You shouldn't tell teammates to switch

LOL, I’ve done that when someone demanded that I “Get off Ball”. We were literally picking characters for the next round and I picked Reinhardt right when he said that, and then I went right back to Ball.

Tell, no. Ask, yes.

Don’t even have to ask someone specifically. “Can someone try to mildly inconvenience the pharah, my hammer doesn’t reach” or similar often gets someone to go hitscan. If they don’t change it’s prob not worth going on about it :man_shrugging:t2:

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She’s not that bad. I saw a match in GM where PVP did extremely well as Mei all throughout the match, they won. It actually wasn’t close. He had to hit right clicks, but he did it.

I won’t tell anyone to switch, I will ask them if there are other heroes they can swap to and if I can swap to anything to help them.

If they say no, that’s the end of that lol


I just ignore all of these pigs ;]
Cant they switch to healer or tank? Why should I?

Yeah, when requesting someone to switch, it should be more of a recommendation than anything. Getting on your team’s bad side or breaking their focus is a sure way to lose.

Additionally, adding in someone to switch to with the request is more helpful than just saying to switch, as well as a reason why to switch.

Saying to switch because so and so is a bad character is not a reason.

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I play mercy and very often I am asked to change to Moira or Ana, even though I have gold heals with a suppose “main healer” as partner. People don’t care how good we perform, even if I am healing more than my Ana teammate they demand Moira because mercy has low heals :rage: honestly, they shouldn’t but it will never stop happening.

I never demand but I always suggest

“Hey could we get brig for flankers”

“Could we get reaper/mei for hog”

I usually go into more detail and say because X is carrying

Some people have fragile egos tho so might even add “hey YOURE great at x but I think the comp needs y”

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Most players won’t switch because they have so little understanding of the game they don’t understand why they should.

It worked in like two games, it’s pretty meta already

It even worked 3 times in quickplay, i dont understand how its not nerfed

The keyword is that you are using “we”, which 1) makes it clear everyone is on the same team, and 2) is not pointing at a specific player to switch.

Like when someone start bragging about medals, I always reply that medals don’t win the game. We all lose together. In the same vein, if we need someone to take care of a certain hero, we need to work on nullifying that player power.

It’s not only the Widow responsibility to snipe Pharah out of the air. It also the whole team responsibility to seek cover and lure Pharah into a more vulnerable position to be sniped.

It’s not only Sombra responsibility to shutdown Wrecking Ball. The team also need to focus him down once he is hacked, and not group around bottomless pits.

It’s not only Reinhardt responsibility to cover for snipers. It’s also the team responsibility to pressure the enemy team before Rein’s barrier break.

Anyone who try to imply that a single player is the reason why the team is losing/winning is delusional.

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i hate teams like that tbh like im not skilled with majority of heroes liek i can only play certain heroes somewhat effectively

Go with good picks, then no one would need to.

You’re in the wrong game if you don’t think this is a game about swapping. That’s not my opinion. That’s Blizzard’s.