That sadly happens. Tends to happen constantly when DPS players lock her getting passes
If you raise a voice or concern (like asking DPS about going hitscan against Pharah) 50% of the time one or both DPS will instantly complain about heals in General Chat. Seen it time and again repeatedly.
She along with Support Sym would languish as F-tier forever, D at best.
As a DPS player rather lock Sigma than Hog when farming passes at least Sigma has decent value over Hog
the funny thing is most gm moiras are dps moiras
Well you’re probably one of the six good priority pass farmers then.
You can climb on support easily.
I climbed to mid Diamond solo with Mercy/Moira only.
I do like playing Hog but Ana Zen and Brig(Occasionally see her) being pick a lot makes Hog extremely difficult to play. Just way better off locking DVA or Sigma
sometimes I wonder how they even got up there
you have to accept some games you wont win on support… if you can do really well on a zen or bap type hero… mb ana
you gotta be the difference… oh ya also brig… dont think oh im good at this one hero so I should rank up if you dont counter what they have…
You let a dive tank m ess u up all game, try brig
Climbing on certain roles is easier for certain people. I’ve met so many Dps mains who’ve rarely ever played Support yet can climb on Support like it was nothing - then wonder why they can’t for the life of them climb on Dps, their main role.
Support is easier for some people and harder for others. It just has to do with your skillsets.
Um no, what I said is right in the patent for OW’s MMR system. Here is a video going over the patent: Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch
Mind you there was also a dev post explaining how you can have down to a 40% chance to win a match: Groups and Matchmaking in Overwatch - #3 by Kaedi-11739 (mind you that might even be worse now that the playerbase is thinner and the matchmaker has to work harder to put together teams. The devs haven’t given an update since then).
Of course not everyone always has bad teammates, that’s ridiculous. Some people are just egotistical. That said, a portion of your games will in fact have teammates of a lower skill as the matchmaker is designed to do that. In addition, the matchmaker does favor putting good players on a team with new accounts. This is fact.
IMO, it shouldn’t be a thing. Purposefully making matches that favor one team or new accounts just leads to lower game quality.
Citing a lie does not make it true. More to the point the person is citing what the patent does incorrectly and has zero evidence of how it is used. Were you hoping that multiple incorrect statements would somehow add up to a true one?
What you are doing is the same type of argument that flat earthers and moon conspiracy nuts use. You are taking something that exists and taking it out of context and pretending it does something other than what it does. For example, the algorithm you describe exists for the benefit of selling skins and exists to put people with nice skins in the same game as people who do not have them to make you want to own that skin. It is fairly commonly used in games though not exactly a nice tactic.
This is similar to your 40% claim, which is a lie by omission. You are citing the floor by which a match will not start as it will start trying to find 50% but if it cannot find that it will expand the parameters but again if you are the 40% side you lose less for a loss and gain more for a win for the disadvantage hence why a new account (remember your first lie was that a new account has better teammates) can stand to gain even more and reach where it belongs faster. Basically though that is just how a standard matchmaker works (they have been making them for over 20 years now so the formula is pretty refined) in that it wants a 50-50 but also will expand if it cannot find that up to a certain point.
The Supports doing these unranked to GM runs are winning 80% of their games before mid master because they are simply better. There is no maybe. If you are better than where you belong you will win. Period. If you play enough games you will go exactly where you belong. None of the paranoid conspiracy theory nonsense changes that simple fact.
Gold games and players look a certain way, same with low Plat, high Plat, mid Diamond, and all 3 tiers of Masters. They all look very different. When you play better you will reach that league regardless of your role.
It’s not a claim, it’s direct from the devs. It’s not a lie by omission because I specifically said “as low as” and provided the source. God you do not understand basic concepts. All you do is call everything a lie without providing any actually points to back it up.
They are citing the patent directly. Your source is? Oh, nothing. Of course.
How is a discussion of overwatch’s MMR patent out of content on this thread?
And you say I’m the one with conspiracy theories
You actually just sat there and provided zero evidence to discredit my sources while making up your own conspiracy on how things work with nothing to back it up.
This would assume that the system is perfect, which no system is. I’m not saying it will stop a GM player from getting into GM as your strawman argument implies but (as I’ve been saying the whole time), it does have an impact on your games and in some cases hurt people’s ability to rank up.
I’m out though, I done dealing with this guy’s uneven mood swings.
In situations like that I prefer to pick a support who can better bail that kind of Rein out like Bap or Ana. Or you can try telling your team to push in when Rein charges. If you know what you are getting you can adapt to improve your chances of winning.
You can, but you need to be aware of your value recognition.
Stop heal botting; anyone support player can and will do that, so you’re going to be stuck at a 50% winrate. You need to make the difference through the game.
Whether this is through big nades, Going full out bap 76, dps moira, etc. It doesn’t matter.
I find it ironic that you complain about being blamed as you rant about it always being your teammates fault.
GL climbing
Just climbed from silver to Plat on support. Watch Awkwards Unranked to Gm series for Ana and Zen. Literally climbed a 1000 SR from it. Essentially he tells you not to be a heal bot and shows solid positioning.
They all rely on each other, Tanks and DPS can’t do anything with bad Supports.
That’s the hardstruck blamers in a nutshell
Always blaming everybody else, because there is NO way that they themselves are making any mistakes, right? They are just healbotting, EXACTLY how you climb!!