You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?

I’m saying it isn’t hero bans that is the big feature. I’m saying it isn’t. Yeah I said it.

‘But but overwatch youtuber said so!’

You do realize nothing has been confirmed? Metro said himself that the leak wasn’t 100% trustworthy, Emongg didn’t even say anything specific about it. YouTubers are just content thirsting as usual. So Emongg said there was a big update coming to comp. So that could be anything ranging from a new balance patch to a new hero to a new map to the push game mode. NOTHING HAS BEEN CONFIRMED

If you went back two weeks and said hero bans were leaked, I would laugh at you. Hero bans in Overwatch? There are less than 50 heroes! Why would you ban more of the already limited pool that 2-2-2 has created? DPS queues would get even longer, because lets say as an example that 1 hero is banned per role. that is 6 tanks to flex to (8-1 ban and 7-1 for the other tank player) and 5 supports to flex to (7-1 ban and 6-1 for the other support player). And DPS get 14 picks (16-1 ban and 15-1 for the other DPS player). DPS get more than the other two roles combined. DPS queues will skyrocket even more.

When the dev update comes out, and it isn’t hero bans, but something else. I will say I told you so. I will show you all this post to show that I have the predictive powers equal to Jeff daddy himself. I will rule the forums, and have the one ring. I am the true owner of the one ring of predictability, and I will rub it in all your faces.

Or, I’m probably wrong and it is hero bans and everyone on the forums will hunt to get my ring. But that can’t happen, right? Nervous laugh

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I just want trash heroes to get the so deserved buff…

cries in the corner

Yet hero bans have made sense since the release of the game and is a self balancing system developers used for years to cover their flaws in design of the game. Blizzard per always could not abide by such obvious solutions, especially when it means the power to dictate things and pin point were the flaws lies ends up in the hands of the community. Like I said this is a big no no, can not have a system that directs the blame where it belongs. Same dilemma we have had with maps for years now, other games have had creative solutions since release, yet even if new maps are nice, getting a random map out of 15 is far from ideal and the current map rotation system is on a 2,5 half month rotation, 2,5 month! Ludicrous.

it’s probably (well almost certainly) not gonna be one hero per role, it’s gonna be one hero per team or just one hero per game. But it’s definitely hero bans. And honestly that’s the only solution to Overwatch’s problem of stale metas.