You gotta feel for mercy players

I think my favorite thing to see during this whole debacle was when people condemned Mercy mains for their response to the nerf because X mains got one nerf and didn’t complain

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And why should we be upset about them being worse balance wise, it’s just a video game, not the end of the world.

Plus video games are supposed to be fun, and Mercy isn’t necessarily fun anymore, so yeah


that in itself is poetically funny. People didnt seem to get it wasnt the “nerf” it was the “series of nerfs” very clearly something was wrong. Which has been detailed in many threads.

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If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that Mercy players weren’t the biggest fan of the series of nerfs, and the rest of the playerbase also wasn’t a fan of it because it just shows how much of a requirement she was for pretty much an entire year.

If they just fixed it right away…we wouldn’t be in this debacle.

Blizzard is kind of known for their insane balancing methods, though. Anyone who has ever played their games should know this. Just go look on the WoW and Diablo forums. You’ll see the same type of stuff.

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Here were the main issues with Mercy 1.0.

  1. Resurrect never rewarded players for using Tempo Resurrects on allies and only rewarded the 5 man Resurrects players got.

  2. Mercy never had an E ability to offer some kind of utility that could’ve matched against the strength that was Ana at the time. I don’t think this game needs more CC but I do think more debuffs should be added like an ability in which Mercy can shoot out of her hand to decrease enemy damage being a pacifist would actually fit her VERY well.

  3. Invulnerability was added to give Mercy the survivability she needed after Resurrect was used. But there was 0 nerfs to compensate for that buff. Making Resurrect uncounterable. A LOS fix and a cast time of 0.8 seconds and an animation lock was all the ultimate needed.

  4. Resurrect needed to be called something else to give allied units who were alive some kind of healing or something to make Resurrect more of a mid fight ultimate instead of an after fight ultimate.

  5. Bunnyhop needs to remain in her kit. Period. Flying even though it’s fun is not all that needed. Maybe if people want it to remain you give it to her as a short active time as a space bar ability would be neat with the initial speed when Valkyrie was released. But I really don’t think Mercy needs it.

  6. Mercy needs to remain a single target healer. That was her niche. But please bump it back up to 60HP/S where it belongs.

Those were the main issues of 1.0 Mercy that just needed to be fixed in order for the character to remain a niche hero but enough to make her more viable in higher ranks.


Also Mccree and Soldier.

Oh mercy isn’t fun? Isn’t she literally the most picked hero of all time in OW? Clearly she must be awfully boring to play for sooo many people… so yeah

And my point about the other heroes was that maybe it’s time to redirect attention to somewhere else? Why do we need a million repetitive mercy posts that spew the same thing over and over.

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That’s actually a reasonably fair assessment.

And while I agree the pacifist idea that’s been floating out there does thematically fit Mercy well, I also think it’s a bad idea.

It would be a lot like hack in the sense that it wouldn’t feel good to be on the receiving end of.

I can just imagine playing as Reinhardt and on top of the stuns and hacks I have to already deal with, now I’ve got a mercy cutting my hammer damage too. Really making playing Reinhardt feel hopeless.

Just as one example. Having a regular ability take away the lethality of an ultimate too is definitely something people fill be upset about.

It all probably doesn’t matter cuz they’re not going to do a revert but for that idea specifically, that’s why I dont think it’s a great idea as a whole for the game.

Well guess what, just because she is picked a lot in OWL does NOT mean she is an enjoyable hero to play. Trust me, a lot of Mercy mains know how overpowered Mercy is, and we don’t really like it, that’s why we are asking for something.

Because Blizzard doesn’t seem to want to listen to us, we are going to repeat the same thing over and over until we get noticed.

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Ana grenade Zenyatta Trans?
Ana Sleepdart enemy ultimate?
Defense Matrix any projectile ultimate?
Deflect any projectile ultimate?
I can go on those are just a few.
Someone being upset goes hand in hand with someone having fun vs something being unfun.

Nothing is good on the receiving end. When you randomly step on a junkrat mine with a bomb does that just feel good to you?

What you aren’t realizing is that the skill shot ability would have counterplay just like those other abilities have as well. Being blocked by shields being deflected or Dm’d or dodged. But it would give Mercy a skill in which she can improve on and learn to use something carrying into the higher ranks would be good to master.

I said OW, not OWL (though it’s the truth there too).

It’s not all bad.
Sometimes you can powerswitch a fight if you’re lucky to come back at the right time.
If only Reaper had more than his Shift, Q, and M1.

We can agree to disagree here.
You’re listing a bunch of situationally specific counters. The pacifism suggestion would work vs anything whenever.

Then on top of that, it would allow mercy to peel for herself. Pacify whoever targets her then kill them yourself.

Like I said, it’s a cool suggestion but overall theres just so many issues I can see that would stem from it.

I dont want more Mercy changes that just amount to more Mercy nerfs. Let’s get her right next time. I dont think this is it but it is a cool idea.

What may work better would be to have it as a beam like her healing and damage boost. Then she has to choose between healing/boosting or lowering one enemy’s damage. In that way you could actually fix a lot of the issues I think it’d create.

Ana sleepdart can work against anything whenever.
A Reinhardt/Orisa Shield can work vs anything whenever.
Ana grenade can work against anything whenever.
There is so many more abilities I could write a novel. Not giving something to Mercy in which she can do on her own and make her own plays is why Mercy is boring.
Maybe the pesky Tracer is on me and I Pacify her and gun her down. I made a play myself something that I’d be proud of. The Widowmaker is giving my Pharah pocket a tough time I’ll just decrease her damage to help assist my Pharah get the kill on her. Brigitte is being a nuisance to my Tracer player and using the 1 shot combo on her. Don’t worry I’ll use Pacify so Tracer doesn’t need to worry about her. Pacify will actually counter the uncountered heroes, while still providing the opposing side options for counterplay.

Feel free to list the issues cause I see honestly 0.

You listed Mercy being able to 1v1 Tracer as a good thing.

That would be a huge issue.

Mercy already has the highest mobility and arguably highest survivability of all the healers. She really doesn’t also need to be able to 1v1 the flankers she cant escape.

That’s why I made the beam suggestion. Put it on a resource meter like Moira’s healing or defense matrix. Then a lot of your suggestions on why it would be a good idea like countering Widow damage or combo damage are still possible but pacify becomes a strategic choice you have to commit to.

I think that’s a lot more fair while still being powerful.

So how are you getting Mercy into a position in which she is able to use her beam on the enemy?

If that’s the case the range of her beam is 15M and she would have no way of reaching a Widowmaker in the far back.

Wait… so you want it to also be something you can toss from across the map?

I’m thinking we have very different ideas on what would be balanced here.

A projectile. That can be shot out of her staff or created and thrown out in one of her hands. That travels in a straight line like a Moira ball does and has a decent sized hit box. It would interact the same as a bullet shot out of a weapon where it can be absorbed deflected blocked etc.

It would create some cool play making potential which is something that Mercy lacks. Mercy can do call outs when she lands the projectile.

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moira,lucio,ana :smile:

Actually, no. In the case of the OWL, it’d be a flat out lie, as in the OWL, people pick heroes to win. Fun is the last thing on their minds.

In the case of OW itself, many people, including me, like Mercy for the character. As such, like them, I’ve stuck with her for most of the nerfs. Got me a Mercy statue, etc. But I haven’t really had all that much fun playing her since the rework. With the latest nerfs actually making the character feel useless, I’ve dropped the game, entirely.

I play Overwatch for fun. As Overwatch can no longer combine this with my character of choice, the game’s over for me.

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