You gotta feel for mercy players

I think she doesn’t need any changes, I think she’s fine now.
But hey, I’ve only played since season 9 as a dps main.

Yes, you can. The reason being is we’re just stripping the context and situation from the mechanic, and looking at the mechanic in it’s own, raw, circumstantial form. In that sense. When 1 button press = 1-5. 5 will always be the most return on the button press, 1 will always be the least. If we start considering all the various factors we will be here for days going back and forth. That is why I say the success rate of hide and rez is largely inconsequential to the discussion as this is a fundamental design issue.

I’m not discussing how I feel. I am discussing the flaws that are inherent in a design where 1 button press = 1-5 people rezzed. You understand that, yes? My feelings legitimately have nothing to do with it, and neither do yours.

No. That is not even remotely close to what my point is, and the fact that you see everything I said and render it down to this insanely diluted and oversimplified form is kind of telling ngl…

Uh yes. You said nothing that is relevant to what I was discussing. Maybe that’s on me, maybe I could have explained my position better. Iunno. Maybe that’s just your refusal to acknowledge and consider what I said. Who knows. Feelings complicate things a lot so shrug.

… Dunno how to feel about this.

Yes, but all that is going into situational assessments of the circumstances etc etc. I’m not interested in that, as we can go back and forth on that for days. The point is that 1:1-5 leads to being rewarded with team mate death and 1:1 is void of that element.

If we get into circumstantial adjustment of the mechanic then the doors open to all sorts of things due to how this game is designed and played. Poor team work, etc, etc, etc.

Why must we all fight?
Here’s an idea, What if they made a change that was an overall nerf, but made her more fun to play.

Kind of a bad example but remember when dva got the rockets?
Like, here. Rez on a cd is apparently too strong. What if we just get rid of it. Replace it with an ability that feels fun but is significantly weaker than Rez?

Here’s a self indulgent one(I don’t like one shots)
What if she had an ability that made it so for one-2 seconds, allies couldn’t be killed and would instead be left with one hp.
Something that requires timing but gives a counter to snipers for example.

And while I understand where you’re coming from, Resurrect did not exist in a vacuum. You can not remove it from its context just to argue that it’s broken when the context proves that it was not. There’s not a single hero on the roster that is balanced in a vacuum, without considering how that hero interacts both with the individual playing that hero, that hero’s counters, and what synergy the hero provides with others on the roster.

You’re arguing for the removal of context when talking about resurrect, except that literally no mechanic in any video game is ever developed in a vacuum without considering the circumstances of how it interacts with the game in practice rather than just in theory.

Yes, I argued the in a vacuum approach because when given circumstantial consideration we have to then approach things from what tier it takes place in, how and when the fight takes place, what the ult economy is at, how coordinated one team is vs another, etc, etc, etc.

1:1-5, regardless of circumstance, regardless of situation, rewards someone for having more team mates dead at the time of their button press. NOTHING in this game rewards a player for having members of their team dead. This is a TEAM BASED GAME, with only 6 people on your team further emphasizing the importance of numerical advantage.

IMHO, there should not be a mechanic within a game like that that when looked at objective has the potential to actively reward a player for having more than 1 of their team mates dead. That seems not only contradictory to the healer hero design concept, but the game itself.

Does that make sense?

That’s meaningless though. The ability doesn’t exist without context, it does not take place in a vaccuum, you absolutely have to consider the context. There is literally no point otherwise.

It’s not at all inconsequential. You are objectively not getting more out of a 5-man rez than a good tempo rez in most cases. The only scenario where you would is when you’re able to successfully bait out enemy ults and still get the rez, which was already pretty rare and would be even more difficult with more counterplay added. There is no flaw in that design.

You literally are. You have yet to point out any actual inherent design flaws with mass rez.

That’s not the case, though. I’m not claiming it’s all you’ve said, I’m claiming it’s the reasoning for it, and that everything else you’ve said is wrong.

I literally addressed your points and explained why they’re wrong. Idk how much more relevant I can get.

I feel this is false. I have, imo, done well to point out the inherent design flaws with mass rez. As for the rest of what you said, refer to what I just posted in response to Kailan.

Cool. The rest of got the short end of the stick.

You gave reasons for why you think there’s a flaw, and I explained why they’re wrong.

I feel ignored.
I don’t know why these discussions always devolve into being about mass Rez.
Like, there are solutions to this.
I’m sorry mercy players but the community isn’t really for mass Rez coming back. Whether it’s fair or not is irrelevant. But what if you got something actually fun to use on your e?


Nvm. It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to bother to understand what it is you meant by this, or why you seem so secure in saying I’m wrong.

Kailan has proven far more capable of addressing this topic, I cbf to explain things more than I have to you.

1:1 that’s not earned vs 1:1-5 that is earned and is an ultimate.

Sorry hunty’s but I’m going to have to go with the 2nd option.

I feel for some of them.

I don’t feel for the one’s that
A) Defended her at the start of Mercy 2.0 and defend every previous state since
B) Asked for nerfs to Ana on the old forums (You know who you are).

You literally cannot balance without context. The hero and the ability do not exist in a vaccuum, you can’t balance them as such. You have to balance them with the context of the game in mind. Discussing balance in a vaccuum is absolutely meaningless.

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Leave the elderly alone! She didn’t deserve what she got.

You cbf, or you’re unable to? The latter seems more likely, since you’d rather ignore my points than actually address them.


guess we are talking about vacuums now.

Oh, I know.

I’m just saying that I have no sympathy if you’re a Mercy main and asked for Ana to be nerfed.

Rez doesn’t have to be mass rez to be an ult. But mass rez is absolutely a viable option.