Your game is bad because of improper nerfs&buffs

I can make a list man
There’s nothing I can say on Reaper. He is certified garbage. Other characters have what he has but better. And you’ve neglected him for literal years.
Look how long it took to nerf Sojourn.
Tracer is still broken and has gotten zero changes. I do not care one bit that she’s the mascot. Nobody does except you Blizzard.
Oh man where do I begin with Sombra. There is nothing fun about this character. All people do is complain about her and deservedly so. On no planet is invisibility balanced. If you had paid attention to half your characters like you did Sombra, we’d have a much better game
Ana is broken no matter what rank. Biotic Grenade has gotta go. The no heals on a singular tank is just completely unbalanced. You get slept, you’re going to die.
Pharah is the most unbalanced character in the game. Either she is garbage or broken. There is no in between. Flying is a broken gimmick and changes the entire comp.
Let’s not get started on Reinhardt. You don’t even try with him.
Orisa isn’t busted but her kit is incredibly unfun to play against. A cc, a moving wall that ccs and fortify.
Did I mention ccs in this game?
Doomfist players are the worst. Much more tolerable character on dps
Mercy is the worst character in the game
There’s more I’m missing but it just goes to show Blizzard’s ineptitude.
You take forever to make the changes that matter in the game. A ban option would really show how people feel about characters.
You do not make the changes that matter and if you do, it takes 10 years.


You can always do something else while waiting for the changes you want to see. That’s what I do when I’m not having fun playing a game. You’re also conveniently neglecting the fact that going too fast also leads to terrible balancing.

What does this mean? Is this good or bad?

:muscle: :sweat_smile:

The game is 8 years old

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And I lost interest seven years ago. Role queue didn’t help, 5v5 didn’t help. The regular updates we’ve been getting since OW2 released are almost enough to get me to play OW over other games, but not quite. I need my friends to beg me to play to tip me over to OW. They couldn’t beg me enough during the last year and a half of OW1, that’s for damn sure. Nothing could make me budge on that.