You were favored

The SR difference really didn’t mean much, especially because actual MMR was hidden. Individual players used to have a lot more agency back during the early years of OW in OQ too, so even when a team with an average of 150 sr less than the other team could come out on top without it feeling like an uphill battle. Nobody really cared. And those average SR difference were almost always due to groups of people queuing together. The true match disparities back then were differing group sizes and smurfs. SR spread was actually consistently tight if you played solo queue a lot like I did. Then the spread and visible skill disparity exploded all over the place during the role queue update.

So then there was favouring.

That’s exactly what they’re referring to.

You are right, it isn’t exactly matchmaking as people were matched with their mmr. And with everyone being in the same queue, there will be more ppl at that mmr than split between them. But the balance of matches was even worse since there could be ppl literally in gm who are plat or lower on the other 2 roles. And their role was already taken. Wasn’t strictly matchmaking, but because of how it didn’t go by role, it made even worse games.

Having a plat in a gm game is a mess. Even more so when the matchmaking was based on them being a gm, not a plat.

That was my experience anyways as someone who was in t500 all of season 5 ow1, with many games of having 2 or more mercy 1 tricks on the same team. And watch them struggle to play anything else.


Ah yes. I remember those days. That was probably one of the few truly unresolveable issues with classic OQ, specifically Mercy one-tricks. Other than maybe adding more avoid slots (which didn’t exist yet) or sweating your butt off, all we could do was try to get your SR back in the next match. One time I got four random Mercy mains which gave me a good laugh.

Then it started to happen even more once GOATS happened with brig one tricks climbing 1500 sr in one season.

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You have.

SR still works in the background. Each team is composed of 5 people with their own SR rating. Even within the same rank and the matchmaking constraints, these ratings will never be the exact same.

If a team’s combined SR is higher than the other’s (Which will ALWAYS happen even in the most fair matchups) they’re favored.

Devs really should not have posted that. Everyone is gonna take it the wrong way.

There totally was.

I can’t find the post, but there was something I recall where Blizzard put a cap on matchmaker predicted win rate to dissolve any games it predicts were >60% WR / <50% WR. While many games will probably be close to 50% most of the time, there will be outliers where you are not highly predicted to win much at all.

They should post that.

With no information directly from the source people are able to make all sorts of fanciful theories and try to discredit others. Everyone will get away with it because no one can definitively refute it.

With a direct source from Blizzard themselves all people have to fly thru more hoops to make up false information or false justification.

The worst thing to do it is to withhold information.

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This is such a low IQ take lol. The game cannot make every match perfectly even dude. the team with the higher mmr is “favored” and this has always been the case

Queues would be outrageous and unplayable even if it had to make every game the same exact mmr.

That is not “rigged” either. Its like sports, there is usually a favorite but that doesnt mean they will win

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The enemy team is favoured to win against mine when we have a Lifeweaver but against all odds I carry

Oh yeah I need to write a post about that, the team with the healbot is about to get dominated.

Not even sorry :man_shrugging:


You play the most op hero in the game with the most broken ultimate im sure you’ll be fine.

(This is the part where you say what are you talking about im not a sojourn main)

Ok AKJ calm down.


Sigma is op and was the worst hero ever added to this game!

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Boosted by double mines Cringema Cassidy falloff Mercy rez op double shield i smoke you 1v1 he was wall hacking and aimbotting all game hahaha


I’m always favored to win :muscle:

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Except that almost every match is heavily lopsided. We are not talking about a little skill difference between players here. If you aren’t bad at the game then it is easy to notice the heavy skill disparity between players.

Overwatch between 2016-early 2019 had no issue matching together players within the same skill of each other. There were no deliberately favored matches. Back then matchmaking was only limited by grouping players of different group sizes because the game didn’t have designated group and solo queues yet… Also smurfs were a problem too.

And as for the queues would be outrageous point. That was never an issue during the first few years of the game. That is entirely a role queue issue. It is seeding matches deliberately which is a form of “rigging” whether you like it or not. Hence why so many players don’t take this game seriously anymore. Matches are a dice roll and have been a for too long.

Talking about that - do you know if Kaedi is still around at Blizzard?

I’m hoping they got though the resizing, but I haven’t seen anything from them lately.
Oh, they are still there! (don’t mind me)

I honestly do not see a issue as a few games ago, I had someone widow on my team on Numbani, team complains (understandably so) because Widow did not fit the current team composition in VC. I decided to butt-in to say “Let them play widow and if it doesn’t work, then they can switch.” since if people will be complaining in VC, then it means they will not be focused on the overall fight due to fixation on why the Widow pick.

The Widow player was definitely putting in the work and the game resulted to a win.

My overall thoughts? Work together (mainly through VC) for results, complaining would only hinder team morale and chances of winning unless you get hyped by getting talked down upon.

Yes yes voice chat is great its also what I use to circumvent… issues such as this one.

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