You went full Activision, you NEVER go full Activision

If nobody buys it then it will send a clear message. Lots of people have already bought it so it is far too late… Id complain too but they haven’t charged for any new heroes or maps or game modes in two years…

Sure if that’s your opinion I’m certainly not going to downplay it. But it is just that an opinion.

You are also correct when you say consumers can punish bad business with their wallets. Which is why I stated in my post “Just don’t Buy them if you don’t want to.”

Blizzard is in the business of making money. First and foremost. If you don’t like the way they go about doing so that’s fine. But I’m not going to hold it against them for trying to get as much profit out of a game as possible.

We could be playing some of those “Free to play” games that literally lock character and weapons behind in game purchases.

I’d rather have the choice to pay for a skin once in a while than be forced to drop cash if I want a certain character unlocked or a useful upgrade.

Its all about choice.

So few people understand what this is actually about.

This is about getting people with no interest in OWL to buy all access passes during the most clutch part of the season, which is the finals and championship game. Doing so, artificially inflates the size of the audience. Those buying for the emote arent motivated to watch, and were never going to, but they are now All Access subscribers, and the number of All Access pass subscribers, including those who are paying 30 bucks for a Lucio emote with no intention of ever using their all access pass.

Why? To inflate the perceived committed audience numbers of OWL while selling 20 million dollar franchises. This is wrong on so many levels, and has nothing to do with what you guys are bickering about, this is putting dummies in stadium seats and showing potential franchise partners pictures of filled stadiums.

At best they are separate departments, but it is the same company.

So they add a bunch of emotes and skins for FREE throughout the year (with an option to increase odds of getting them for pay if one really WANTS TO) and they add something new and flashy as part of a package, but you cry foul? I mean really now O_o this game offers so much, and some people surely, will go for that package just for the emote (without a doubt) BUT! They also DIDN’T HAVE TO MAKE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!

The game has already reached an oversaturation point with voicelines, emotes, and skins, but they keep adding more. When I see posts like this, I often think to myself “wow, what ingrates!”

Sad fact about life here for you: GREED is inherent in WANT. You don’t NEED this emote, so expect to have to PAY for WANT.

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"oh, you’re a Lucio main? see this awesome emote here? Its the best emote he has! You can have it. All you gotta do is pay 30 dollars (120 bucks in my country) to have it! :smiley: "

cmon, blizzard. Just let me buy only the emote then. or put a really high price in gold and I’ll buy it anyway. But jesus it hurts to see that awesome emote and thinking that I have to pay that price… I can literally buy 3 accs of OW on sale with that money.

That realistically will happen eventually, and its what people don’t realize. Treat it like early access/beta bundles. They always end up being sold separately in time, and for a lot cheaper just because its not part of a package anymore.

It’ll be like a new game that’s just been released, and waiting 2 years to actually buy it when there’s a sale on steam for example.

The big problem is, when does it stop. For companies like blizz and activision, it probably won’t stop.

Only get bigger.

Mark my words

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Did you buy Overwatch origins edition? That’s great have these awesome skins for free. You didn’t? Oh well here’s the same skins for 3000 credits. You pre-ordered overwatch? That’s great have this sick widow maker skin for free! You didn’t? Oh well here’s the same skin for 3000 credits. You bought the all access pass? That’s great here’s some recolours and a really cool emote. You didn’t? Oh well here’s the emote for 3000 credits.

On what planet does 15,000 overwatch credits equal the amount you have to pay to get origins edition?

It’s not a REQUIRED item to get any kind of edge in the game.
And when people bring this up, they forget that the all access pass gives you a bunch of twitch related stuff, 3 OWL Gray skins for moira soldier and Mccree, 12 OWL away colored team skins, an owl in game spray and player icon, AND THE LUCIO EMOTE.

If you ask me? That’s one HELL of a good deal, usually when games make skins you are looking at 5-15$ per ONE SINGLE SKIN.

I just don’t understand you people.

Maybe at best, they could offer the lucio emote in future at a reduced cost for the SINGLE item.

And when you make an argument, DON’T CONVENIENTLY FORGET ABOUT THE OTHER 95% OF WHAT COMES WITH THE PACKAGE DEAL. You undermine your own argument by acting like it is just this ONE thing you get for the 30$ pricetag. That’s just actually dumb in my opinion. Either flesh out your full argument and give FULL REASONING why, or don’t bother making an argument.

Nuff said.