You guys get a Mythic yet?

Are they prisms? Whatever the mythic money is called, have you bought a skin yet with them? Or did you pay actual money for one?

I got that mythic Ana skin because I felt like most would buy the Sigma and Genji skins and I wanted to be different. Plus, I can actually play Ana. I’d just get bodied in a cool skin if I tried the Genji one. I’ll get sig’s next.

If you bought one, which one did you get and why?

I got the Tracer mythic because I’m a Critical Role fan and it came in the same pass as Cassidy’s voice line that says ‘How do you want to do this?’.

I bought it with coins from weekly challenges and haven’t bought anything else yet.


I bought the Ultimate Battle Pass (I really like the Ana skin) and just got my last 10 prisms from the BP. I got the Mercy skin because I have all other mythics but one (the JQ one, which I want to get in the future if I don’t like an upcoming mythic)

I got the first tier Mercy mythic. I’m happy with it but I’m still progressing other heroes so the skin isn’t used for now.

Not yet. I’m waiting to see whats for next season.

Ayyy fellow critter.
That’s the same reason I got the Season … 6? Whatever the DnD sets were.
Full dedication!!

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I’ve been wanting to get into DND, but I always feel like an orbiter/outsider when I try to get into it with my friends. Which is funny because, I definitely should be the fantasy nerd of the group.

I will never ever buy mythic prisms with how much they cost.
I almost have enough prisms to get the Mercy skin first tier though from the BP.

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Not yet! Saving it up for future mythic.
Though I will never get them from direct purchase because it’s too expensive

I just got the first tier mercy. I’m actually wanting to buy the junkerqueen skin but I think I’ll wait for the next time we get a skin that’s in the orisa mythic tier and use the prisms from that battlepass for JQ

I was going to get the mythic Ana skin, then they released the Commandant Talon skin and it’s easily my favorite Ana skin ever. Now I don’t know what Mythic skin to use my prisims on.

I’m the same way, but I do spend money on the "micro"transactions that I think are worth it. So far, I like all the skins in the battle pass. Even the symmetra one that I’ll never get to use because that would require playing as sym.

Isn’t the talon one just a legendary?

I am lucky to have all previous mythics up to Mercy’s so I just got hers.

I was tempted to come back for the same reasons, but I just didn’t want to play after the whole pve announcement. I finally started playing again around the halfway point of last season.

Off topic: I’m way behind on CR due to work over the last year or so. I’m on C3 50 and still need to watch the C2 reunion and some Exandria Unlimited.

I bought the battle pass just for the 80 prisms I have all the mythical except mercy and hanzo gonna hold onto the prisms till next season unless I change my mind

Did I pay 100$ for a skin I can’t see ? Absolutely not

I have Genji’s from the first BP, which was a complete waste because I don’t even play Genji.

I have all previous mythics, and never pick mercy. So while it’s an amazing skin imo, no reason for me to get it. So I will save my 80 prisms from this season to get the next seasons skin right away.

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I made it to Mercy’s (or anyone’s tbh I just picked Mercy’s) first tier Saturday. 40ish levels and I’ll unlock the rest of her Mythic, her final color scheme is my favorite and I probably won’t buy another BP until like the D.Va Mythic drops or I really adore the theme so I’m gonna prioritize getting Mercy’s decked out.

Im holding on to mine till I see what next seasons Mythic is, as long as they show it off a week before the next season like they did this season. I like the look of the Mercy Skin, but dont play her. So if next seasons is one I would want more I’ll just hold them for that to get it off the bat. Or I’ll get the 50 prism Mercy one in the last week of this season if I don’t care much for next seasons.