You do not understand how MMR is used

It’s almost as if blizzard hid every way for players to understand how ranked works and it turns out no one does. Surprised pikachu face.

Exactly this - they know they have a broken game on hand . They go on to hide prfoiles , ranks etc to further their agenda

I’m gm on support and I can carry games vs gm dps easily. It baffles me how people still think support doesn’t have carry potential.

Forced losses and wins aren’t a thing. People cope so hard about being hard stuck its insane.

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Lol I guarantee you cannot carry games. Please share a replay where you “carried” as support. Funny how some people resort to lying

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Congrats on playing Ana Kiriko or Lucio.

Where did you get this from?

Of course this can happen - welcome to competition. You can play well and lose. But if it’s the matchmakers fault, you are suggesting the highest MMR player on your team?

Can you tell me how that is physically possible to do at scale?

The example is to illustrate that important distinction is that it uses MMR, not SR. And one team can be stronger than the other with the matchmaker actually predicting this is the case. The rest is irrelevant but I’m not sure why that is rigging giving rigging is by definition malicious.

That is just not true - there is a wealth of information out there on the matchmaker directly from Blizzard. I’m an stating what has come out. Those talking about “getting bad teammates” are literally making it up.

Have a look at this link for historical comments:

Have a look at this one for a detailed video on a general Activision approach to matchmaking:

And obviously the most recent blog post brings more clarity more recently: Matchmaker Blog post

I actually think the matchmaker is doing a poor job. I’m just trying to stop people being stupid and actually focus on what’s wrong with it. It clearly won’t work with you though.

Listen - you made a claim, please back it with quotes or I can only believe that this is why you think you get “bad teammates”. You don’t believe you can carry because it’s likely true - you aren’t good enough to carry so you are in the right rank.

That video is of many diffrent games hes worked on not just overwatch again nothing 100% has ever bin proven one way or the other. Weve bin given bits an pieces nothing close to how the system actually works and thats how blizz wants it.

Yes . You keep drinking the koolaid thinking you are in control of your games but the truth is the game has a “system tide” . Eevntually if you keep playing you can overcome this tide and get to your stabilized MMR however there is alot of forced wins and losses in the process. I am a diamond player and I deranked to bronze on purpose. it took many many games to get out of bronze even.

This was just an experieemnt to see how broken the comp system really is due to forced pairing with griefers, throwers and leavers whenever you go on a win streak . This game is not built like other games where you can actually solo carry like counterstrike, starcraft or dota. The players are subject to the system tide. But like I said , eventualy you can overcome it by making small “ripples” but it takes a longer time than other games. This game has a longer runway

Yes but read the rest of the posts - the only thing that I have based this post on, which is fully confirmed and was even confirmed back in OW1 5 years ago is that MMR is used for matchmaking, not SR.

With that being true, it is not possible for you to deliberately be put in games that balance you out for your SR because it is not used.

It’s very simple.

This has been known . It doesn’t even mean anything - the game is fundamentally broken . You cannot win a 4v5 because of its emphasis on filling all hero roles. That’s why when you are down 1 , you basically lose

“Let’s see if they deserve this rank by making sure they can carry a team full of people with three fingers, two left hands, and Parkinson’s!”

Like yeah some people who play 15 hours a day can do that sure but most of us CAN’T.

Good lord, please get this through your head.

I said the matchmaker is bad. And no one is debating that it takes a long time to climb unless you are absolutely dominating lobbies.

The ONLY point of debate I have with you is that you think that you are deliberately matched with players of lower MMR than you because you go on a win streak.


What on earth does you deranking prove? You literally fooled the matchmaker by playing badly (ruining tonnes of games in the process) and are now asking for balanced games on the way up even though you are diamond in Bronze? (ruining more games on the way up)

I don’t even know what I’m talking to right now

Balanced MMR games does not mean balanced games. as I said it before , the different roles are weighted differently . GM DPS =/= GM support . Let’s assume a game is full of bronze and it’s just GM Support and GM DPS. a GM Support will not carry the game to victory. This is how they rig the games

With that said, you can certainly be paired with low MMR players who fill more crucial roles and therefore lose. understand ? How about you get this throguh your head buddy

You don’t seem to understand the issue here.

