You guys know what next month is right?

Only thing to be careful about is how much goes to charity. I can’t remember in the case of the Pink Mercy skin but it’s a pretty big con a lot of companies use to get free money. They say it’s for charity and yet only half the money or less goes to the charity in question.


As somone who missed out on pink mercyid totally get pink brig

Sure why not.

I want it to be Mei, with her freezing abilities they could make some really interesting custom textures for them.
This being said, I do admit I have a clear bias.

Pink Reaper would be great though.

Hard truth:

Blizzard would be dumb to make a new Breast Cancer skin for Brig. If they do one it should be for Ana or, heroes that are actually well liked and popular within the community. Brig is probably one of the top3 most disliked heroes across the board, using her to make money would yield not nearly as much as Mercy did and not nearly as much as Dva/Ana could.

They always use popular heroes for these paid skins for a reason. All stars used Tracer, Genji, Mercy, Lucio, Rein, Dva. The most popular heroes in each role. It’s about the marketing.

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Trans men also get it pretty frequently tho, not just cis women.

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Was it really $15? Not $10? I forgot… I think it was 100% of proceeds going to charity and since breast cancer hasn’t been cured yet, bringing it back would be alright in my book.

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Yeah, it was $15 which since it was for charity I was fine with. I think that you are right that all proceeds went to charity. They didn’t make money directly from it, but I’m sure they got a nice tax write off and some free advertising.

Hey I’m still waiting for Speedo Hog. So I feel your pain.

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I hope this skin never returns and all of you will live the rest of your lives knowing you will never get that skin.

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Maybe but statistically in cis women the cases are way more. Ive read studies that say hormone treatment (if that is being used) is the main cause in that case.

Most cis women don’t get hormone treatments. Trans women and trans men do. There also isn’t a link between hormones and breast cancer

I really do like that skin for Brig

Ah thanks for the info. But yes there are links and a decent amount of information
Out there on them. But I feel like we’re getting off topic for the game forum now.

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I just have to point out the 666th post count above your post.
Fits 100%

Lmao I really have the devil in me

Because she diets and exercises. You should try it sometime.

Two pink Hammonds bracketing a sentry Bastion in Lego skin.

You’re welcome.

Still holding out for Magical Girl Roadhog.

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