You MUST CRUNCH to release Overwatch 2 BY 2022

Yeah, when I say ‘crunch’ I mean like Rockstar’s version of crunch. Paid overtime is perfectly fine. Unpaid overtime is illegal and should be hunted down and prosecuted.

On a side-note, pretty sure this was done by some maniac trying to pit the Titanfall and Apex communities against each other or something. Idk who would seriously think that doing this would raise any awareness that we’d even want lol.

You gotta admit that Respawn has been selling both TF in their current unplayable state for a good while now.

Sure, Titanfall 2 has the campaign vouching for it but Titanfall 1? Nope

And seeing that Apex was born from Titanfall 2 (both in the guns, the mechanics and even the freaking lore), some people do get upset over it. Are they allowed to get upset over Titanfall 2 being completely ignore? Yup. But is this the right course of action? Of course not.

Also to note that Apex is running on the same network infrastructure as both Titanfall, so sooner or later, it WILL happen to Apex as well. Respawn better find a solution for this before their current money printing machine goes down the toilet.

You must be a writer for Hard Drive.
That was some good satire.

YES Crunch. 2022 release. Do NOT make pre-order. Done!

And my point still remain.

Do you really want OW2 to be a unfinished, buggy piece of game that if it fails, will no doubt sink the entire OW franchise?

Cause if the price of that is having OW 1 being no heroes or maps, I’ll gladly take it. OW2 PVE franchise is necessary and the thing that will bring interest as well as people back into the game.

You do know what crunch means right? Many many sleepless nights for one.

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They didn’t show much tbh.
Couple of minor reworks, UI changes, team size change and mostly new maps
Not even inviting pros to show it of because they know how lackluster everything is

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You, you, atchooo!

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Crunch in the tech world is overtime…something that the vast majority of people do.

I feel like this is either a troll post or made with someone without a shred of empathy. No one should ever be encouraging a company to work it’s employees to death to finish a product, especially one like Overwatch that is just a video game.

How would you feel about your employer demanding that you work 80-100 or more hours per week for weeks or months just to finish as fast as possible for no reason other than someone being impatient? Let me know how you feel after working 12+ hour shifts 7 days a week at Amazon for a month and being threatened to lose your job if you don’t.

This post , if genuine, is a very clear example of why abusive practices continue to run rampant in the video game industry and other industries. The consumer doesn’t care about the damage done to people or the environment as long as they get their toy as fast as possible.

Crunch as a practice doesn’t even make sense. Just like you have to ensure a machine doesn’t overheat by giving it time to cooldown, people need rest. Crunch very rapidly has diminishing returns. The longer someone works, the more tired they are going to be. The more tired they are, the less they are going to get done each hour. Eventually, working 16 hours a day is not producing more than working 8 or fewer.

People who are paid by salary are of course perfect candidates for legal slavery. It doesn’t matter if you work 40 hours or 100 hours. You’re getting paid the same.


This is cute speech but Blizzard lost the window to make a “no crunch” game, its people slipped up badly developing Overwatch 2 and now must compensate, yes, CRUNCH, to ship Overwatch 2 ASAP. No more excuses!

Why? They don’t owe you anything and frankly in this time period, they need to sort things out even more carefully with their heads rearranged and possibly more staff leaving. Crunching only makes thing worse, why would you want an inferior product?

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Pump the copium down the throats of the current playerbase

You feel entitled to compensation? That’s absurd. You are doing nothing that deserves compensation from the developers.

This is a video game not the cure for cancer. Mandatory overtime, especially unpaid overtime, is a horrible practice that should be discouraged. The game will be released when it’s ready. There is no need for employees to work to the bone just so you can do play a freaking video game earlier.

This forum is full of entitled brats, but your post is one of the worst entitled rants I’ve seen on the forums.


Not amazon… but was at 70hrs a week from Nov to the end of March. Couple of things though… big difference between busting your hump physically vs sitting at a cushy desk with your phone, meals and other things.

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Desk jobs are equally as exhausting and can cause physical problems as well. Just because you’re sitting doesn’t mean it’s any better than pushing warehouse items back and forth.

I’d love an office job that doesn’t destroy my blood circulation, lower back and eyesight by staring at a screen for hours.

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yea nice AC office with catering, a cafeteria, and many amenities vs a warehouse that usually isn’t climate controlled with heavy physical requirements. Somehow sitting at a desk is exhausting.

Though all and all the crux of the issue is hours and in my experience 90% of OT is usually caused by management not doing what they’re supposed to do. The game will get released later or sooner that much is certain.

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I guess it really depends on the individual? Some find physical labor strenuous, and other’s find office work quite the task.

If you ask me, crunch is fine, so long as it’s managed properly: crunching for a week or near a deadline is understandable, but when a company crunches for weeks or months on end, that tells me that management bungled things up somewhere.

This also irritates me that people think that overtime at a desk isn’t still exhausting. I have worked 100 hours per week at a desk and that is absolutely physically exhausting as well as mentally exhausting. Ive even been told to bring a sleeping bag to the office a number of times to sleep under my desk because they can’t afford me to take time to go home. Even if you have an ergonomics specialist set up your desk, chair, and monitors you can still screw up your back with bad posture, which absolutely will happen with 15-18 hour days.

Severe exhaustion is not limited to blue collar workers and it irritates me that some people believe that. And yes, I have also worked tons of overtime in blue collar positions, but at least I got paid for that over time before I started my current career. Desk jobs usually are salaried and salaried positions get exploited by overtime the worst as they aren’t even paid for that work on top of still having severe exhaustion.


While I don’t think they should crunch, if they are crunching then they are heavily mismanaged. Covid may have knocked businesses back, but the software companies shouldn’t be struggling that much. I know as I work for one. If the OW team is that behind they better have a perfect launch or prepare for Cyberpunk levels of repercussions.

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