You just can't climb on support

Um no, what I said is right in the patent for OW’s MMR system. Here is a video going over the patent: Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

Mind you there was also a dev post explaining how you can have down to a 40% chance to win a match: Groups and Matchmaking in Overwatch - #3 by Kaedi-11739 (mind you that might even be worse now that the playerbase is thinner and the matchmaker has to work harder to put together teams. The devs haven’t given an update since then).

Of course not everyone always has bad teammates, that’s ridiculous. Some people are just egotistical. That said, a portion of your games will in fact have teammates of a lower skill as the matchmaker is designed to do that. In addition, the matchmaker does favor putting good players on a team with new accounts. This is fact.

IMO, it shouldn’t be a thing. Purposefully making matches that favor one team or new accounts just leads to lower game quality.