You would not advocate for 5v5 in OW1

before the announcement theres nothing to support…just people advocating and/or considering the change…

after its already announced the discussion is different, cause its a change thats already happening…the conversation has been forced at that point…and there were plenty of people supporting it (cause we discussed it nonstop for a year - heres a search string if you want -…

and there was support for it even before then…cause 6v6 wasnt without issues of its own…enough for some people to propose 5v5 aparantly

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Not really. I was still playing OW1 just as often as OW2 if not more. Although I mained support back in OW1(since DPS queue was too long), I was also playing tank as well. I played tank way more fequently back then, but I rarely do now. Climbing on tank in ranked felt more rewarding in OW1, at least for me. OW2 version of tank isn’t for me, but I’m sure there are others who prefer it.

OW2 did solve the queue time issue. But I have a feeling that they also made the matchmaker prioritise speed over quality. So that could be why the matchmaking feels worse for many people now, not just due to 5v5.

TDM 4v4 has always felt tighter than 6v6, and 5v5 is a good middle ground. Everyone saying that second feeder tank really made a qualitative difference in match quality or outcomes is huffing grade S+ copium.

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I feel like it’s because there’s so many invulnerability items. Like suzu lamp zarya bubble, and then there’s shields. Like imagine a comp with bap kiriko reinhardt zarya it’d be crazy. There would just be too much damage to chew through in 6v6 imo

Yes there was, i wanted 5s and still like it now.

Feedback is biased towards people who want to complain like you are doing here. People that like things dont come to post about it

I never saw anyone in early ow1 say they loved it specifically for being 6 vs 6 either.

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I don’t agree. I think the balance was decent at the start, and it only changed because the devs wanted it to be faster paced. At its core, I really think that’s the biggest problem with Overwatch today. Its one style of game, but the devs desperately want it to be another kind of game, and its throwing everything out of whack.

I’m hoping to save a few dollars so I can pay people to help me research and study Overwatch, and then I’ll make a video talking about this. I swear Overwatch was thought of fondly by people before a loud minority demanded the game have more pew pew, and blizzard capitulated. Possibly because Blizz wanted OWL to seem better, faster and more exciting.

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The Bible has been around for thousands and thousands of years and has been changed. Not everyone agrees with the Bible and yet it remains. Can’t expect everyone to agree. We’re not a hive mind.

The biggest reason is the ttk for team fights is better then in OW1 which majority of the time it came down to charge ult and win with Q. In 5v5 primary fire and abilities feel way more impactful thet they ever did in 6v6

6v6 had issues
5v5 has issues

Both have their own issues, however most heroes are designed for 6v6 or balanced for 6v6 2-2-2, when the game went to 5v5 1-2-2, every hero needed to be changed, some just minor number changes others full reworks.

The dev team did not do that, instead they shoved the heroes into 5v5 and created more issues.

5v5 could have worked, but they messed it up, So when we say 6v6 is better, we arnt saying 6v6 is perfect just that that we perfer the issues of 6v6 over 5v5


Doom and Orisa were reworked. Same with bastion and Cassidy.

4 heroes out of what 40, and many have issues with orissa and we all saw what happened with cassidy.

Not really good examples.

Maybe if the hog and sombra reworks are near perfect, then maybe. But given pass experiences i doubt their reworks will go smoothly

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All tanks got health buffs and many heroes were balanced differently at OW2 release. You’re accusing them of not doing it at all. Which they did do it. Whether they did it well is a different.

Most heroes are the same as in OW1, they really only changed tanks, and a few others. Most wernt touched.

Its taken them a year to fix roadhog and sombra, at that rate its gonna takes forever.

5v5 was to rushed and not enough testing


That’s exactly what I’ve always thought. The only reason people defend 5v5 was cause it was legit thrown at us. People just rolled over and accepted it rolling with the punches. Sure we’re not game developers running the game, but that’s exactly why the 6v6 supporters are so vocal.

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Or because it’s better then 6v6

If 5v5 was objectivley better then 6v6, then these discussions would not be happening.

But no, eversince the announcement of 5v5 people were hesitent, we gave it a try let the game play for a year to see if it could work, but the issues on Day 1 are still here on Day 365.

5v5 is not perfect
6v6 is not perfect

5v5 could work
6v6 could work

Its just somethink that 5v5 works better and some think that 6v6 works better. One isnt objectively better then the other since both have issues


Why do people think speaking “objectively” is the only way I can speak. Subjectively it’s better. I’m not gonna say “subjectively” every single time I’m being “subjective”

Tbh I don’t think the average player thinks about the fundamentals of OW in detail. They just play the game just to play. Legit no one wanted 5v5.

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There were some, but its not like 50% of players wanted it.

It was more like a what if OW was 5v5.

people didnt ask for it but considered it.


Wow! this has to be my favorite comment why 5v5 was implemented in the in the first place. :rofl:
When you are developing a sequel which is too ambitious to be made the best idea is to use the same formula like all the other games whilst ditching your current game which can be easily fixed so that you can package something to justify the sequel.