There are high rank players matched with lower ranks.
Even if they have the same MMR, the game does nothing to ensure people of the same skill are actually in similar ranks nor does it rewards them properly.

People not being in the correct rank is the problem.

I think most people on the forums know SR is meaningless as blizzard formally admitted this in their recent post about matchmaking.

It’s considered rigging because:
definition of game rigging: dishonestly arrange it to get the result they want or to give someone an unfair advantage

The result they want is people to win 50% of their games. The unfair advantage is to the players whose current MMR is below/above the average game mmr.

Competitive was advertised as “play with teammates of equal skill against teammates of equal skill and climb the ranks”

They’ve since changed their verbiage on the tooltip in game because it’s clear anyone who plays this game knows that competitive mode does not pair you WITH or AGAINST players of EQUAL skill.

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No. Based on Blizzard’s blog post, it doesn’t look like they use sr at all for matchmaking. People are saying (per your example) that the matchmaker is trying to find you a 2100 mmr (not sr) game and using your 2400 mmr to balance out someone with a lower mmr (like 1800).

Thats why it appears as though people are being isolated on teams with poor performers, especially after winstreaks.

To make matters worse, if quick play matches can raise your mmr, it may be that you’ll be punished in comp for winning too many matches in quick play. Conversely, you could probably be rewarded with easier matches in competitive by throwing in quick play (while losing no sr in the process).

I’m aware of this - the rank reset does this deliberately but I’m not talking about whether the system is problematic or not… I’m talking about people misunderstanding the system in the first place.

I’m not sure how you can make a system that is trying to make a balanced game and isn’t considered rigging then

Yes, that’s precisely what I said.

Yes people are saying that but they are saying that winning causes you to be at the top end of the sr for the next game.

I’m saying that (per your example) the matchmaker could also find you a 2700 mmr game and use you as a counterbalance to a 3000 mmr player if you are only 2400 mmr.

Why do people believe the matchmaker is ONLY finding games below their MMR and not above?

It doesn’t seem very many people have had that particular experience. They’re getting low mmr people from somewhere, but nobody seems to be posting about that here in the forum.

Truth be told I wouldn’t want to be the low mmr guy in a game either. That would be just as bad, especially for the rest of my team. And I do think I personally experienced that during my placement matches.


I witness this game with my own eyes.

When you win a couple of games, you will get Tank diff’d so hard by the matchmaker that you simply can not win the next two games. Over and over for eternity.

That’s Blizzard’s idea of “fun.”

In fact, I think Jeff Kaplan said as much one time, that they want to create more of a WLWLWL type of experience.

So, that’s rigged. That’s fake. And you can see it.

I know, because my duo partner will literally add everyone as a friend just to see their profile.
When the MMR thinks we need to go vs. a Plat dps in our Gold game… we get a Bronze tank too.

MMR is WAY too strong, and it does indeed screw you over with worse teammates.
It also gives you better teammates when you lose a few games, which is even more insulting.

MMR uses metrics to determine your skill. this is the main problem. 5v5 game with a trillion different parameters should never try to guess your rank. we only need sr system based on wins and wins alone. the only time when mmr should kick in is when a player (despite losing some matches) is clearly dominating on his wins. this means he should be boosted (double sr or smth) until he cant dominate anymore.

There is no other reason to use MMR. The point on the game is to win, it doesn’t matter if you accomplished this with 5 kills and 20 deaths on dps if you managed to extract every sup cd and you had your enemies attention 24/7 so your team can wipe them. after all, fights in ow can take a lot of time when in reality the only thing that matters is which team won. you can die 3 times in a single fight doing nothing but this one time you put the last bullet on mercys head was the winning factor.

Until we reach some super high tech AI, mmr is just a crap way of matchmaking and ranking. There is no MMR in real life btw. Blizzard is just obsessed with stats and spreadsheets and excel graphs and they keep using the same system that doesn’t work for 7 years in ow. Just let the damn sr thing match the games. Tell your players, idc how you win this game, JUST WIN IT.

ps. i won a game yesterday with almost 1/1 kd reatio on dps. i should be happy and i am bcs this will lower my mmr instead of increasing it. its insane!