You should be able to call a vote to force an ally to switch

If a moira has to dps its the dps fault theyre clearly not doing there job.

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My friend is T500 Moira mains and the other day he had someone throw his game because he wouldn’t switch to mercy to pocket him :woman_standing:


I peaked silver so that wont happen


It doesn’t matter because you will be the one to get the boot.
Both the tank and the dps will be annoyed that you are dpsing instead of healing.


Well at least yall can always report. A shame though.

Some people are weird.

Anyways the raw damage that damage boosting is 30% of the damage dealth. So in many cases other supports can do more then that 30% damage on many heroes.

Throwing a damage orb can basically be like doing a good damage boost honestly if you play with dps. A lot of people don’t see it that way though.

Of course it effects each hero and damage differently. Damage boosting ranged is valuable since its such a safe playstyle, safe damage from far away and lethal.

As for the Genji players that barely have 3 hrs in the game with a totally not pretentious and super original name like “Ryogukashinmotokosanhanzoshimadaoverwatch” and the Rein rugby players that charge and immediately die, i agree, they are dumb fun at best, horrible at worst

However, you are not seriously thinking of a system that makes a player change their character and lock the previous one in a f2p hero shooter, right? That makes YOU decide for others, r i g h t ?

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That would just make the one they voted against throw for the remainder of the game

Or just, play open queue?

honey despite how it might look to you, if you want us to win you DO NOT want me to swap off of mercy.

Not to question your absolutely flawless, 5head, big brain logic but, if you force me off Ashe (300 hours) because you want me to play Symmetra (0 hours), you’re basically forcing me to throw. Just saying. If I was being only 30% effective on Ashe, I will be negative % effective on Sym. A hero I don’t play and haven’t touched since she still had a shield generator. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Your brain is tiny.

Yes so you can 3 stack and troll and force people to chose roles.

No point even reading what you typed when it is such a stupid suggestion.

I bet you wore a mask for 4 years like a muppet.


Christ, w/ this level of micromanaging, I feel sorry for your co-workers.

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What else do you want? Ability to take away control from teammate and make them walk where you want them to be?

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You have no rights to talk. But the idea is good. I would also add option to be able to disable my 2nd support pick, so he only plays ana/kiri/mercy, when I play bap.

Just get yourself 4 extra accounts and play as whole team by yourself.

Think in WoW someone literally played as entire raid, successfully.

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Try voting me out of my hero, enjoey the lose then


Lmao thats nothing to be proud of

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ha ha ha ha ha
You want to force a player who doesn’t make a dime playing Overwatch… to play a character he doesn’t want?

It’s one thing to forbid a choice from the start and another thing to force a choice.

I would not trade for anything…
Who only thinks about winning the game should change characters, because that player’s fun comes down to victory only.

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Literally everyone would be forced to switch immediately, so people would just pick their worst heroes first so that the get locked first.