You won't fix comp because you're greedy

Then tell me why they make a brand new account to push ladder every other season? If what you are saying is true surely they wont waste the money.

Totally agree with this, especially calling out Match Making Rating, which is a hidden handicapping system that does not belong in “competitive play.”

I mean, in some cases the only options are “place higher” or “place the same.”

If they’re already low on the ladder, an inaccurate placement has a better chance of placing them higher than lower because there’s just more ladder above them than there is below.

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Not letting others know who they are. Even streamers do it like that. Of course people know after a time who they face.

But some of them sell then their account. People pay quite something for a gm account.

But none are doing it because it’s easier due to mmr. There might be one or two thinking that but that doesn’t make it true.

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been compaining to blizz deaf ears about how bad the sr is for years, especially in solo que where people somehow are ranked in your rank but know 0 about the game or have no skill;even worse is the group sr system that lets you group with anyone 1000sr pts away from you so i get bronze in my gold matches all the time. blizz doesn’t listen and they need a new leader for ow b.c its system are straight up trash.I have literally been asking for this fix for four years.When I was in silver i was outplaying plat players but this game is all about wins for skill its horrid. bad players get boosted or carried every hour every day…

SR is completely undermined by MMR, which is a handicapping system

Being stuck in a rank when you know you play above that rank is literally purgatory. I play for HOURS just to keep going up and down the god damn sr, ending up in the same place as when i started. Sometimes way lower. What am i supposed to do when I’m getting matched with ACTUAL low level players? I don’t care if you have to rework the entire ranking system pls just fix it blizzard omfg