors like, who did you kill? How long do you have to go in before they come back? Can your team actually capitalize on those picks or are the win condition kills still not met to actually force point for free?

You need to win a fight as a team whether you think you are doing your part or not. If your tanks don’t press W then it rarely matters how many kills you’re getting. It’s unfair I know to expect that kind of consistent performance out of you but that’s how you actually climb. If 2 kills isn’t enough then you better get 3 and if that doesn’t work the enemy team was better than your team(with you on it).

The system doesn’t work and it unfairly punishes anyone playing DPS because you need to do way more than the majority of tanks and supports on top of fighting for your role or trying to carry other DPS not carrying their own weight.

The individual stat system means until you get to diamond you probably should be playing for stats rather than playing to win anyway. There’s a lot of DPS mains in GM with 30% winrates just because their stats were good so they got -10 for a loss but +25 for a win. Overwatch isn’t all luck but a lot of it, especially team composition IS rng.

Everyone sits around 50% as long as they’re not throwing so it’s really easy to stagnate and go nowhere unless you have a lot of time to climb or throw games. Go watch some top500 streams and you’ll see very often that even a lot of them literally can’t carry plat games pretty often when they’re smurfing, so don’t stress just because you can’t.

Game’s not about that and your rank isn’t an accurate depiction of your skill anyway.


op is the type of person to play reaper and ignore the dva and winston that’s sitting on his mercy and zenyatta’s face


Hahahah this what you described happen very offten…

Thats because no role select… u end team with 6 dps mains, even they agree to play other role they will never be good as main. So if their team is consisted of mains, no chance they win even if they outnambered… because one trick mains are masters of their heroes, no chance that casual offmain can trick them. They scew your mathematic :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree but this was a rude way of saying it. He may not have the stats to back himself up, but I do. Since we are mostly talking about stats here’s something to think about. Anything at 40% acc is gold rank or so I thought… maybe it’s plat which begs the question, what on earth am I doing in plat? I’m 50% acc that’s 4% to 6% away as having the same weapon acc as a gm player, and crit hit acc is at 14% which is 3% to 5% away from the top 500 player, yet I am in plat.

The game doesn’t care about stats, clearly doesn’t even consider them. Look at his stats then look at mine, we are in the same rank. Now that is bs.

I’ve stated on the forums before that the cause of all this miss matchmaking is the placement matches. From a “blank page” as in a new account, leveling to 25 should be more than enough data to analyze if one is a new player or not, yet it placed me against bronze players in the first placement match. That’s fault #1, use the 25 levels of data to attempt to place me in a match with similar stat players. This avoids new players from having a bad time by being matched against higher skilled players.

It then proceeds to excel me one rank up per match win and keeps me in the same rank per loss, fault #2. A win or loss should never solely determine what rank one is, mostly their skill stats. If I lost because I performed poorly compared to my peers then you may lower my assumed skill rank. But if I perform well compared to my peers and despite a loss I should be adjusted higher. This game is not a 1v6 situation and is hardly possible if we were in the correct skill group. It is a team based game, and if my teammates die twice, three times more than me, not even a quarter of my Hero damage or elims then that player deserves to be lowered and I excel by a lot. But it doesn’t by game 3 I was playing against golds, I could wipe out the whole enemy team, why did it only place me one rank up after a win? It is so clear that I dominated yet it only shoves me a rank up because of the win.

At the 5th placement I was against diamonds and by the 8th placement I was against masters, assuming I’d get masters since well I am playing against them right? Nope I got plat. My main account is a plat healer, I figured the lovely Overwatch team just forced my rank skill along side my main account. Fault #3.
Do not assume that our main account can predict our alt accounts. There are three categories, dps, tank, and healer all of which require different play styles, different stats to compile and quiet frankly, just because one is a GM dps player does not automatically mean their alt account playing as say Mercy deserves GM.

Why do we make alt accounts?
Because the community loves mains and judges us based on them. My main is healer, I was never “allowed” to play dps and if I did anyhow then for the entirety of the game everything was my fault. So I made a new account, a dps account. Yet the Overwatch team wants to prevent “smurfing” and links our accounts via ip address. This is why you can see popular pro streamers make a new account to play toons they never really play and still land in 4k+ after placements. What a joke.


i want to add that the system is made to make you grind out games in a way to keep one playing.

if you play above your level in a Sr bracket the match making will ensure that your opponent has also a person playing above the SR to ensure a “fair” match. over time you will gain rank but it will be a grind based off performance SR at the lower brackets and one will still most likely win or lose at that point based on team composition…which is a gamble


Because of handicapping. You tied to your longterm average MMR. Once you win few games, MM tries to prevent from climbing up., or if you lose few games, from falling down. So you get no effort games (where you can even afk whole game and it still will be easy game) or unwinnable (where you can play game of your life and still get stomped).

This is less apparent in highest ranks, because there are not enough people to use for handicapping (everyone is extremely good and very serious player), there are even barely enough players to make a games at certain day times… But in middle ranks (silver-diamond) it’s true roller coaster.


Well from his description, it seems his team is doing nothing but being killed.
Not reading into why, but if this is true in face value, it does happen it has happened to me. You can group up go into a team fight and be that last one left every time, but eventually you will get focused down.

It doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong, you are just paired with people who are terrible. And your stats might be best on your team but they won’t be good for your own standards.

This is what he is complaining about with the MM.


My friend, when you say the MM tries to prevent you climb up, it would keep people playing just as much if it let you get to your true rank and then people keep trying to climb at their true rank. Does this make sense? I am saying if it does work in this way, then the matchmaker needs to get us to our fair rank and it will have the same effect of keeping us playing.

I am not sure I can believe this.

I’ve found it nearly impossible to rank up solo queing. I almost always seem to hold a near 50% win rate when I solo que.

However if I get teamed with some random people who I thought played well then join up with them we can easily hold a 75%+ win rate.

That’s how I got to masters. I got assigned with some random people one day who I thought played well. So we teamed up in a 4 man group. We won like 95% of our matches and went from something like 2300 to 2900 rating in a day.

The game has no real sense or clue how to do matchmaking well at all yet. I mean those players I was assigned with were just random people. But grouping with them we won nearly all of our games. Something is broken there.


Yeah we know, thanks for telling us for the 10,378th time

LMAO you know we can still see you profile and rank? Your not masters or 2900 you ended 2300. If you belonged a higher rank you’d at least be 200-500 sr away at max. Your the classic dps main with crappy stats and less than 1 gold medal per team and you think it’s your teams fault just because you got 1 triple kill this one time or potg


Heres the thing

Just because they are all usually the same skill level doesn’t mean everyone will be playing to thier full potential every day.

I’ve had days where I play as though I should be higher than I am, but I’ve also had days where I can’t hit jacksh!t for absolutely no reason other than the fact I’m having an off day.
The same goes for every single person on both teams. Very rarely will you have a true to heart even skilled game where everyone is playing at an equal level.
These games that are like that usually last ages, for example my last game I had that was like that the score ended 9-8 on Gibaltra with only milliseconds coming between who the victor was.
Also these games are the best games because they are the most fun and fair feeling games you’ll ever have


yep and you get the kind of games you mentioned a few times in a season as in you can count those games on 1 hand…

Matchmaking in this game is still let’s face it garbage.